David Garner drunkenly refuses to leave Opryland Hotel, declares he is a “Federal Agent”

41-year-old David Garner was at the Opryland Hotel on Opry Mills Drive in the late hours of December 20th when he refused to leave after being asked to. When officers arrived, they met with the Opryland Hotel Security staff, who told officers that there was an assault incident that occurred on the General Jackson Boat dock involving Garner and his female friend. Security asked Garner and his friend to leave because of the incident but refused to tell them their room numbers or leave the property. Officers spoke with Garner, who seemed intoxicated. When officers told Garner that he would be arrested if he did not leave, he became aggressive and argumentative. After half an hour of arguing with Garner, the officers escorted him to the lobby and ordered a taxi. Instead of getting in the taxi, Garner declared he was a “federal agent” and approached a hotel employee, becoming verbally aggressive. Garner was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespassing.

18-year-old Luis Alvizo stands in traffic on Korean Veterans Memorial Bridge, throws items at vehicles

18-year-old Luis Alvizo was seen standing in the middle of the road on the Korean Veterans Memorial Bridge, stopping traffic and throwing items on December 20th. Alvizo was seen by multiple witnesses, including Deputy Judd of Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, who radioed that Alvizo was throwing something in front of a car. Alvizo then walked into the deputy’s personal space in a threatening manner. Law enforcement determined that Alvizo was creating a hazardous condition without any legitimate reason and was doing it in a threatening manner. Alvizo was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

19-year-old Tristan Williams jailed on multiple charges including vehicle theft, domestic assault, and evading arrest

19-year-old Tristan Williams had a domestic altercation with Natasha Lynette Simmons-Crutcher and her juvenile daughter at Revels Drive on December 11th. Her daughter stated that Williams came to her house, trying to fight her brother in the front yard, regarding an earlier incident at Wal-Mart. She stepped outside, told him to leave, and had to get in between him and her mom, who told him that he was not going to fight her son and to leave. Williams was coming at them aggressively, putting them in fear.

Then, in an unrelated incident, on December 20th, Williams was driving a white Hyundai Elantra that was seen in multiple vehicle break-ins on Oakwell Farms Lane. Andrew Smith reported that the vehicle was stolen. Officers observed the Elantra-at-large traveling down Donelson Pike, initiated a traffic stop, and pursued it until it stopped at the MDHA housing between S. 7th Street and S. 6th Street. Willams and a co-defendant exited the vehicle and fled, causing officers to chase them. Officers ran in front of the building and saw Williams on the steps without the hoodie he originally had on. They later found the hoodie by Building 19 that he threw away as he walked toward South 7th Street. They reviewed MDHA camera footage, which confirmed that Willams was the driver and was running away from the vehicle. He was Mirandized and admitted to knowing the car was stolen. A subsequent search of the vehicle yielded a window-breaking device on the floorboard and a Taurus Handgun that was reported stolen by Jameson Calloway regarding a burglary on October 15th. Williams had three outstanding warrants in Davidson County and one in Rutherford County. He was taken into custody for evading arrest, theft of a firearm, vehicle theft, possession of burglary tools, assault, trespassing, and domestic assault.

Carla Caylor drunkenly kicks son in back, calls him a “Crackhead”

63-year-old Carla Caylor was involved in a domestic altercation with her son, Andrew Caylor, at Paragon Mills Road on December 20th. The dispute started when Carla came back home very intoxicated. She went downstairs to Andrew’s separate living space and accused him of stealing a ring. After she accused him of stealing the call, she pushed him and went back upstairs to consume more alcohol. Andrew followed her and poured her beer out, irritating her. This prompted Carla to call Andrew a “crackhead”, making him upset with her, which led to him throwing Carla’s phone and breaking it. Shortly after Andrew returned to his living space downstairs, Carla kicked him in the back. Once Andrew got into his room, he slammed his door, but he did not know that Carla was right behind him, so her finger got shut on the door. Carla, when contacted by law enforcement, told them that Andrew had broken her phone and slammed the door on her finger but was unable to give a clear story of events due to being intoxicated. A witness of the altercation was Andrew’s wife, who provided the same side of events as Andrew. Carla Caylor was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Edward Cardona deemed too drunk and disorderly for Barstool Nashville

32-year-old Edward Cardona was disorderly at Barstool Bar in the later hours of December 19th. Cardona was detained by security as officers arrived, who advised them he was highly intoxicated and refusing to leave. He told officers he was alone with no one to take care of him, so he was placed into custody for public intoxication.

