Malachi Nelson attempts to break into US Bank ATM with large rock

32-year-old Malachi Nelson was taken into custody on June 18th for vandalism. Officers responded to a robbery alarm at the Lebanon Pike US Bank. When they arrived, they located Nelson walking toward the entrance of the closed bank. Officers found the damaged ATM door, which initially triggered the notification to the police. They also noticed the lower keylock door had been pried open. Then, officers discovered a large rock near the ATM. US Bank employees provided officers with footage of the occurrence, showing Nelson standing near the ATM for several minutes. Nelson then grabbed a knife from his pocket and opened its exterior door. After this, Nelson walked to the grass, picked up a rock, and started hitting the safe. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, he started walking to the front door. Nelson was then detained for the incident.

Kera Lackey steals $250 worth of jewelry & apparel from Target

41-year-old Kera Marie Lackey stole merchandise from the North Gallatin Pike Target around 2:55 p.m. on May 6th. Once inside the establishment, she concealed $180 worth of jewelry and women’s/ kid’s apparel in her purse and exited without paying before entering a silver Hyundai Accent, later discovered to be registered to Lackey.

On May 20th, around 5 p.m., Lackey re-entered the establishment, grabbed $70 worth of shoes and infant items, and drove away in her Hyundai.

On May 26th, in a separate incident, Lackey was apprehended and identified as the individual responsible for the shoplifting occurrences. Warrants were issued for arrest on June 7th. Then, Lackey was taken into custody for two counts of theft on June 18

DUI: Mitchell York throws beer in trash after crashing car at Shell Gas Station

37-year-old Mitchell Ray York was involved in a two-vehicle accident near the Charlotte Avenue Shell Gas Station around 4:56 a.m. on June 18th. Dispatch advised officers that one of the vehicles would need a tow. When officers arrived, they noticed York in his vehicle passed out, sleeping in the passenger seat. Then, officers spoke with the other involved party, Aimee Ramon, who stated that York was extremely intoxicated. Ramon said she watched York throw a beer bottle in the garbage can beside the gas pump. Officers went to wake York up, and after five to ten minutes of shaking him, he became alert. During their interaction, he kept falling asleep mid-speech while showing numerous signs of impairment before admitting to drinking “some alcohol” and that he was not intoxicated. York refused to provide a chemical sample, so officers had to obtain a warrant for a blood draw. Officers later discovered that he had been convicted of DUI in 2020. York was transported to Nashville General Hospital and then taken into custody for driving under the influence-2nd offense.

Nestory Ibuchwa breaks bathroom door with hatchet, says his mother’s “stomach was hurting”

22-year-old Nestory Ibuchwa had an altercation with his roommate, Anjelani Delfe, at their residence on June 17th. Delfe told responding officers that Ibuchwa tried to break the bathroom door open with a hatchet. Delfe stated that after he opened it, Ibuchwa stated he would kill her and her children, causing her to fear for her life. She recorded the incident and provided officers with footage showing Ibuchwa talking to her in another language while swaying the hatchet. Then, officers spoke with Ibuchwa, who stated that Delfe and her family had treated him and his family terribly. He said he broke the bathroom door down because they had locked it, and his mother had to use the restroom so badly that her “stomach was hurting.” Then, Ibuchwa added that no threats were made, and nothing physical occurred. Ibuchwa was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on June 18th

Rujira Young hits & kicks daughter during altercation

51-year-old Rujira Young had a domestic altercation with her daughter, Ailada Muensida, at their Sutton Hill Road residence late June 19th. Muensida told responding officers that Young entered her room, and after a brief conversation, she started hitting and kicking her. Then, Muensida’s father intervened and separated them. Muensida sustained a bump on her forehead and was bleeding under her thumb nail. Young was then taken into custody for domestic assault on June 20th.

Cheryl Weber jailed after violating 18-year-old order of protection

66-year-old Cheryl Lois Weber had a domestic incident with John Henry Weber at a Packard Drive residence on June 19th. When officers arrived, they ran their information and discovered that Cheryl had an active order of protection against her from 2006 that was filed in New Jersey. Officers separated them to ask about the occurrence, after which they detained Cheryl. Weber was then taken into custody for an order of protection violation.

Adriana Ellison starts fire inside Five Below with electric lighter, tells police she was “bored”

22-year-old Adriana Ellison started a fire inside the Gallatin Pike North Five Below on June 19th. Upon arrival, NFD investigators spoke with witnesses and officers. Officers learned that there was a video of a female, later identified as Ellison, setting fire to a balloon cardboard stand inside the establishment, which multiple people occupied. The police had Ellison detained before NFD got there. When officers Mirandized Ellison, she stated she purchased a black electric lighter from Kroger before entering Five Below. Ellison noted that she was “bored” when she did this. Ellison said she wanted to see what the lighter would do to paper or cardboard. Ellison was then taken into custody for attempted arson on June 20th.

Hannah Kollmann slams door on roommate’s finger after being kicked out

30-year-old Hannah Marie Kollmann had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Skyleigh Futrell, at their Brittany Park Drive residence on June 19th. Futrell told responding officers that she decided to kick Kollmann out since she did not contribute to their electric bill, which sparked an argument. Kollmann stood in Futrell’s bedroom doorway, preventing her from entering. Then, according to witnesses, Kollmann bear-hugged her and placed her on the ground. After this, she slammed the bedroom door on Futrell’s finger, and as she tried leaving, Kollmann pushed her face. Kollmann was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

James Presley threatens women with gun for parking next to him in Goodwill parking lot

60-year-old James Lee Presley was taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on June 19th.  Brenda Padron called the police to the Cockrill Bend Boulevard Goodwill Outlet Store. Brenda advised officers that Presley had waved and pointed a gun at her and Ana Padron. Brenda said she was backing into a parking spot next to Presley, who was in the passenger seat. She stated Presley started cursing about how they nearly hit his daughter, Jamie Bushar’s car, saying that he would shoot them. Ana stated she observed the handgun being waved around. Brenda then went to another parking space and alerted the authorities. When officers arrived, Ana and Brenda told them that Presley was still in the parking lot and pointed out the vehicle to them as it drove past. Officers noticed Presley was crouched in the front passenger seat as if he were avoiding being seen by them. Then, officers stopped the vehicle on Cockrill Bend Boulevard and ordered Presley to exit before detaining him. Presley told officers he had a handgun in the car and was a permit holder. After officers located it, they Mirandized Presley, under which he admitted to cursing at Brenda because he thought she was going to hit his daughter’s car. He added that while yelling at them, he was moving his handgun from his right hip to the rear floorboard but never pointed it at them. Presley said he moved the car because Bushar told him she and her mom were exiting the store. Bushar told officers that her dad called her while she was still in the store and said he had moved the car because someone almost hit it in the parking lot. Presley was then jailed for the occurrence.

DUI: Ayante’ Williams attempts to call “The State of Tennessee” after crashing her car

23-year-old Ayante’ Williams was involved in a multi-vehicle accident on Rosa L Parks Boulevard near the I-65 North Entrance Ramp in the early hours of June 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Williams and asked for her driver’s credentials, during which she started making nonsensical statements and discussing irrelevant topics. Williams repeatedly mentioned how her mother was “a federal agent” and “worked for the state of Tennessee.” Then, she stated she was trying to call “The State of Tennessee” and seemed surprised that no one was answering. Williams also asked police if she could use the restroom because she “knew” they had them in their vehicle. Officers noticed she reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication, so they prompted her with sobriety tests. Williams consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Williams was transported to Nashville General Hospital for a blood draw and later taken into custody for driving under the influence.