Tyler Johnson breaks into park, distributes vodka and marijuana to minors

18-year-old Tyler Johnson was taken into custody for burglary, setting fire to property, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor on June 9th. Around 10 a.m., Gracie Wimsatt, a Pleasant Green Park Pool employee, alerted the authorities that when they were opening the pool this morning, she noticed the lock and chain for the front gate was missing, adding that it was locked and secured by the staff around 7:45 p.m. on June 8th. When she entered the pool area to see if anyone was still there, she discovered the large trashcan by the poolside had caught on fire with a small grill inside, and two tables, one plastic and one metal, were destroyed.

The total value of the damaged property was $455. When officers reviewed the flock camera, they identified one of the individuals, a minor, who stated he was at a party at the pool hosted by a male who went by the name “TR,” later identified as Johnson. He added that he was drinking and smoking marijuana at the party. Johnson agreed to meet with police at the precinct, where he advised that he messaged someone on Instagram who was selling a key to the park. He explained that he met the unidentified male in a white SUV at the park, who left the key near the bushes. Johnson stated, “I opened both of the gates myself. I threw the chain, and I am not sure where it went.” Then, he admitted to bringing marijuana and vodka to the party, and when he was leaving, he threw his small metal grill into the plastic trashcan.

Timothy Davis fights girlfriend after she catches him cheating

26-year-old Timothy Davis had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Sarah Bradshaw, at their Arbor Ridge Drive apartment in the early hours of June 10th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Bradshaw, who stated she went through Davis’s phone while he was sleeping and saw that he was cheating, so she confronted him and told him she wanted him to leave. When he woke up, he started yelling and pushing her, which led to a scuffle, resulting in her left hand being bruised. Davis then shoved her down, causing her head to hit a doorframe, leaving a bruise above her left eye. Bradshaw added that she went to the bathroom and held the door shut while Davis beat on it and cussed her out. Officers reviewed footage corroborating her statements. According to Davis, he was drinking and playing his game before he passed out. He claimed that nothing happened. Davis was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Nicole Owens falls asleep behind the wheel, tells officers she had THC gummies and Xanax

51-year-old Nicole Owens was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation on June 11th. Officers received a call to a Forrest Place residence about a suspicious vehcile. When they arrived, they observed Owens sleeping in the driver’s seat of her vehicle at the intersection between Forrest Place and Roundwood Forrest Drive. After waking her, she told them she had only been there for 20 minutes. She consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly before admitting to having a couple of “swigs” from a half-empty bottle of Pecan Whiskey, which was later found in the backseat of her car. She also admitted to taking a THC gummy from a vape shop and a .5 mg Xanax. After being read implied consent, she refused to provide a chemical sample and was detained for the incident.

DUI: Abel Mullins falls asleep behind the wheel of Ford Mustang outside Barstool Nashville

25-year-old Abel Mullins was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation on June 7th. EMS called for police assistance at Barstool Nashville, and when they arrived, they found Mullins asleep in the driver’s seat of his 2020 Ford Mustang. The engine was off but because the vehicle was push to start and Mullins had possession of the key with it being in his pocket, officers determined he had control of the vehicle. Officers had Mullins exit his car, where they smelled a strong alcoholic odor emitting from his breath. At the same time, he showed signs of inebriation, so they prompted him with sobriety tests, which he consented to and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, he refused to provide a chemical sample and was detained for the incident.

Gregory Hardin beats child’s mother with baseball bat

43-year-old Gregory Hardin had an altercation with the mother of his child, Danielle Wagner, at their Sharpe Avenue residence on June 8th. Wagner spoke with responding officers, advising them that she and Hardin had been drinking all day at a water park, and on the way home, they started arguing, during which he hit her arm multiple times. Once they got home, he grabbed a baseball bat from his car and started hitting her with it repeatedly before strangling her. She stated she got away and waited at a neighbor’s house until the police arrived. When officers spoke with Hardin, he gave contradicting statements, telling them Wagner randomly hit him in the face after they got home and that she went to her car, not his, to grab a baseball bat and struck him in the shoulder with it. He said he took the bat from her so she would stop hitting him. Hardin was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Vinodkumar Prajapati enters woman’s room ptetending to be Motel 6 staff & touches her breast

