Dawun Ray threatens brother with machete during argument over doing the dishes

28-year-old Dawun Ray was seen threatening his brother, Zacir Ray, with a machete at a Glen Haven Drive residence on June 6th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Zacir, who told officers that Dawun had come into his room to ask him to do the dishes. The argument soon turned into a physical altercation. Zacir claimed that Dawun grabbed a hair pick that was on a table and attempted to stab him in the leg while he pushed him into the wall on the second floor. Officers observed a hole in the wall where the altercation had occurred, as well as a hair pick on the floor. Officers then spoke with their mother, Lakisha Ray, who stated that after the two separated, Dawun came downstairs and attempted to grab her shotgun from her room. Lakisha told officers she stopped Dawun from grabbing the shotgun, but instead, he grabbed a machete. Lakisha communicated to officers that Dawun then began arguing with Zacir from downstairs while swinging the machete at the railing on the stairs, causing significant damage. Officers observed the damage to the railing and the machete that was used. Dawun later admitted to hitting the railing with the machete. Officers then spoke with Zacir again, who claimed he was on the staircase when Dawun hit the railing. Zacir told officers that Dawun tried to hit him with the machete and that he was afraid Dawun was going to kill him. Dawun was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism on June 7th.

Royal Blackmon III punches girlfriend after she makes him stop burning Bay Leaves in bathroom

29-year-old Royal Blackmon III was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Laura Shaw, at their Lenox Village apartment on May 5th. The incident started when Blackmon III came home visibly frustrated and began to purposely light a bay leaf on fire in the bathroom. When Shaw tried to get Blackmon III to stop, they started arguing. Shaw left the bathroom to stop the altercation from escalating, but while she was on her way out, Blackmon III hit her with the door. Blackmon III proceeded to punch Shaw in the stomach and face multiple times, causing swelling above her eyes. Shaw was able to provide law enforcement with video footage of the incident showcasing her version of events. Royal Blackmon III left before officers arrived, but he was later found, taken into custody, and charged with domestic assault on June 6th.

Tieara Pinkerton threatens to kill sisters in their sleep

24-year-old Tieara Pinkerton had a domestic altercation with her two minor sisters, R.P. and A.P., at their Lutie Street residence around 10:38 p.m. on June 6th. When officers arrived, Tieara advised them that she and A.P. scuffled, and then she threatened to light the house on fire with hair spray and a lighter. R.P. told police that Tieara tried to fight her following a verbal dispute, which A.P. intervened, trying to break it up, and ended up fighting with Tieara. Then, R.P. said that Tieara threatened to kill them in their sleep before spraying her room with hairspray. A.P. told officers that she heard her sisters arguing, so she went to stop it, but Tieara smacked her in the face multiple times, sparking a fight. Tieara Pinkerton was taken into custody for two counts of attempted aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Denecia Drennon beats boyfriend with golf club during altercation

22-year-old Denecia Drennon had an altercation with her boyfriend, Tommy Boulton, at their 12th Avenue North residence around 11:45 p.m. on May 18th. Boulton told responding officers that Drennon had hit him multiple times with a golf club and threatened to stab him with the broken handle before leaving. Officers noticed he sustained visible injuries, and he advised them that he did not want to press charges for the attack. On his behalf, they obtained a warrant for her arrest. Drennon was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on June 6th.

Frank Cabrera rapes woman & steals her car after

Frank Cabrera FEAT.

41-year-old Frank Cabrera was taken into custody for aggravated burglary, aggravated rape, sexual battery, and two counts of theft on June 6th. On May 26th, a woman reported that she was sexually assaulted by a male she knew as “Juan,” later identified as Cabrera. She stated that she met him at 404 Bar & Grill, and they went to her apartment building to hang out in her vehicle in a public space. Before they left, she said he had his friend grab his phone from a red Toyota Tundra.

