Claudia Gavidia assaults boyfriend & minor daughter, destroys her phone during altercation

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37-year-old Claudia Gavidia had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Nicolas Martinez Velis, and her minor daughter at their Cathy Jo Circle residence on July 30th. Dispatch was notified that individuals were fighting at the location. When the officers arrived, they observed Gavidia’s daughter covered in dirt and grass. She explained that she witnessed Gavidia trying to hit Velis with a power cable and attempted to intervene. Gavidia’s daughter added that her little brother was crying inside the home and that she was concerned for his safety. She told officers that she yelled at Gavidia, telling her to leave them alone and that she was going to call the police. After this, she said she ran outside to the front yard to alert the authorities but could not because Gavidia ran after her and took her iPhone away.

Then, Gavidia and her daughter wrestled and fought in the grass over the phone. Gavidia reportedly took the phone inside the home and smashed it onto the hardwood floor. Officers observed the shattered cell phone and discovered it was inoperable. Gavidia’s daughter told them the $1,300 iPhone 12 Pro Max was a gift from her aunt due to her concerns about ongoing issues with Gavidia. When officers spoke with Gavidia, she denied any argument or physical scuffle between her and Velis. Then, Gavidia told officers that she had taken the phone away from her because she always calls her aunt during their disputes and admitted to smashing the phone. Velis told officers that he and Gavidia had a verbal dispute, during which she threw a cord at his head but missed. Gavidia was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault, interference with a 911 call, vandalism, and robbery.

Claudia Gavidia (MNPD)
Claudia Gavidia (MNPD)

Claudia Gavidia was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 30th, charged with interfering with emergency call, robbery, domestic assault, and vandalism. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $8,000.

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