42-year-old Vinodkumar Harjivanrhai Prajapati was taken into custody for sexual battery on June 8th. Elizabeth Paige Hale called the police to Motel 6 on Cartwright Street and advised them that around 12 p.m., Prajapati knocked on her door asking if she needed service. She stated she only had the door cracked enough to speak through, but he pushed the door open, grabbed her hand, and kissed it. Prajapati then entered the room, and after he closed the door, he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her on the neck. She responded by pushing him away and asking him to leave. Before leaving, Prajapati pressed his finger against her breast and asked if she had a boyfriend. Hale said she told him to go again, and he walked to the door, opened it, and said, “No problems.” Afterward, she bolted the door and alerted the authorities. When officers Mirandized Prajapati, he agreed to speak with them and admitted to entering the room, but only to clean it. Camera footage showed him in the room for more than five minutes, but he did not clean it. They spoke with the property manager and discovered that Prajapati was not an actual Motel 6 employee and just helped around the property.

Tyler McKee drunkenly wanders under pedestrian bridge, couldn’t tell officers where he was going

22-year-old Tyler McKee was observed wandering under the Pedestrian Bridge in downtown Nashville around 3 a.m. on June 9th. Officers approached him and noticed he showed signs of impairment and appeared confused. McKee told officers that he was trying to sober up to drive home but could not tell them where he stayed or where he was headed. Officers deemed him unable to care for himself and detained him for the incident. McKee was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Laniyah Kendrick disturbs officers during investigation

19-year-old Laniyah Kendrick was taken into custody on June 9thth. after officers received multiple calls regarding a fight between multiple parties at Kendrick’s Davenport Road residence. While investigating, Kendrick walked into the house and started screaming during the fight, so officers warned her that her behavior impeded their duties. After they made an arrest, she was escorted to the patrol vehicle, and Kendrick started screaming again, rousing the nearby residents.

Natasshia Gaddes throws her phone at officer, tells police she had been “partying all night”

28-year-old Natasshia Gaddes was seen assaulting officers and resisting arrest at a Dew Street apartment residence on June 9th. When backup officers arrived on the scene, they found another officer with a heavily intoxicated Gaddes in custody. Officers also found Gaddes’ boyfriend with multiple injuries and blood on his face. They spoke with the officer, who stated that while he tried to separate Gaddes and her boyfriend, she became irritated and started yelling at him. The officer then attempted to de-escalate the situation, but Gaddes threw her cell phone at him, hitting his foot. The officer then attempted to detain Gaddes, but she began to push and shove him. Gaddes then pulled away from the officer before throwing herself to the ground. Gaddes also kicked and attempted to headbutt the officer when they fell to the ground. Gaddes noted that she had been “partying all night.” Gaddes was taken into custody for assault on a first responder, public intoxication, and resisting arrest.

DUI: Kali Ratcliff crashes car while high on crack, attempts to fight police

34-year-old Kali Ratcliff was taken into custody for driving under the influence and resisting arrest on June 7th. During the CMA Fest, Ratcliff sped through the Korean Veterans Boulevard intersection in her black Jeep Compass before slamming on her brakes, conducting an illegal U-turn, and running into another vehicle. She jumped out of her vehicle and banged on the other driver’s Jeep Windows. Officers observed this and approached her, during which she raised her fists at them as if she were going to fight them, so they took her to the ground and arrested her. She yelled at everyone and showed signs of inebriation. Under Miranda, Ratcliff admitted to taking multiple drugs, including crack cocaine. While in the patrol car, she slipped her handcuff off and attempted to kick out the back window and door until officers handcuffed her again. Once they arrived at booking, Ratcliff took sobriety tests and performed poorly. She agreed to provide a blood sample and was transported to Nashville General Hospital. They discovered she had a prior DUI conviction in Georgia from 2010 and in 2016.