Britt Libera punches girlfriend in face during altercation at Wendell Smith’s Liquors

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41-year-old Britt Libera had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Amanda Neisz, at Wendell Smith’s Liquors on Charlotte Pike late May 22nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Neisz, who stated that Libera had become upset after an argument. Neisz stated Libera punched her on the back of her neck and in her face, leaving cuts on her nose and above her right eyebrow. Then, officers tried to speak with Libera, but he did not say anything to them. Libera was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 23rd.

Britt Libera (MNPD)
Britt Libera (MNPD)

Britt M Libera was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on May 23rd, charged with domestic assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at 2,000.

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