DUI: Evan Thornton tells officers he was too drunk to drive after vomiting on himself

29-year-old Evan Thornton passed out in his vehicle at Precision Plumbing Co. on June 6th. Witnesses stated that they found him unresponsive at the location and woke him up by knocking on the window. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Thornton, who said he was tired and pulled over to get some rest. During their interaction, he started belching and vomiting, so they prompted him with sobriety tests, which he consented to and performed poorly before not being able to complete them. Thornton admitted to taking his prescription anxiety medication, Mirtazapine, and drinking Bacardi and three margaritas the night before. When officers asked him if he was too intoxicated to drive, he responded, “Yeah, I was.” After being informed of implied consent, he agreed to provide them with a blood sample. During a subsequent search of his vehicle, officers discovered an empty Hennessy and Bacardi bottle and 35 hand-pressed red and green tablets in a plastic baggie. Thornton was taken then into custody for driving under the influence.

Robert Brown booked after making “jerky movements” on Broadway

38-year-old Robert Brown was seen publicly intoxicated on Broadway near 7th Avenue South on June 5th. Officers were patrolling the area when they noticed Brown walking across the road and making jerky movements with his body. Officers stopped and spoke with Brown, and they noticed his constricted pupils and profuse sweating. He was speaking incoherently to officers, and due to his extreme intoxication, officers deemed he was a danger to himself, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Samantha McDonald causes a scene at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital

32-year-old Samantha Dee McDonald caused a disturbance at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital around 2 p.m. on June 5th. VUPD was called to the establishment and informed that McDonald was on the 5th floor trying to enter the unit after her child had been discharged. Initially, she had already left when they arrived, but they received another call regarding an irate woman in the lobby, later identified as McDonald, yelling and screaming about getting her child and mother. Officers spoke with McDonald and explained to her that her behavior was unacceptable, adding that she could not go around yelling and causing “multiple scenes” in the children’s hospital. McDonald was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Robert Jordan harasses woman via numerous calls & lengthy texts

28-year-old Robert Jordan was taken into custody for harassment on June 5th. On May 25th, around 2:30 a.m., Lauren Humphrey called the authorities to a Buntingway Drive residence and advised them that Jordan had texted and called her several times. Officers observed her phone containing lengthy messages from Jordan, followed by Humphrey texting, “Stop texting me. You have no reason to be texting me.” Officers noticed Jordan continued to contact her after she tried to end the conversation. Humphrey stated that this is “constant repeated behavior,” and she wants it to stop. A warrant was issued for Jordan’s arrest that day. Jordan was later detained for the occurrence.

Mark Koerber refuses to stop sleeping on sidewalk

51-year-old Mark Koerber was sleeping on the sidewalk near the Central Police Precinct around 6 a.m. on June 5th. Officers noticed he had multiple bags around him blocking the passageway, so they asked him to gather his belongings and stop lying on the ground to allow pedestrians to travel freely. After officers explained why they asked him to move and gave Koerber numerous opportunities to move, he still refused and started yelling. Koerber was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct and obstructing a passageway.

DUI: Raul Martinez smokes right before officers catch him with 5 grams of marijuana

22-year-old Raul Martinez was caught driving under the influence in the parking lot of a supply store near Oldham Street on June 6th. Officers observed the vehicle in the parking lot and approached the vehicle but noticed a strong smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Officers then made contact and asked Martinez why he was parked there, to which Martinez stated he was driving around town and stopped in the parking lot. Martinez admitted to officers that he was smoking marijuana inside the vehicle. Officers then proceeded to search the vehicle, and officers located 5.97 grams of marijuana, a glass pipe, and a digital scale. Officers then asked Martinez when the last time he smoked was. Martinez admitted to smoking right before officers arrived on the scene and spoke with him. Based on the smell of the marijuana, officers finding paraphernalia, and Martinez’s admittance, officers determined he was under the influence of marijuana while operating a motor vehicle. Martinez was taken into custody for possession, DUI, and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.

Michael Combs deemed too drunk for Broadway

22-year-old Michael Combs was observed sitting on the curb, struggling to stand up near Broadway and 3rd Avenue South in the early morning of June 5th. After seeing this, officers approached him and noticed he reeked of alcohol and was showing signs of impairment, so they asked him to call a friend to pick him up, but he could not get in touch with anyone. He advised them that he was only in Nashville for one night and had nowhere to stay. Combs was then deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Micheal Youssef-Shehata rips up parking citation in front of police officers on Broadway

39-year-old Micheal Youssef-Shehata, a taxi driver, was issued a parking citation near Tootsies Orchid Lounge on the afternoon of May 23rd. Then, after leaving, he returned in a rage and approached officers on the sidewalk. Youssef-Shehata then ripped up his parking citation in front of the officers. They determined he was engaging in violent, threatening behavior, causing citizens to stop and back away from him. Officers cited him for the occurrence that day. Youssef-Shehata was later booked on the citation of disorderly conduct on June 3rd.

Joshua Singleton violates restraining order by repeatedly joining wife’s TikTok livestream

44-year-old Joshua Singleton was seen violating his restraining order while on TikTok on April 17th. Jessica Flippen, his wife, reported to officers that when she hosted a livestream on TikTok, Singleton logged in and joined the chat. He was then immediately kicked out of the stream but returned using a different account. In the livestream chat, Singleton wrote, “Jessie lost a baby,” which is a reference to when Flippen had a miscarriage. Singleton was then kicked out again, despite this, Singleton joined a third time, but this time did not make any comments. Flippen has an order of protection against Singleton that includes no social media. A warrant was issued for Singleton’s arrest that day. Singleton was taken into custody for an order of protection violation on June 5th.

18-Year-Old Landon Duffey caught drinking Coors Light at Morgan Wallen Concert

18-year-old Landon Duffey was observed drinking a Coors Light beer at the Morgan Wallen Concert on May 3rd. After Nissan Stadium staff noticed this, they alerted the authorities. When Duffey spoke with officers, he admitted to drinking prior to the concert. Duffey provided officers with his ID, which was when officers discovered he was underage. Duffey was cited for the occurrence that day. Duffey was released to his aunt and father. Duffey was booked on the citation of alcohol possession by a minor on June 3rd.