Fishing Youtuber Sina Saadat assaults girlfriend for disciplining their son

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49-year-old Fishing Youtuber Sina Saadat was involved in a domestic disturbance with the mother of his children and girlfriend, Zuhre Hosseini, at their Polk Forest Circle residence on July 19th. Hosseini contacted authorities, saying that Saadat was trying to kick her out of their house. When officers arrived, Hosseini, with her 12-year-old daughter translating for her, told officers she had punished one of her children for being defiant. Hosseini went on to say that the child told Saadat that she was hitting them, leading to him becoming upset with her. Saadat approached Hosseini, grabbed her arm, and pulled her towards the door. Hosseini did not want to leave due to her living at the residence. However, Saadat grabbed her arm and pushed her out the door anyway. Once Hosseini evaded Saadat, she ran to the bathroom and hid there until law enforcement arrived. Hosseini’s 12-year-old daughter informed officers that she witnessed the entire incident. She stated that her dad got upset, grabbed her mom’s arm, and tried forcing her out of the house. When officers spoke with Saadat, he told them that he was never forceful with Hosseini and that he lightly grabbed her arm in an attempt to get her to leave. Due to the statements from Hosseini and her daughter, Saadat was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

Sina Saadat (MNPD)
Sina Saadat (MNPD)

Sina Saadat of Polk Forest Circle in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 19th, charged with domestic assault. He is free on a $100 bond.

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