Dayne Barnett breaks baby-mama’s iPhone 15 Pro Max, steals multiple items from her apartment

30-year-old Dayne Dewayne Barnett had a domestic incident with the mother of his child, Kaylia Weiters, at her Hobson Pike apartment around 9 p.m. on May 2nd. Weiters alerted the authorities, advising them that Barnett came to drop their daughter off, during which an argument ensued because he thought she was seeing another man. During the dispute, he grabbed her $1,500 iPhone 15 Pro Max out of her hand and threw it onto the pavement, causing it to shatter and break before leaving. Weiters showed officers messages from Barnett on their daughter’s iPad, where he stated, “You’re the one who provoked me,” after she asked about her phone. Then, he sent another message, saying, “Tell the court what caused the altercation that caused your phone to be broken.” She did not wish to press charges, but officers did on her behalf.

Then, after the occurrence, Barnett refused to pay for Weiters iPhone, so she drove to his Arlene Drive residence to confront him about it. When she got there, she messaged him, but he did not respond. So Weiters entered his home and took his laptop before going on a trip on May 3rd. On May 5th, she returned and discovered that she had property missing from her apartment, including 3-4 $200 bottles of cologne, a juicer, an air fryer, and some of her medical documents. A neighbor provided Weiters with footage from their ring camera, showing Barnett outside Weiters’ door around 11:26 p.m. on May 3rd. Weiters showed the police Barnett’s messages about the incident, which said, “I took everything back to take out of my house.” The messages included a photo of her medical paperwork. Then, Weiters stated that he also sent her a voice message saying he had taken the cologne, thinking it belonged to the man she was seeing and the juicer because he had gifted it to her years ago. Then, Weiters added that on May 5th, she heard a loud noise on her apartment porch, so she ran outside and noticed Barnett’s vehicle driving away with her missing medical documents on her porch. Officers issued two warrants for his arrest on May 10th. Barnett was taken into custody for vandalism and aggravated burglary on June 3rd.

Zachary Gibson found passed out in Exxon parking lot after taking heroin

40-year-old Zachary Wayne Gibson passed out in the Old Hickory Boulevard Exxon parking lot late May 31st. Officers observed this and approached him to try to wake him up. Officers were unable to wake Gibson, so they called an ambulance. Before medics arrived, Gibson woke up and stated he had taken heroin. Gibson then attempted to stand up and nearly fell over. Officers noticed his pupils were “pinpoint” as he refused to go with medics, so they deemed him a danger to himself. Gibson was taken into custody for public intoxication on June 1st.

DUI: Marc D’Angelo jailed after car crash injures 4-year-old child

58-year-old Marc D’Angelo was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation on May 31st. Officers arrived and conducted a traffic crash investigation. During the investigation, officers discovered that D’Angelo collided with another vehicle that had a 4-year-old child in the passenger seat. The 4-year-old child was transported to Vanderbilt Pediatrics for treatment. When officers approached D’Angelo, they noticed he reeked of alcohol, showing signs of intoxication. D’Angelo advised officers that he had consumed beers and multiple medications earlier in the day. Officers then asked him to perform sobriety tests, to which he consented and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, D’Angelo declined to provide them with a chemical sample. D’Angelo was transported to Nashville General Hospital for a blood draw and was later detained for the occurrence on June 1st.

DUI: Rylie Duke nearly hits police car after having 2 shots of Crown Liquor

19-year-old Rylie Duke was seen in a white Lexus sedan almost hitting an officer’s vehicle in the area of Waverly and Wedgewood Avenue on June 2nd. Officers observed that the sedan was going to hit them, so they swerved off the roadway and into an alley. Officers proceeded to follow behind the sedan as it continued to swerve in and out of traffic. A traffic stop was conducted on 12th Avenue South. Officers spoke with Duke, who stated that she was coming from a smoking lounge. When asked how many drinks she had, Duke said she had one shot. This led to officers asking her to perform field sobriety tests. Duke consented to sobriety tests but performed poorly. After being read implied consent and her Miranda Rights, Duke confessed that she actually had two shots of Crown Liquor. Rylie Duke was taken into custody and charged with underage driving under the influence.