Once at the apartment complex, he asked for a beer, so she went to get it for him because she did not want him to enter her unit, but Cabrera came in anyway, picked her up, put her on the countertop while groping her breasts and removing her bra. After she told him she did not want to do that, he threw her onto her bed, removed her pants, and penetrated her vagina with his fingers until she ripped off his necklace and strangled him with a charging cable until he stopped.

When he left, she locked the door behind him. While she prepared for a shower, Cabrera re-entered her apartment looking for his necklace, which was when she told him to leave. She grabbed her phone and started to call the police, so he fled and took her car keys and purse. Footage from the apartment building corroborated her statements, showing him entering her car and driving away. Her car was recovered at a nearby gas station, with cameras showing him parking at the pump and going to the Lowe’s parking lot, wandering to the loading dock until he was picked up in a red Toyota Tundra. The location had private license plate readers, which showed the Tundra being registered to Cabrera. Warrants were issued for his arrest on June 5th. He was later detained for the incident.

Calvin Sims refuses to leave Greyhound Bus Station

70-year-old Calvin Sims was taken into custody for criminal trespassing and public intoxication on June 7th. In the early morning hours, officers were called to the Greyhound Bus Station, where they arrived and observed Sims lying down, refusing to move. Officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and was visibly impaired, with no one to care for him. Officers deemed Sims a danger to himself and detained him.

Tyrone Dawkins jumps around screaming after being arrested for drunkenly punching his BMW

40-year-old Tyrone Lamont Dawkins was punching vehicles in a parking lot near Representative John Lewis Way South and Peabody Street late June 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with security, who advised them of the incident, adding that there were two males, one of which, later identified as Dawkins, was being disorderly, punching a gray BMW sedan. Security provided officers with descriptions of the men. Then, officers located the men and attempted to stop them for questioning, during which Dawkins became uncooperative and refused to identify himself. During their interaction, officers noticed Dawkins reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication. The other male told officers Dawkins’s name and discovered the BMW was registered to him, so they let him walk away. Then, Dawkins walked up to officers in a hostile manner, yelling profanities, so officers detained him. Once detained, Dawkins began jumping in the air while continuing to yell. After being placed in the patrol car, he continued screaming and began kicking the partition repeatedly. This forced officers to place Dawkins in hobble restraints. Dawkins was taken into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct on June 7th.

Bryce Tackett refuses to leave CMA Fest after causing disturbance

24-year-old Bryce Tackett caused a disturbance at the CMA Fest inside Nissan Stadium late June 6th. Patrons complained about Tackett being unruly in their section. APEX security went to speak with him, during which he had become belligerent and continued being disorderly, so they decided to eject him, but he refused to leave. Officers tried to reason with Tackett, but he remained uncooperative. During their interaction, officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and was visibly impaired, so they detained him. Tackett was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Peter Bacigalupo hits woman’s car multiple times during road rage incident

39-year-old Peter Christopher Bacigalupo had a road rage incident with Shaquana Baxter near Amanda Avenue and Stokes Lane on the morning of June 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Baxter, who advised that Bacigalupo rear-ended her silver Cadillac with his red GMC at the Hillsboro Pike and Woodmont Boulevard intersection. Then, she said, after taking a photo of his tags, he hit her vehicle again. Bacigalupo then hit Baxter’s vehicle a third time while she was sitting in her car before driving off. Baxter followed Bacigalupo to Stokes Lane, where she called the police.

Bacigalupo told officers that Baxter stopped in the middle of the road. When she returned to the traffic lane, he became upset and gave her a “love tap” by intentionally accelerating and hitting the back of her car. Baxter told officers that she wanted to press charges for the occurrence. Bacigalupo was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

“My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” Star Elvis Boswell fights man at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

34-year-old Elvis Boswell had an altercation with James Nathan Green Jr. at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk in the evening hours of June 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Green, who stated that he and Boswell were drinking and having a good time. After complimenting Boswell’s shoes, he became aggressive and started yelling at him before striking him repeatedly. Officers observed footage of the incident, which showed Green getting hit at least five times before security intervened and detained Boswell. Green sustained a large knot on his head and was transported for further medical evaluation. Boswell was taken into custody for assault.