DUI: Leandro Arteaga rear-ends vehicle leaving restaurant

23-year-old Leandro Arteaga was jailed on November 18th after causing an accident on Nolensville Pike. When police arrived, they observed Arteaga beside his damaged vehicle. He admitted to driving and stated that he had rear-ended a car as he was coming from a restaurant. Officers could smell alcohol coming from his breath as he spoke and noticed his glassy, bloodshot eyes. Arteaga then performed poorly on sobriety tests and was taken into custody.

DUI: Jamisha Malone falls asleep behind wheel of car in downtown Nashville

30-year-old Jamisha Malone was jailed on November 19th after police observed a red Honda Civic blocking traffic near 1st and Broadway. The officer approached the vehicle to find Malone asleep behind the wheel with the key in the ignition. The officer knocked on the window to wake her. She stumbled out of her vehicle and was asked to consent to sobriety tests. Ms. Malone performed poorly on the tasks and was taken into custody. While at booking, she blew a .163% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Thomas Virden assaults wife during child custody dispute

34-year-old Thomas C Virden was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Myven Virden, at his apartment on November 18th. Officers arrived, spoke with Thomas, and were advised he and Myven are separated, have a private arrangement regarding the custody of their daughter, and argued over their daughter when she came to pick her up. Thomas told her to leave, but she refused to leave without their child and sat in a chair until he grabbed her and began to force her towards the door. Thomas’s mother filmed the physical altercation and, as officers reviewed it, determined Thomas to be the primary aggressor. Their daughter was released to the care of Myven, and Thomas was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Mohamed Osman Mohamed jailed for multiple Airbnb burglaries

22-year-old Mohamed Mohamed was jailed on Saturday for being involved in a string of Airbnb burglaries. The first reported burglary involved four men wearing black hoodies that broke into a white Ford Fusion with Georgia tags. Officers reviewed Ring camera footage showing the suspects leaving in the vehicle. Later, that same Ford Fusion with the same suspects was seen breaking into a home on Martin Street. They stole two purses from that location. Officers later discovered the vehicle with the same suspects driving near Wedgewood and 12th Avenue and attempted to pull them over. The driver refused to stop, and officers began chasing the car. The officers decided to terminate the pursuit due to the speed being a safety concern near the River Gate area. Officers located the stolen Ford Fusion that was abandoned near Gallatin Pike. As officers were waiting to process the vehicle, they were flagged down by Rivergate Mall security, who notified them that there were multiple juveniles wearing dark hoodies who were running. Officers chased the juveniles on foot. When officers caught up with them, they were identified as the four outstanding males linked to the stolen vehicle. They were all taken into custody for interviews and then to the detention center.

DUI: Stuart Michael Cassidy lies about having Cerebral Palsy to avoid sobriety tests

31-year-old Stuart Michael Cassidy was involved in a car accident on November 18. Ashley Brooke Jones-Rabotte and Clifton Barnes witnessed this and advised officers Cassidy exited the vehicle with a bottle of Crown in his jacket and asked,” Do you think I can throw this away?” Cassidy told officers that he did not have anything to drink and the reason he crashed was that he was driving too fast. Cassidy was visibly intoxicated and did not want to answer any more questions. Officers noticed a liquor bottle outside Cassidy’s vehicle. Cassidy told them that he could not perform sobriety tests because he had cerebral palsy, so they mirandized him and placed him in custody for driving under the influence.

Renard Christian Jr. charged with DUI; blows 0.093% BAC on breathalyzer

34-year-old Renard Christian Jr. called officers regarding his disabled vehicle on I-24 W in the early hours of November 19th. Officers observed Christian to be visibly intoxicated when they spoke with him, and he advised them that he had one beer as he was driving home from Division Street. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and provided a breath sample that resulted in 0.093% BAC. Christian was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Ryan Maher: Too Drunk to Fly at Nashville International Airport

39-year-old Ryan Taylor Maher was jailed early in the morning on November 20th after his wife requested a welfare check at BNA in the middle of the night because she believed her husband was drunk. As officers walked into the main lobby, they spotted Maher headed toward TSA, which was closed with all their doors shut. Officers explained to Maher that they were doing a welfare check because his wife, whom he was on the phone with, was worried about him. He had an unmistakable odor of alcohol coming from his body and told the police he missed his flight twice and was trying for the third time today to fly out. Maher was swaying repeatedly as he told police he would get an Uber. The officers advised Maher that they needed to see him book the Uber to prove he could care for himself, but he couldn’t open the application. He kept swaying repeatedly and took a while to respond to every question. When officers saw him fall over, they placed him in custody.

Ethan Shaddon tries fighting multiple people on Broadway

22-year-old Ethan Shaddon was jailed Saturday morning after officers were flagged down to the area of 4th Avenue and Broadway due to what sounded like an individual attempting to fight others in the area. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Shaddon had punched Ashley Cottongim on the side of her head. She advised police that there were other victims that Shaddon had assaulted; however, they were not located.

Neal Wright charged in jealous assault of fiancée, Season Hutchins

47-year-old Neal Wright was jailed on November 18th after assaulting his fiancée on Chickadee Circle during a late September incident. According to Realtor Season Hutchins, she received a phone call from an old male friend she hadn’t spoken to in about two and a half years. This caused Wright to become angry and jealous. He took her phone and threw it at her, hitting her in the elbow. She then received another phone call from the old friend, and Wright picked up her phone once again and threw it at her, this time striking her in the chin and leaving a cut. When Hutchins went to call the police, he fled the scene. The cut was bleeding during the duration of the call. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked this week.

Landlord Yousuf Ahmad charged with firing gun at tenant while intoxicated

33-year-old Yousuf Ahmad was reportedly intoxicated in the early hours of Sunday morning when he sent a text message to his tenant, Kisa Myrick, who lives next door. When she received the text, which advised she needed to move out, she went to the door of Ahmad’s home, but he did not answer. As she returned to her home, she says he came behind her and forced his way into her home while holding a black handgun. He reportedly grabbed her by her wrist and yelled at her, threatening to kill her, and fired the firearm.

During questioning, police say Ahmad repeated himself and would randomly yell and scream. He claims he only answered his door and went back to bed; however, his girlfriend confirmed to police that he followed the victim to her home, and police retrieved a Glock 22, along with a shell casing, on the front steps of the victim’s home.