Jerimee Gupton strangles girlfriend, throws her across room after she tells him she’s moving out

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22-year-old Jerimee Gupton had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Grace Geter, at his Blue Ridge Road residence late July 29th. Geter told responding officers that Gupton attacked her after she informed him that she was moving out. Geter further explained that Gupton told her he did not want her to leave. This led to Gupton grabbing and breaking her phone while she sat on the bed, packing her belongings. Geter added that after Gupton broke her phone, she tried to leave because her child was present. Then, Geter said that Gupton wrapped his hands around her neck and began strangling her, which impeded her breathing. During this, she said he continued to stand over her before hitting her head against the wall. Geter then advised officers that she nearly lost consciousness until Gupton released her. Geter stated that when she tried to get up from the ground, he started kicking and punching her in the back.

Then, she said she attempted to leave, but he began strangling her again and threw her across the room, causing her to fear for her life. After this, Geter told officers she ran across the street to a friend’s house and waited for the police to arrive. The police observed visible bruising around her neck consistent with strangulation, corroborating her statements. Then, officers spoke with Gupton, who stated that he and Geter had a verbal dispute over her wanting to leave the residence. Gupton admitted to breaking her phone after she had allegedly damaged their shared television. Then, he said the incident escalated when he tried to remove a baseball bat from her hands. Gupton was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault and vandalism on July 30th.

Jerimee E. Gupton (MNPD)
Jerimee E. Gupton (MNPD)

Jerimee E. Gupton was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 30th, charged with vandalism and aggravated assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $26,000.

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