Matthew Blackburn punches roommate in face multiple times, tells police “I just beat his a**”

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46-year-old Matthew Blackburn had a domestic incident with his roommates, Robert Hardin and Joshua Johnson, at their Red Apple Road residence in the evening hours of May 24th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Harding, the house manager, who stated that Blackburn had not been taking his medication. Harding added that this is why he had been acting erratically the past couple of days and that he had been evicted. Then, he said that Blackburn returned home from a doctor’s appointment and went upstairs looking for Johnson. Blackburn began banging on Johnson’s door, stating, “If you were a real man, you would come out.” Hardin stated that he went upstairs to calm Blackburn down, during which Blackburn attacked him, punching him multiple times in the face. Then, officers spoke with Blackburn, who stated that he had lent money to Hardin and asked for it back. Blackburn said this is when Hardin “got in his face” and they “went at it.” When officers asked him to clarify what he meant by “went at it,” he said, “I punched him in the face, and he fell to the ground. I then got on top of him and punched him some more. I just beat his ass.” Blackburn was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Matthew Blackburn (MNPD)
Matthew Blackburn (MNPD)

Matthew Blackburn was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on May 24th, charged with domestic assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $2,000.

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