Katriona Harmon steals $407 worth of merchandise from Target

49-year-old Katriona Harmon was caught shoplifting at Target on December 9th, 2023. Harmon was seen taking $370.34 worth of merchandise and then leaving. Later, on January 4th, Harmon was seen leaving the same Target, but this time only taking $36.83 worth of merchandise. Katriona Harmon was taken into custody and charged with two counts of theft on March 23rd.

Tyrika Darrough steals $342 worth of merchandise from Nordstrom

28-year-old Tyrika Darrough was booked on a citation on March 20th when she was seen shoplifting at Nordstrom at The Mall at Green Hills on February 21st. When officers arrived, they were met by Nordstrom’s loss prevention officer, Mr. Nguyen, who stated that he witnessed Darrough concealing merchandise in her purse. Nguyen informed officers that when he questioned Darrough, she said that she didn’t take any items from the store. However, Nguyen reached into her bag and retrieved $342 worth of Nordstrom items. Darrough was cited for the incident that day. Darrough was booked on the citation for theft on March 20th.

Paul Melton throws dog, slams wife in door multiple times after she turns off computer monitor

33-year-old Paul Melton was taken into custody for domestic assault and harassment on March 26th. On February 22nd, Brittany Melton, Paul’s wife, called the police. When officers arrived at their previously shared Maplecrest Drive residence, she advised them that on February 18th, around 3 p.m., Paul started playing video games and drinking vodka. She explained to officers how it was hard to sleep later that night with him being loud and pounding on the table. Later that night, around 1:20 a.m.- 1:30 a.m., Brittany confronted Paul about the noise, sparking an argument. During the argument, Brittany turned off Paul’s computer monitor, which angered him. Then, Paul grabbed her right wrist and pushed her hand into the right side of her face, causing redness. After this, Brittany asked Paul if he realized what he had done. In response, Paul threw their dog out of the way and repeatedly slammed the door while she was in the doorway. Brittany said that he pulled her up by her wrist and pushed her into another room, where she was thrown across the bed. Brittany provided photos showing bruising on her right foot, right knee, right leg, and stomach regions that were consistent with being closed in a door.

Brittany then stated she started receiving hundreds of phone calls, text messages, social media messages, and emails from him from midday February 19th through February 22nd. She explained that Paul told her she would “see a stalking man” due to her obtaining an order of protection. In the messages, Paul threatened to harm himself if Brittany were ever to divorce him. Brittany said she informed him to leave her alone numerous times and even changed her number due to emotional distress. Still, Paul managed to find her new number and continued to try to communicate with her. Police verified the order of protection, but it had not been served at the time.

DUI: Matthew Odlum drives into concrete wall near Apple Store after drinking

37-year-old Matthew Ryan Odlum drove into a concrete wall inside the parking garage near the Apple Store in the early hours of March 26th. When the officers arrived, Odlum was sleeping behind the wheel, so they approached the vehicle. Officers reached through the passenger side to turn it off. Officers then woke Odlum up, and he was extremely confused. Officers identified themselves as Odlum explained that he was preparing for his trip out of town. As they spoke, officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and asked him to exit the vehicle. Odlum held himself up on his vehicle as he admitted to drinking earlier in the day but did not specify how much he had. Odlum consented to sobriety tests but could not complete them due to his level of intoxication. Officers discovered Odlum had a prior DUI conviction in May 2018. This requires officers to get a mandatory search warrant for a blood draw. Odlum provided two vials of blood and was detained. Odlum was taken into custody for driving under the influence 2nd offense.

Desiree Hester steals over $1,000 in merchandise from Carter’s

28-year-old Desiree Hester and Kayla Coons stole merchandise from Carters on Cane Ridge Parkway at 5:30 p.m. on February 5th. They were observed on video entering the store and loading up two baskets with $1000.00 worth of items. Coons then told Carter’s employees that she left her wallet in the car, so she went to her car and returned as if she was going to pay. This was when Hester opened the door, and both fled in a vehicle registered to Coons’ Greer Road residence. The police interviewed Coons on February 15th, during which she admitted to taking the merchandise and identified Hester. A warrant was issued for Hester’s arrest on February 19th. Hester was booked on the citation of theft on March 16th.

DUI: Kyle Thompson crashes car into utility pole, tells police he “just saw the pole and hit it”

36-year-old Kyle William Thompson crashed his car into a utility pole near The Temple on Harding Pike late March 26th. When officers arrived, they observed that the pole was split in half and that the vehicle had sustained significant damage. Bystanders pointed at Thompson, sitting in an embankment beside a tree without shoes. Officers approached him, during which they noticed he reeked of alcohol, showing signs of intoxication. While in the NFD ambulance, he said, “Just saw the pole and hit it.” Thompson added that he was driving from his Bellevue apartment to pick up a friend from the bar. Thompson admitted to drinking two Budweiser Beers about an hour and a half before driving. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and refused to provide a chemical sample after being explained implied consent. Thompson was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Blake Newell drunkenly attempts to enter Music City Center, tells police woman assaulted him

40-year-old Blake Newell was taken into custody for public intoxication on March 26th. Officers received a call regarding a male, later identified as Newell, being hit by a female near 7th Avenue South and Demonbreun Street. When officers arrived, they noticed Newell was trying to enter the Music City Center. Officers also noticed he had a laceration on the right side of his forehead. Newell showed signs of impairment as he told them that he had been hit by a female who had stolen his phone. He refused medical attention and demanded to be taken back to his hotel. Newell admitted to drinking and then referred to the officers as the “Memphis Police Department,” so they deemed him unable to care for himself and then detained him.

Kayla Coons steals $1,000 worth of items from Carter’s

28-year-old Kayla Coons and Desiree Hester stole merchandise from Carters on Cane Ridge Parkway at 5:30 p.m. on February 5th. They were observed on video entering the store and loading up two baskets with $1000.00 worth of items. Coons told employees that she left her wallet in the car, so she went to her car and returned as if she was going to pay. Hester then opened the door, and both fled in a white Chrysler registered to Coons’ Greer Road residence. The police interviewed her on February 15th, during which she admitted to taking the merchandise and then was cited for the incident. Coons failed to pay the fines or appear in court on March 12th. Coons was booked on the citation of theft on March 21st.

Naquin Dickson booked after trespassing at Christ Cathedral Church

67-year-old Naquin Dickson was observed her trespassing at the Christ Cathedral Church on February 17th. Officers responded for an alarm and arrived at the church. Officers checked the area and did not find anything unusual. As officers were beginning to leave, they observed Dickson emerge from inside the church and stand in the doorway. Officers spoke with Dickson, she told them that she had a blue jacket with her cigarettes sitting just inside the doorway. This confirmed that Dickson had trespassed inside the church. The church has a valid trespass waiver on file for Dickson. Dickson was booked on the citation on March 20th.

18-Year-Old Stasia Ingram breaks boyfriend’s $350 laptop during argument at Drake Motel

18-year-old Stasia Ingram had a domestic incident with Javaughn White, her boyfriend, at the Drake Motel on Murfreesboro Pike in the early hours of March 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with White, who stated he and Ingram had a verbal altercation because he was “not communicating with her as she desired.” White said that this made her angry, which was when she took a box of McDonald’s French fries and poured them on him. White added that her actions were offensive and provocative. As the dispute continued, Ingram broke his $350 laptop in half. Ingram was deemed as the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.