Scott Hamrick found overdosing in car at Starbucks

37-year-old Scott Hamrick overdosed on Charlotte Ave. in the afternoon of September 14th. Claire Brown and Bethany Fielder, two Starbucks employees, advised officers that Hamrick had passed out in his vehicle with a needle in his arm, and they broke the front window of the car for paramedics. Officers observed the needle and a small bag of cocaine in the vehicle before citing Hamrick for driving under the influence. A warrant was issued on October 13th, and Hamrick was taken into custody.

Abram Kiroles booked for going 94 in a 55mph zone in his Toyota Camry

19-year-old Abram Nagy Kiroles, an employee of Subway, was taken into custody on November 13th for going 94 mph in a 55-mph zone on I-440 East in his Toyota Camry on the afternoon of October 27th. Officers observed Kiroles and conducted a traffic stop. Kiroles admitted knowing he was speeding and was then cited for reckless driving.

Robert Rohades found laying down drunk on Broadway

31-year-old Robert Jennings Rohades was lying on the ground in a parking lot off Broadway in the early hours of November 18th. Officers observed Rohades and asked him if he had any friends who would help him get home safely. He was uncooperative and eventually became aggressive towards officers. Rohades was visibly intoxicated as officers deemed him unable to take care of himself, so they placed him in custody for public intoxication.

Zaky Fawzy ignores police, yells racial slurs at Lyft driver

47-year-old Zaky Fawzy, a taxicab driver, was on Almond Street in September when he got out of his vehicle and walked up to Latonya White’s, a Lyft driver, car and hit her window, startling her. White asked him why he had banged on her window, and he told her that she was blocking traffic. She continued to wait for her passenger after she asked Fawzy not to hit her window, then he reapproached the vehicle, threatening to call the police, and she responded,” Ok, I’ll be right here when they arrive.” The incident escalated when Fawzy and his passenger both told White to move out of the way. Fawzy then began to use racial slurs, causing her to fear for her safety, so she canceled her passenger and left the area before notifying officers. Fawzy was identified via photo lineup after being pulled over on Broadway for an unrelated traffic violation in the early hours of November 19th. Officers were conducting foot patrols when they observed Fawzy using his cell phone while driving. After noticing the officers, he tried to put his phone down, disregarding their signals to stop, and attempted to speed off but was at a red light. Fawzy became belligerent and started yelling when officers asked him to provide his license, registration, and proof of insurance. Officers advised him why he was being pulled over, but he insisted that he did nothing wrong and continued refusing to comply. Fawzy was taken into custody for failure to comply with an order and was additionally charged with assault regarding the incident with White.

DUI: Fady Milad crashes after consuming mystery pill he “thought was Percocet”

24-year-old Fady Ashraf Milad was cited on October 30th when he was involved in a single-vehicle accident. Nashville Fire Department arrived and pulled him out of the vehicle, placed him in an ambulance, and gave him Narcan. Milad woke up shortly after and began vomiting. Officers questioned Milad, and he advised them he had bought a blue pill that he “thought was Percocet” from someone on the street, consumed it before driving, and did not remember anything after that. Milad was taken into custody on November 13th for driving under the influence.

Nancy King hits neighbor with phone multiple times during dispute

37-year-old Nancy King was taken into custody on November 13th for assaulting her neighbor, Stephanie Chavez, at Byrum Avenue. Chavez advised officers that King “hit her across the head multiple times with her phone.” Officers were told the argument started over a parking issue regarding a Nashville soccer game. Chavez had visible injuries on her face and was transported to Skyline Medical for treatment. King spoke with officers and told them Chavez was walking on her property, arguing with her over the parking issue, getting in her face and touching her, which escalated the altercation. Murihano Espoir, a witness, stated that King and Chavez were arguing before punches were thrown and that King was the initial instigator. Espoir provided a video showing them punching each other before King started to hit her in the head with her phone numerous times. Chavez wished to prosecute.

Bradley Baker jailed after violating bond conditions

27-year-old Bradley Baker was taken into custody on November 15th for violating conditions of his bond from a previous domestic incident in Williamson County involving Daniela Corry. Baker went to TriStar Centennial Professional Plaza, Corry’s place of employment, and was seen walking around her vehicle, looking in the windows by one of her coworkers.

Charniece Lee steals over $5,000 from Target

33-year-old Charniece Lee, an employee of Target, was taken into custody on November 16th for thefts that occurred at Target earlier in the year. Mr. Gentry, a loss prevention employee at Target, provided surveillance video of Lee making fraudulent returns in both January and October. Lee can be seen assisting the same unknown female in both incidents. The unidentified female would enter Target without any merchandise then approach Lee to make a “return.” Lee would then process a refund and give her cash from the register. The total of money stolen was $5,953.77. Lee admitted to making the returns and acknowledged that the unknown female did not return merchandise before collecting the cash. Lee was charged with theft of property.

Mykah Butler charged with speeding on Briley Parkway; not showing up for court

23-year-old Mykah Butler was pulled over for speeding on Briley Parkway in August. Butler was caught going 80 mph in a 55-mph-zone and was issued a citation by police. She failed to appear in court in September and was taken into custody on November 19th for the outstanding warrant.

Joe Garza Alaffa-Molina tells officers “I’m drunk as fuck, and that whiskey is hitting just right.”

23-year-old Joe Garza Alaffa-Molina nearly walked into oncoming traffic this past weekend on Broadway. Officers patrolled the area as they observed this and decided to check on Alaffa-Molina. He was visibly intoxicated when officers asked him if he was with anyone or if he needed medical attention; he replied, “No.” Alaffa-Molina advised officers he had no way of getting home nor had anybody to call to pick him up, so they placed him in custody for public intoxication, and that was when he said, “I’m drunk as fuck, and that whisky is hitting just right.”