Patricia Ferguson punches family member for yelling at her child

52-year-old Patricia Ferguson was involved in a domestic altercation with her family member, Decapria Ferguson, at East Nocturne Drive on December 16th. The dispute started when a witness got involved in the argument. Decapria began to stick up for the witness, which led to Patricia punching Decapria in the face. When officers spoke with Patricia, she said that she had come home drunk from a bar when she noticed Decapria yelling at her 10-year-old daughter. She stated that she got aggressive and got into Decapria’s face about it, but Decapria pushed her back, and they separated. Patricia was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Airyon Harris attempts to break into man’s house, slashes his tires

20-year-old Airyon Harris and her unknown co-defendant had an altercation with Mohamud Hassan at Tulip Grove Apartments on the afternoon of December 15th. Hassan advised officers that earlier that day, Harris’s co-defendant swung at him, and Harris told him that they were going to come back with her associate’s brother to kill him. An hour later, Hassan’s alarm at his Hidden Hills Drive residence went off, and officers were alerted. He stated that he noticed an unfamiliar car outside that Harris and her co-defendant exited and then tried to break into his home. The unknown individual was at the window and side door while Harris was at the front door. Harris proceeded to kick the locked front door open. Then, Hassan grabbed Harris and locked the door so her friend could not enter. While Harris was inside, she asked Hassan where her phone was, and he told her he did not have it. In response, she punched him in the head. Then, she ran into the kitchen, pulled a knife out on Hassan, dropped it, and ran outside the house. Harris and the co-defendant tried to lure Hassan outside, and he noticed the co-defendant pulled out a pocket knife. So, he went back into the house, locking the door. The pair later left the scene, and Hassan noticed his and his mother’s tires were slashed. Mr. Smith, a family friend, told officers that he witnessed Harris and her friend beating on Hassan’s doors and windows. He also stated he saw them by the vehicles but could not figure out what they were doing. Hassan told officers his house cameras captured the pair slashing the tires. Harris was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault, aggravated burglary, and aggravated assault on December 16th.

Denylle Boden drunkenly punches roommate multiple times, tells him “Yeah, I punched you in the head.”

38-year-old Denylle Boden was involved in a domestic altercation with her roommate, Norby Micheal, at Brent Glen Place on December 17th. The dispute started when Micheal asked Boden not to invade his living area. Boden punched Micheal three times on the left side of his head, leaving a small knot. Micheal was able to produce video footage of Boden clearly saying, “Yeah, I punched you in the head three times.” Upon contact with officers, Boden refused to answer any questions, but after being asked several times if anything physical happened, she stated, “No.” Micheal also provided that she was at the time and, when they arrived, very intoxicated. Boden was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on December 18th.

Paul Bonner assaults wife for telling him to “Get his emotions in check”

66-year-old Paul James Bonner was involved in a domestic altercation with Adele Wright at Harpeth Parkway West on December 17th. The conflict started when Bonner spilled water on the floor, and Wright handed him a rag to clean it. Bonner became very agitated at Wright for that, so she told him to “get his emotions in check.” This put him over the edge. He wrapped his hand around her neck, but shortly after, he put his hands up and stepped back. Wright told officers that he didn’t restrict her breathing, but she was terrified of Bonner after this. She conveyed to them that he always had a bad temper. Bonner was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Stanley Dobson parks semi-truck in prohibited area

62-year-old Stanley Dobson was found on the scene of a crash at I-65 South on July 30th, 2023. Officers observed a Silver Honda Accord with significant damage at the front of the vehicle and a red semi-truck with a trailer. The trailer sustained disabling damage to its rear axles. Officers spoke with the owner of the semi-truck, Dobson, and received his information. When they checked the silver Honda Accord, they found out that the vehicle had significant front-end damage and the passenger had died in the crash. Shortly after, officers discovered that Dobson parked his semi-truck on the right side of I-65 in a prohibited parking area. Dobson was taken into custody and charged with a parking violation.