Joshua Holbert strangles girlfriend during an argument

31-year-old Joshua Holbert was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Amy Lansing, at the Ascension Saint Thomas Behavioral Health Hospital parking lot on June 3rd. Law enforcement noted that they received a statement from a witness, Heather Fox, who stated that she saw a man and a female at the mentioned location engaging in a fight. She further noted that the woman fell to the ground during the fight. When officers spoke with Lansing, she stated that she and Holbert were building a tent across the street before they started arguing. During the argument, Holbert began calling her a “Bitch” and “Whore” so she grabbed him by the shirt. Holbert responded by strangling her and then pushing her to the ground. When officers spoke with Holbert, he admitted that he strangled Lansing but stated that he only pushed her after she scratched his arm. Joshua Holbert was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

Luke Wood kidnaps girlfriend, drives recklessly on West End Avenue during argument

21-year-old Luke Wood was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Ava McGraw, at West End Avenue on May 26th. McGraw contacted law enforcement, stating that Wood spit on her during an argument. McGraw exited the car to avoid confrontation, but when she noticed that she had left her phone in the car, she returned to retrieve it. Once McGraw was inside, Wood started accelerating so she couldn’t leave. When McGraw had another opportunity to leave the vehicle, Wood grabbed her by the hair, preventing her from doing so. While driving, Wood made statements that he was going to kill himself and McGraw. Wood proceeded to drive recklessly on West End Avenue, occasionally crossing into traffic until McGraw could escape. After walking back to her Acklen Park Drive residence, McGraw was confronted by Wood again in her bathroom, and another argument ensued. During this argument, Wood grabbed McGraw around the throat and started strangling her. Luke Wood was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault, aggravated assault, and kidnapping on May 29th.

Jennifer Baez arrested at Morgan Wallen concert without a ticket

29-year-old Jennifer Baez was caught walking without credentials at the Nissan Stadium on May 3rd. Security observed this, and she was detained. They cited her for the violation, and she was booked on the citation of criminal trespassing on May 28th.

DUI: Bryce Patterson attempts to hide Bud Light cans while being pulled over

24-year-old Bryce Patterson was seen sitting in the middle of the turn lanes at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Gallatin Pike on June 3rd. When the signal turned green, Patterson did not move. Officers attempted to alert Patterson using their car horns. Once Patterson was warned, he sped off during a red light. Officers conducted a traffic stop, but Patterson was slow to stop. Officers asked him if he had anything to drink. Patterson stated that he didn’t, but officers reported that they observed signs of intoxication. Officers requested Patterson to take field sobriety tests. Patterson consented to the tests but performed poorly on them. Patterson was read his Miranda rights and agreed to get his blood drawn. Shortly after being read implied consent, Patterson admitted to drinking one shot and one drink before he started driving. When officers searched his car, they found four Bud Light Platinum cans in a lunch box, one of which was open. After being questioned about the drinks, Patterson confessed that he was driving slowly to hide the cans. Patterson stated that he was drinking one of the cans right before officers pulled him over. Bryce Patterson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and open container violation.

Bradley Fink tries to fight neighbors, gets slapped and told to leave

59-year-old Bradley Fink had an altercation with Darren Phillip Clement at his Crystal Spring Lane residence late June 3rd. Officers observed Fink yelling at another individual from his garage when they arrived. When he saw them approaching, he entered his garage and shut the door until they got to the entrance, where he advised them that when he arrived there, Clement and other witnesses approached him and started arguing with him for no reason.

Officers were provided with video footage, which showed the other individuals sounding very intoxicated and being belligerent while yelling at Fink. Then, while Clement was on the front porch, Fink called him out, pointing at him, saying he would “mess him up.” Clement spoke with officers, telling them that Fink aggressively ran up to the porch, so he told him to leave him alone and to back up, or he would “put his hands on him.”

After Fink tried to enter the porch area three times to get him, Clement slapped him on the side of the head and told him to leave and to stop trying to fight, which witnesses corroborated. Fink said he had been celebrating and drinking before the incident, adding that he was on probation. Fink was then taken into custody for public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and assault.

William McFarland III, 25, tells police he licked 16-year-old boy’s butthole during sex

25-year-old William McFarland III had inappropriate relations with a 16-year-old male on June 3rd. The 16-year-old’s mother alerted the authorities, advising them that when she returned home from work, she discovered her son was wearing nothing but a robe while greeting her in the hallway, which she found odd. Then, she went to his bedroom and found McFarland III hiding in his closet, so she called the police. When officers arrived, she told them McFarland III was still on the scene, so they detained and Mirandized him. Under Miranda, McFarland waived his rights and agreed to provide officers with a statement. McFarland III stated that he and the 16-year-old male met about three years ago via Instagram and met in person at a concert sometime last year. McFarland III showed officers their messages from today, coordinating how and when he would come to the residence. Then, McFarland III said that they both received and performed oral sex to each other. McFarland III also noted that he “licked his butthole” but did not anally penetrate him. On McFarland III’s Snapchat, he and the 16-year-old exchanged explicit photos and talked about what sexual acts they wanted to do. McFarland III was taken into custody for statutory rape.