DUI: Joespeh Mark Hullender found drunk & drooling in his red pickup truck

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45-year-old Joespeh Mark Hullender caused a disturbance on July 17th. Responding officers observed him sleeping in the driver’s seat of a red pickup truck. Officers approached him and noticed an open alcoholic beverage in the middle console. Then, officers woke him up and asked him to exit the vehicle. Once he complied, he showed signs of intoxication and was drooling from his chin. Hullender then disregarded their additional questions about whether he drank or not. Hullender refused to take sobriety tests, prompting officers to detain him. During a subsequent search, police discovered several open, empty alcohol containers. Due to Hullender’s intoxication level, he could not tell officers if he would provide a chemical sample or not. This prompted officers to obtain a warrant for a blood draw. After Hullender was transported to Nashville General Hospital, he was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Joespheh Hullender (MNPD)
Joespeh Hullender (MNPD)

Joespeh Mark Hullender of West Stuart Avenue in Lyons, GA was booked into the Meto Nashville Jail on July 17th, charged with driving under the influence. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $3,000, and the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office gave him pre-trial release from their facility.

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