Jonathan Seck assaults girlfriend while trying to take her phone during argument

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55-year-old Jonathan Seck had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Jessica Mitchell, at a Notchleaf Road residence around 7 p.m. on May 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Seck, who initially told them nothing had occurred. Later, after Mitchell provided them with photos of her injuries, they detained Seck. Under Miranda, Seck stated he and Mitchell argued over her seeing other women texting him, during which she punched him three times. Seck then tried to restrain her and accidentally cut her lip with his watch. Officers spoke with Mitchell, who stated that Seck had taken her phone, and while attempting to retrieve it, Seck struck her in the mouth with the back of his hand, causing it to bleed. Seck was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 26th.

Jonathan Seck (MNPD)
Jonathan Seck (MNPD)

Jonathan Seck of Latimere Lane in Hendersonville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on May 26th, charged with domestic assault. He is free on a $1,500 bond.

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