Larry Haralson strangles, throws beer cans at girlfriend during argument

27-year-old Larry Haralson was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Julyvette Quinones, at Carter Street on November 17th. Quinones told officers she and Haralson’s argument escalated when he began to throw beer cans around the apartment, damaging several items. Then, she said, Haralson grabbed her, started to strangle her, and at one point pushed her face into the bed, telling her that she was going to die. Quinones advised that she lost consciousness for about 5 seconds but was able to fight Haralson away. Officers observed a hole in the wall, beer cans, and a dent in the bedroom TV around the apartment. Haralson was taken into custody for aggravated assault on November 20th.

Angel Estrada deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

26-year-old Angel Arturo Estrada was on James Robertson Parkway this past weekend as officers were dispatched regarding an impaired individual. Estrada admitted he was drunk and was speaking incoherently, unable to provide information about his home address or call for any form of transportation. Estrada was taken into custody for public intoxication.

18-year-old Kavel Pigrum breaks into home, punches police officer

18-year-old Kavel S. Pigrum was jailed on November 19th after officers were dispatched for a burglary in progress. When officers arrived, they observed the glass patio door had been shattered. They entered the apartment to ensure no one was inside. While clearing the apartment, they observed items thrown all around in disarray. The home belonged to Malachi Blackmith; his mother arrived while police were on the scene because she was notified that the alarm was going off. She also provided a location where Malachi’s phone was pinging. Officers put in a welfare check to that location and discovered North officers were already with Malachi and Pigrum. Before Malachi was arrested for unrelated charges, he showed police video footage of Pigrum throwing a rock at the patio door, shattering it. After the glass was shattered, Pigrum, along with two juveniles, went inside the apartment and began smashing items that were worth up to two thousand dollars. Malachi told police he believed Pigrum was looking for him due to a domestic incident involving him and Pigrum’s sister.

It was also reported that while North officers were taking Malachi into custody, Pigrum pulled up with multiple individuals, got out of the car, and ran towards officers. The officers commanded him to get back, but he refused and began throwing punches toward Malachi. During the “flurry” of punches, Pigrum hit an officer in the face, leaving a mark and causing swelling to his left eye. After the officer was hit, the fight was broken up, and Pigrum was placed in cuffs.

DUI: Yesenia Juarez has “two glasses of wine and a beer” before driving

29-year-old Yesenia Juarez was changing her tire in the early hours of Sunday morning when officers confronted her because she was in a traffic lane. She told officers that her tire was flat, so she was changing it, but the frame of her car was pressing into her vehicle, so it wasn’t an issue that changing a tire could fix. Officers then asked Juarez if she had anything to drink, and she told them that she had several drinks. While conversing with the officers, Juarez slurred her words, prompting them to conduct a Field Sobriety Test, which she performed poorly on. Officers attempted to read implied consent to Juarez, but she refused to listen. While in the patrol car, Juarez admitted to having “two glasses of wine and a beer.” Juarez was taken into custody and charged with DUI and implied consent.

Malachi Blacksmith assaults juvenile girlfriend, presses her face into tire

20-year-old Malachi Blacksmith was jailed early Sunday morning after assaulting his Juvenile girlfriend on Vista Lane. Blacksmith was very vague and wouldn’t answer many questions about the incident. While police were conducting interviews, a vehicle pulled up to the house, and several people got out and began trying to fight Mr. Blacksmith. Officers separated everyone and spoke with the unnamed juvenile victim. She stated that she and Blacksmith were at a birthday party at the Hampton Inn on Dickerson Pike when they got into an argument because he didn’t want her to get into the pool. The two left the hotel and began arguing in the car, where she backhanded Mr. Blacksmith in the mouth. According to the victim, Mr. Blacksmith grabbed her head and snatched her wig off. The victim said she got out of the car and sat on the ground crying. She stated that her boyfriend then picked her up and put her in the backseat of the car, where he pressed her face into a spare tire. The juvenile victim had a red mark on her neck, a mark under her eye, and a dark black spot on her cheek from the tire. Officers observed redness to Malachi’s lip. There were no witnesses to the incident, but based on the severity of the injuries, Blacksmith was determined to be the primary aggressor.

DUI: Ryan Terrell crashes car, says he “saw a deer, but that may not be true”

27-year-old Ryan Terrell says he drank two sixteen-ounce “Voodoo Rangers” before crashing his car near Hwy 70 & Charlotte Pike just after 2 a.m. Saturday. After the crash, he exited his vehicle and began walking down the road with bloody hands, where officers located him approximately 1.5 miles from the crash site. He explained he was headed home from work when, “I saw a deer, and that may not be true,” when asked about the crash. He was visibly intoxicated and admitted he was drunk during questioning. After a blood draw, Terrell was transported to booking.

Tourist Alex Lopez assaults bouncer at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville

25-year-old tourist Alex Lopez was being removed from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. While being escorted from an upper floor of the venue, Lopez reportedly became aggressive with security. Once outside, he began to throw hands, striking bouncer Candice Holloway in the face. The incident was captured on video, and Lopez was taken into custody, charged with assault.

Tourist Joshua Turner jailed after disturbance at downtown Nashville bar

21-year-old Missouri tourist Joshua Turner was kicked out of Luke’s 32 Bar in downtown Nashville early Friday night due to his disruptive behavior, according to security staff. After being removed from the property, Turner continued to return, stating that bouncers kept his ID. As the situation escalated, officers intervened and verified the bar did not have his identification. Police advised his friend group he was trespassed from the bar, and his ID wasn’t inside. A short time later, Turner returned, once again, to the bar, demanding the return of his ID. Due to his level of intoxication and behavior, Turner was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Vandy Basketball Forward Lee Dort jailed & suspended from team for domestic assault

21-year-old Vanderbilt Men’s Basketball Forward Lee Dort reportedly assaulted and strangled his ex-girlfriend, Amani Foster, on the Vanderbilt Campus in the early hours of Sunday morning. Vanderbilt Police responded to a report of screams at 1:14 a.m. coming from a dorm room at McTyeire Hall. Foster told officers that 6’9″ Dort took her cell phone and shoved her against a wall and bedpost in her dorm room. He accused her of lying to him about her location during Thanksgiving and searched her texts and call logs on her phone. He says he discovered she was with someone else on Thanksgiving night. He then reportedly gripped her neck after she slid down onto the bed. Officers documented red marks and scratches on the victim. Dort initially fled the scene but was located at Memorial Gymnasium, where he was questioned about the incident. Vanderbilt Spokesperson Jacob Bell confirms Dort has been suspended from the basketball program pending the outcome of investigations by both the criminal justice system and the university.

DUI: Omar El-Assuli crashes after leaving Soho Lounge in Nashville

26-year-old Omar El-Assuli was involved in a single-vehicle accident on November 25th. Officers arrived and noticed that El-Assuli had a strong cologne odor while chewing some gum, causing them to believe he was using it to cover a scent. He advised officers that he had fallen asleep while driving and thought he hit a pole but was unaware of how the crash happened. Officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated as he told them he was coming from the Soho Lounge. El-Assuli told officers he had a handgun, so they secured it, and then he agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly. El-Assuli was taken into custody for driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while under the influence.