Jordan Wilson threatens nephew & sister with gun during altercation over money

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30-year-old Jordan Wilson had a domestic incident with his nephew, Jaylon Calhoun, and his sister, Jaylon’s mother, Brittany Calhoun, at McKendree Village, Jaylon’s job, on Lebanon Pike late June 10th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Jaylon, who stated that Wilson had come to his job and “pulled a gun on him.” Then, Jaylon said he had an ongoing dispute with Wilson regarding a “money issue.” Jaylon added that Wilson had sent numerous messages about money that he allegedly owed him. He stated that Wilson drove up to McKendree Village and waited outside for him. Then, Jaylon said Wilson approached him and started arguing before yelling at him, asking, “Where is my money?” Jaylon responded, “Leave me alone,” and Brittany intervened. After this, Jaylon told officers that Wilson walked to his car and grabbed a gun. Wilson waved it around and pointed it in Jaylon’s direction, causing him to run away in fear for his life.

Then, the police spoke with Brittany, who said she arrived to pick up Jaylon from work. She said she was sitting in her vehicle, waiting for Jaylon, when she observed Wilson pulling into the parking lot. Brittany added that when she noticed Wilson yelling at Jaylon and asking about money, she approached Wilson and told him to leave. She said that Wilson then threatened her, telling her she would shoot her before going to his car and grabbing a gun. Then, she said she and Jaylon ran for safety, and Wilson drove off to his vehicle.

Jordan Wilson (MNPD)
Jordan Wilson (MNPD)

After this, officers spoke with Jamie Flood, who works for HR at the location. She stated that she was in her office when she overheard yelling outside, so she went to investigate. Then, Flood said she saw Wilson go to his car, retrieve a “black gun,” and point it at Jaylon and Brittany. Flood added that she ran inside but could still see Wilson acting erratically. Another employee at the location, Evan Fanning, told the police that he saw Wilson outside arguing with Jaylon and cursing at him. Then, he said he witnessed Wilson grab a gun from his vehicle, causing him and Flood to run for safety in the belief that he would start shooting. When officers reviewed footage of the incident, it corroborated Flood, Fanning, Jaylon, and Brittany’s statements. Then, Jaylon and Brittany gave officers Wilson’s identity and added that they wanted to press charges for the occurrence. Officers obtained warrants for Wilson’s arrest. Wilson was later taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on September 6th.

Jordan D. Wilson of Elysian Fields Rd in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on September 6th, charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He is free on a $40,000 bond.

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