Carlton Shelley caught gooning to security guard in Nashville Downtown Detention Center

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34-year-old Carlton Shelley was seen masturbating to Danielle McClain, a security guard, while at the Nashville Downtown Detention Center on James Robertson Parkway on August 4th. McClain reported that on that day, she was conducting a security round. McClain explained to officers that she notified all inmates they needed to be dressed when she did the security round. McClain stated that when she walked past Shelley’s cell, he was on his bunk with no pants on.

Carlton Shelley (MNPD)
Carlton Shelley (MNPD)

McClain added that Shelley also had his boxers pulled down and had his genitalia exposed. She claimed that he was in plain view and was masturbating. McClain also informed officers that Shelley also told her, “Every time you do a round, I am going to have my D*** out.” Shelley was already in custody for unrelated charges and was also later charged with indecent exposure.

Carlton Jerome Shelley was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 25th, charged with indecent exposure. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $2,000.

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