Peyton Bohr strangles girlfriend during argument

28-year-old Peyton Bohr had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Ashley Robinson, at her Cabin Hill Road residence at 9 p.m. on June 15th. Robinson told responding officers that she and Bohr got into an argument in the kitchen. Robinson stated that their dispute escalated when Bohr grabbed her by the throat with his right hand and pushed her to the ground, where he continued to strangle her. Robinson told authorities that, during the incident, she could not breathe until Bohr got off of her. Once Bohr stood up, Robinson left and called 911. A warrant was issued for his arrest on June 16th. Bohr was later taken into custody for aggravated assault on June 25th.

Madeline Russell punches her boyfriend in the face during an argument

26-year-old Madeline Russell was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Andrew Stubblefield, at their Winterberry Drive residence at 11:29 p.m. on June 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Stubblefield and Russell. They both told officers that they were arguing on the way home from a wedding. When they got home, the argument continued, and Russell walked up to Stubblefield and punched him in the eye. Russell was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 22nd.

Underage DUI: Christina Lytle, 20, blows over double legal limit after crash, drinking on ice

20-year-old Christina Lytle, daughter of John & Lorie Lytle, crashed her vehicle on Hickory Hollow Parkway late Tuesday night. She claimed she was attempting to avoid a vehicle that had already crashed in the ditch. As officers spoke with Lytle, they observed visible signs of intoxication, and she admitted to consuming tequila drinks while ice skating and also having vodka in a water bottle while ice skating. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. She randomly broke into tears and repeated herself multiple times en route to booking, where she blew a 0.195% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Cinda Kolemba tells mother she is going to kill herself with Fentanyl during argument

40-year-old Cinda Kolemba was involved in a domestic incident with her mother, Cinda Smith, at their Bridle Drive residence on June 23rd. Before officers arrived, Smith told them that she and her daughter had an altercation. Cinda informed officers that during their argument, Kolemba made a suicidal statement, claiming she would kill herself with fentanyl. Out of concern for her daughter, Smith attempted to phone for help. This, however, led to Kolemba snatching the phone from her hand, causing a small cut on her right arm. When officers tried to speak with Kolemba, she hid behind her bedroom door and refused to come out. After making several additional attempts to get Smith to make a statement, officers got her to comply and exit the bedroom.

Kolemba denied ever taking her mother’s phone and stated that her argument with her mother never got physical. According to Kolemba, her mother was having a dementia episode and was making false statements about her using fentanyl. After more questions, Kolemba admitted that her mother’s phone was in her bedroom, but it was because Smith had thrown it at her. Officers then returned the phone to Smith after noticing a small cut on Kolemba’s nose bridge. When asked about it, Kolemba claims it came from her dog scratching her. While interacting with Kolemba, officers reported that they could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from Kolemba, as well as her appearing visually impaired. Once, officers questioned Kolemba about her drunkness, and she confessed to drinking wine and taking several medications before officers arrived. Due to the injuries sustained and the phone found in Kolemba’s room, Cinda Kolemba was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Bryan Frazier punches mother in the mouth during argument over rent money

33-year-old Bryan Frazier was involved in an altercation with his mother, Emma Frazier, at their Elm Street residence on June 22nd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Emma and noticed that she was visibly intoxicated and had a busted lip. Emma told officers that she had gotten into an argument with Bryan over rent past-due rent money. Emma claims that during this argument, Bryan punched her in the mouth. Emma added that she had to pull his hair so that she could call the police. Officers then spoke with Bryan, who stated that during the argument, his mother started pulling him by his hair, and to get her off him, he pushed her back with his forearm. Due to Emma’s statements being consistent with her injury, Bryan was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault. While Bryan was handcuffed, Emma attempted to change her story, saying, “Well, I might have fallen, and that could be why my lip is bleeding.” Bryan Frazier was then transported to the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office.

Gregory Kurecki jailed after hitting girlfriend in the head

58-year-old Gregory Kurecki was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Antonia Golden, at their Clifton Avenue residence on June 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Kurecki and Antonia. They both told officers that there was only an argument and nothing else happened. Officers then spoke with Antonia’s father, Daniel Golden. He stated that he witnessed a fight between his daughter and Kurecki. Daniel claimed that he witnessed Kurecki get on top of Antonia and begin hitting her in the head. After checking, officers noticed a bruise below Antonia’s left eye. When questioned about the bruise, Antonia told officers that she hit herself in an unrelated accident but could not tell officers how it exactly happened. During further questioning, Antonia confessed that Kurecki pushed her during their argument. After the statements made and the observation of Antonia’s injury, Kurecki was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 22nd.

Alicia Kaatz pushes her mother to the ground for “getting in her face”

20-year-old Alicia Kaatz was involved in a domestic altercation with her mother, Savannah Letner, at their Old Lebanon Dirt Road residence on June 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Kaatz, who admitted to pushing Letner to the ground after Letner got in her face during an argument. Officers then spoke with Letner. Letner stated that she was pushed to the ground by Kaatz, causing an injury to her right ankle. Alicia Kaatz was deemed to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Garth Brooks charged in shameless domestic assault of his girlfriend; what she’s doing now

28-year-old Garth Brooks recently had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend and mother of his child, Kashawna Jordan, at her Southwood Park Place apartment. Before officers arrived, Kashawna’s sister observed Kashawna and Brooks scuffling and alerted police. Responding officers noticed signs of a struggle and discovered that Kashawna had left beforehand, so they interviewed everyone separately. Kashawna’s mother advised them that Kashawna and Brooks fought after arguing inside the apartment, during which she tried to stop them. After this, she said Kashawna ran outside, where Brooks followed, and by the time she caught up to them, Brooks was on top of her, striking her. Her mother added that Kashawna had left with an unknown friend for safety, and Brooks returned to the apartment. Brooks initially denied any physical contact with Kashawna but then admitted to chasing after her because he did not want her to leave. Then, Kashawna’s sister told officers that she called them after hearing the fight, which she briefly saw before it continued outside. Brooks was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 25th.

Richard Cook charged with DUI; urinates on himself during traffic stop

63-year-old Richard Cook was caught driving under the influence at the intersection of Eatons Creek Road and Old Clarksville Pike on June 24th. Officers requested a backup at a traffic stop at the intersection. When the officers arrived, they were told by other officers that Cook had run a stop sign. When officers made contact with Cook, they immediately noticed signs of intoxication and that Cook had urinated himself. Cook was then asked to step out of the vehicle. As he exited, he was unsteady on his feet and could not balance without the help of his car. After observing this, officers requested Cook to perform sobriety tests. Cook agreed to sobriety tests but performed poorly on all of them, so he was then into custody for driving under the influence.

Shanta Chambers slaps boyfriend on back after turning away during argument

23-year-old Shanta Chambers was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Tre Henry, at their Extended Stay Nashville hotel on Myatt Drive on June 24th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Chambers, who admitted that she slapped Henry on his back. Chambers claimed that she did this when Henry turned away from her during an argument about their living situation. Coleton Dobbs, a witness to the incident, told officers that he observed Chambers strike Henry on his back. Based on the statements made, Shanta Chambers was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.