Joshua Nava punches girlfriend & throws her belongings during argument over car

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22-year-old Joshua Nava was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Diane Wright, at their apartment on August 19th. When officers came into contact with Wright, she stated that the altercation stemmed from Nava being late for work and them having only one car. Wright told officers that after an argument, Nava drove away and left Wright and their child outside with no keys to their apartment. Once Nava came back, another argument started. Wright stated that during this argument, she began loading items into the vehicle as she also had to go to work.

Seeing this, Nava picked up a tote bag belonging to Wright and threw it across the parking lot. In return, she threw an item belonging to Nava across the parking lot. Wright told officers that once she sat down in the car, Nava grabbed her out of it. Wright said as Nava did this, he was scratching and clawing her in the face and chest. A witness of the incident, Ms. Tabor, confirmed that there was an argument and said that she had observed Nava grabbing Wright. The witness also added that she had seen Nava balling up his fist and hitting Wright in her face. Nava was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Joshua Nava (MNPD)
Joshua Nava (MNPD)

Joshua M. Nava of Monarchos Bend, in Burns, TN, was booked into Metro Nashville Jail on August 19th, charged with domestic assault. He is free on a $1,500 bond.

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