Tourist Troy Herriman deemed too drunk for Kid Rock’s bar — public intoxication

39-year-old Troy Francic Herriman was causing a disturbance at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk in the early hours of November 23rd. Herriman was visibly intoxicated as officers approached him, and he advised them he had been drinking but would not specify how much. Security at the bar told officers that Herriman had too much to drink and was not welcome due to his belligerent behavior. Herriman was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Dylon Peek charged with DUI after drinking in downtown Nashville

30-year-old Dylon Peek was involved in a car accident on Main St. on November 25th. As officers arrived, Peek sat in the driver’s seat with the ignition on. They observed an odor of alcohol as Peek advised them he had two beers before leaving Downtown. Peek was visibly intoxicated and refused to take sobriety tests before being taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Bailie Sutter jailed after interfering with police when her boyfriend got into a fight in downtown Nashville. 

23-year-old Bailie Sutter and her boyfriend were outside of Kid Rock’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning when her boyfriend became involved in a fight with other individuals. Officers arrived and attempted to separate everyone. Bailie was told to back away so the situation could be calmed, but she refused and pushed past police multiple times in an attempt to get to her boyfriend, who was being detained. Officers attempted to explain what was happening with her boyfriend, but she refused to listen and pushed past them again. She was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

Canadian Robert Farrington jailed after “poking” Nashville Firefighter in downtown Nashville

39-year-old Canadian Robert Farrington was “poking a firefighter” at Rippy’s bar in downtown Nashville late Saturday night, causing them to alert nearby police. The firefighter told officers that Farrington was previously fighting two other individuals as they approached him and ended the altercation. He continued to “poke” the firefighter and was extremely intoxicated throughout the interaction. Unable to provide information about his friends or hotel, he was taken into custody and transported to booking. He pulled away and became combative during his arrest and was additionally charged with resisting arrest.

Andrew Patterson jailed for public intoxication in Nashville

23-year-old Andrew Patterson was stumbling down Demonbreun Street Saturday night while visibly intoxicated. He was denied admission to at least two bars and was observed banging his fists on a car window. Security detained him until officers arrived. He was given the opportunity to locate his friends or a ride to his home or hotel but was unable to do so. Patterson was eventually taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

Jackson Barfield assaults woman at Play Dance Bar in Nashville

20-year-old Jackson Barfield was involved in a domestic disturbance with Eva Thompson, a friend, at Club Play in Downtown Nashville on November 11th. Thompson told officers that she invited Barfield for protection since she was going to Nashville, so she picked him up, got to the bar, and they sat in the parking lot and drank some alcohol before going inside. She said this was when Barfield told her, “You better not be talking to other guys in there.” They went inside Play, which is one of Nashville’s prominent LGBT bars, and Barfield went to the bathroom as Thompson started to dance with other guys on the stage. Barfield returned from the restroom, grabbed her by the ankle, and grabbed her by the dress as she leaned down to talk, pulled her off the stage, held her against the wall, and struck her in the face. Club Play’s Security broke up the incident, and Barfield fled and texted Thompson that he was in her car. Security went and collected Thompson’s keys and told her to leave, so she called her mom to pick her up since she had been drinking. Barfield was taken into custody for domestic assault on November 22nd.

Gerber Rosales assaults ex-girlfriend after being told to “sleep in the living room”

20-year-old Gerber Waldemar Rosales was jailed Tuesday morning after assaulting his ex-girlfriend after an argument on Mountain High Drive. Bianni Lucio stated that when Rosales came home drunk, they began to argue, and she told him to “sleep in the living room.” That upset Mr. Rosales, so he pulled Bianni from the bed and told her she would be the one sleeping in the living room. He then grabbed her and began to push her around. She tried to kick him off her but accidentally kicked the wall, causing damage. Mr. Rosales finally gave up and walked away from her. Officers observed scratches to Bianni’s right leg and a swollen and bruised left leg. Mr. Rosales told officers that there was only an argument and nothing physical occurred. Police observed his shirt was turned from the scuffle and determined he was the primary aggressor.

Brian Edwin Rawlings slaps baby-mama during child exchange

31-year-old Brian Rawlings was jailed on November 19th for assaulting the mother of his child after they did a custody exchange on Lebanon Pike. Mina Hosseini told police that the two had scheduled a time to drop off their children over text when Rawlings said that he was going to slap her. When she arrived at the exchange location and put their children in the back of Rawlings’s vehicle, he slapped her twice across her face. According to Mina, he then grabbed her arm and began dragging her around the car. He fled the scene once she stated that she was going to call the police.

DUI: Matthew Thomas Jr. consumes 24oz beer before driving

53-year-old Matthew Thomas Jr. flagged down an officer on East Old Hickory Blvd. in the late hours of November 20th, indicating that he had been in a car crash. Officers confirmed the accident via dispatch, where the other party was waiting to speak with them. The other driver eventually came to where they were and alerted officers of the possible injury he sustained. Officers could see Thomas was visibly intoxicated, and he even admitted to consuming a 24oz beer 2 hours prior but also stated that he waited an hour and a half for the police at the scene, leaving only 30 minutes between when he consumed the beer and when he began driving. Thomas kept repeating that he “pulled over to speak to the police and not the other way around.” He also confirmed that he rear-ended the other vehicle. Thomas refused to provide a blood sample, was read an implied consent form, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Joel Kaizer flees scene of crash, fails to appear in court

21-year-old Joel Kaizer was involved in a car accident on Donelson Pike in December 2022. Kaizer initially fled the scene and did not stop until a traffic stop was conducted. Officers were notified that Kaizer failed to appear in court in September 2022, causing his license to be suspended. Kaizer was cited for leaving the scene of an accident and driving on a suspended license. He failed to appear in court on April 24th and was taken into custody on November 20th for failure to be booked.