DUI: Jack Neuls found passed out in vehicle, asks officers for a “Semen Sample”

46-year-old Jack Neuls was slumped over and passed out in his vehicle in a lane of traffic near Russell Street and Interstate Drive around midnight on December 27th. Security from a nearby establishment informed them that he had been there for almost 20 minutes. Officers observed his car, causing traffic to back up, so they opened the door, turned the vehicle off, and woke Neuls up. He woke up visibly intoxicated with slurred speech as they questioned him about what he was doing. He admitted to drinking a lot, stepped out of the vehicle, and tried to go back into the car when they asked him for his license. He was stopped and told them where it would be. Officers found a bag of marijuana while they searched for it. Neuls consented to sobriety tests but had a hard time following the instructions, cursing at them as they asked if he understood the directions. Due to his aggression, the test was stopped, and he was detained. They asked him for a blood sample, and he replied by asking them for a “semen sample.” A subsequent search of his vehicle yielded an open beer can, and he was taken into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and possessing a controlled substance.

18-year-old Warren Cloud punches mother multiple times during argument

18-year-old Warren Cloud had a domestic dispute with his mother, Hope Hall, at her home on Clayton Avenue on December 26th. As officers arrived, Cloud loaded his belongings into a vehicle in front of the house. He ignored them and continued to reach into his car, so they detained him. Hall emerged from the house and was seen by paramedics regarding pain in her ribs but refused to be transported to the hospital. They were advised that she had called the authorities numerous times regarding Cloud assaulting her or damaging items inside her home. She was referred to juvenile court because of his age, but he is an adult as of December 21st.  Hall informed them she was standing on the porch arguing with Cloud over a glass door he shattered on December 22nd. She stated he slammed the door, causing more glass to fall, and during the argument, he threw a pizza box at her. Hall then threw the box back at him, and in response, he began to punch her in the ribs repeatedly. They spoke with Cloud, who told them that Hall grabbed him around the neck, so he punched her in the ribs in self-defense. She wished to prosecute and obtain an order of protection. He was taken into custody for domestic assault on December 26th.

Margaret Slea hits disabled sister multiple times in chest, tells her “be quiet; you are supposed to listen to me!”

63-year-old Margaret Slea was jailed December 22nd, charged with abusing her sister, who is an adult with disabilities that lives at an assisted living facility on Ashland City Highway. Multiple employees and other witnesses reported the abuse to police and cooperated by providing statements. Officers determined that Slea visited her sister on December 21st, and hit her sister multiple times in the chest, and then shook her. The commotion caught the attention of witnesses, who entered the room and observed the assault. Slea shook her sister, telling her, “be quiet; you are supposed to listen to me!” The victim has an intellectual disability and is unable to care for herself, but was able to corroborate the witness reports, and pointed to her head, chest, and leg, when asked where her sister had abused her. Slea denied all accounts, and stated she only put her hand on her sister’s chest. She was taken into custody and charged with Vulnerable Adult Abuse.

DUI: Ethan Kyle flips car after drinking at bar before driving

24-year-old Ethan Kyle was involved in a car accident at the Elm Hill Pike and Briley Parkway intersection in the early hours of December 23rd. When the officers arrived, Kyle was sitting on the curb next to his vehicle. They observed his vehicle was flipped over due to the crash and requested his license. He refused medical attention, but the other party involved was transported to Summit Hospital with minor injuries. Officers noticed Kyle was visibly intoxicated and was wearing a paper wristband that stated he was over 21, commonly used at bars. Officers then asked Kyle to perform SFTs, which he consented to. Kyle then performed poorly, was Mirandized, and taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Indiana tourist William Lirette bites security guard during drunken fight at wrong hotel

29-year-old William Lirette was jailed in the early hours of Saturday morning after he made his way into the wrong hotel and bit a security guard’s arm. Just before 3 a.m. Lirette entered the Conrad Hotel on West End Ave. and went to the third floor, where he insisted he had a room. Security informed him that he was not a guest at the location, and the two began to fight in the hallway. Metro PD was alerted and arrived to find him and security on the ground, where they had been grappling, and Lirette bit the guard on the arm. Officers discovered a hotel keycard for the Aloft Hotel in Lirette’s pocket. He was transported to booking and charged with criminal trespassing and public intoxication.

Jon Erickson appears naked and bloody at his mom’s front door, smashes out glass 

45-year-old Jon Ritchie Erickson was extremely intoxicated when he appeared naked at the front door of a Jamestown Park residence where his mother lives. He was making a loud commotion, which caught the attention of his mother, Marianne Marshall. She arrived at the front door to find her son naked on the stoop and bleeding profusely. His injuries appear to be from glass, which he had broken from the panes of the front door panel. He fled the area before police arrived, but officers located him nearby. After EMS treated his wounds, Erickson attempted to flee and tensed his muscles up in an unsuccessful effort to not be arrested. Estimated damage to the home, which is owned by Benjamin Richards, was $500.

Jordan Hubbard charged with DUI after 2 a.m. crash in West Nashville

27-year-old Jordan Hubbard was involved in a traffic accident near Charlotte and 25th Ave just after 2 a.m. Saturday. Both parties refused medical attention, and when officers spoke to Hubbard, he admitted to drinking prior to driving. Hubbard stated he consumed one drink, containing mostly rum, at approximately 10 p.m. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, showing “great signs of impairment,” according to police. He was transported to booking, where he blew a 0.132% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Andrew Irby charged with reckless driving in Porsche 911 on Gallatin Pike

Police say 36-year-old Andrew Irby was driving his 2024 Porsche 911 turbo on Gallatin Pike at an extreme rate of speed. He was observed cutting off multiple vehicles and almost caused numerous accidents due to his reckless driving, according to officers who captured the incident on car-based cameras. Even after lights and sirens were engaged, he traveled nearly a half-mile before police caught up with him due to his excessive speed.

Fox17 Meteorologist Greg Bobos jailed for DUI after late-night crash

35-year-old Fox17 television meteorologist Greg Bobos told police he consumed “a couple of mimosas” before crashing his car at the Kroger on Monroe Street on Christmas Eve. There were no injuries, only property damage, but the other involved individual observed that Bobos may have been impaired. Officers made contact with Bobos and immediately noticed alcohol coming from his breath, along with extremely watery eyes. He admitted to drinking the champagne mimosas and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Bobos refused a breathalyzer and was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Roman Betancourt-Garcia charged with drag racing on I-24 in Antioch

19-year-old Roman Betancourt-Garcia was speeding on I-24 East, near Antioch Pike, in the late-night hours of November 26th. Officers observed him and a dark-colored Nissan traveling in and out of traffic at 105 miles per hour while racing. A traffic stop was conducted, officers spoke with Betancourt-Garcia, and he advised them he did not have a driver’s license. He was cited for drag racing. Betancourt-Garcia was booked on the citation on December 19th.