Johnnie Feaster threatens to rip woman’s hair out during argument at truck stop

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65-year-old Johnnie Feaster caused a disturbance at the truck stop on Old Hickory Boulevard on June 14th. Officers arrived and made contact with Cheryl Polk. While trying to park her rig, she stated that Feaster drove past her and started an argument because she was parking slowly. Polk said that after Feaster walked away, he returned and started arguing again. During the argument, Feaster told Polk that he was going to knock on her ass and pull out her hair to the point that she had to wear a wig. Feaster then put his hand up like he was going to hit Polk. Polk entered the store to get help from the employees and call 911. After their conversation with Polk, officers approached Feaster near his truck. Feaster told officers he had been trying to pull his truck around the store while Polk was trying to park. He stated that after he drove around her, Polk told him to “kiss her ass,” which he felt was a racial remark. Feaster told Polk that if she repeated it, he was going to “put my foot in your ass.” Officers cited him for the violation that day. Feaster was later booked on the citation of assault on July 9th.

Johnnie Feaster (MNPD)
Johnnie Feaster (MNPD)

Johnnie Benjamin Feaster of Benedict Road in Jacksonville, FL, was booked on a citation on July 9th, charged with assault.

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