Aaliyah Crouch caught driving stolen 2003 Ford Escape at Nashville International Airport

20-year-old Aaliyah Crouch was caught driving a stolen vehicle at the Nashville International Airport near BNA Park Drive on August 22nd. Officers received a report that a stolen 2003 Ford Escape valued at $2,700 had entered terminal garage one. Patrol units searched both terminal garages and were notified by dispatch that the stolen vehicle had been located on the fifth floor of terminal garage one. Upon arrival, officers identified the driver as Crouch and took her into custody for vehicle theft.

DUI: Benjamin Partridge crashes car into embankment after having several drinks at bar

41-year-old Benjamin Partridge was involved in a car crash on Jackson Road at 10:30 p.m. on August 22nd. When officers arrived, they observed Jackson’s vehicle had crashed into an embankment and that he was sitting in the back of an ambulance. After refusing transportation from EMS, Partridge told officers that he had driven himself home after drinking alcohol at a bar. Officers noticed signs of impairment in Partridge, so they asked him how many drinks he had consumed. After admitting to officers that he had consumed several beers at a bar, Partridge refused to participate in any field sobriety tests. Partridge was then taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence on August 23rd.

Debra Rankin jailed after calling son over 150 times & repeatedly showing up to his job

72-year-old Debra Rankin had a domestic incident with her son, Nicholas Rankin, at his residence on July 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Nicholas. He explained he was doing yard work when Debra startled him, showing up unannounced and uninvited. Then, Nicholas stated that he told Debra to leave immediately. However, she insisted on conversing with him, so he went inside and called 911. According to Nicholas, his garage door was left open, which allowed Debra to enter his garage. She repeatedly banged on the door, telling Nicholas she refused to leave until he talked to her. After no threats or assault, Debra left without issue. In January 2024, Nicholas obtained a cease-and-desist order against Debra. With the assistance of Nicholas’ attorney, Debra acknowledged to cease all communications with him. Nicholas added that Debra had since shown up to his job three separate times, asking for him and trying to talk. He also said she reportedly had sent over 150 phone calls, texts, and emails. Nicholas added that he only responded by telling her to stop contacting him. Nicholas told the police that Debra’s actions have caused him emotional distress, personally and financially. He further explained that he had trouble sleeping and had been seeing a therapist. Then, Nicholas said Debra threatened to interfere with his employment. He informed officers that he did not want a relationship with Debra due to past abuse and domestic incidents. A warrant was then issued for Debra’s arrest that day. Debra Rankin was later taken into custody for harassment on August 22nd.

DUI: Tyler Johnson urinates on himself after crashing rental car at BNA ride-share lot

31-year-old Tyler Johnson was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a car accident at the BNA ride-share lot on Terminal Drive on August 22nd. Police officers were called to the scene after reports of a possible drunk driving incident. Upon arrival, they found Johnson using his vehicle for support outside. As the officers approached, Johnson began removing bags from his car. Officers determined that this demonstrated that Johnson had control of the vehicle. The car appeared to have been involved in a recent accident at an unknown location. The officers also noted damage to the front passenger wheel, resulting in a flat tire. It seemed that Johnson had been involved in an accident and had left the scene. Upon further investigation, officers ran the vehicle tags and learned it was rented from Sixt Rental Company. Officers then noticed a faint smell of alcohol as they approached Johnson. Officers also saw a partially consumed Voodoo Ranger alcoholic beverage inside the vehicle. Johnson, who was sitting outside the car, was observed to have urinated on himself, had bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech. Security footage confirmed that Johnson had driven from the bus area to the ride-share lot. Due to his difficulty standing, Johnson needed the officers’ assistance. During a conversation with Johnson, the officers detected the smell of alcohol on his breath. Johnson agreed to perform sobriety tests but performed poorly on all of them. Based on his test performances and overall behavior, Johnson was arrested for driving under the influence and having an open container of alcohol on August 23rd.

Tyler Shingleton strangles wife & threatens to shoot their dog during argument

38-year-old Tyler Shingleton was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Kerri Shingleton at their Cherrybark Court residence on August 22nd. Before officers arrived, they were informed a relative of Kerri had received Facebook messages from Kerri stating, “Call 911, he is hitting me,” and “Don’t know what he will do when they get here.” One of the messages also stated that Tyler would shoot their dog if she left. Once officers arrived and spoke with Tyler, he said that the only thing that happened between him and Kerri was a verbal argument. During the officers’ conversation with Tyler, they noticed Kerri wasn’t at the location. Shortly after their observation, Tyler informed them that Kerri was on the phone with him and that she had gone out to get tampons. Hearing this, officers requested that Kerri return to have a personal conversation with her about the incident. Upon her arrival, officers noted that Kerri was crying and appeared visibly distressed. Kerri told officers that during the argument she had with Tyler, he hit her in the face and then strangled her. Kerri added that she believed that Tyler only stopped strangling her so he wouldn’t leave marks on her neck. Tyler was then taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 23rd.

Novais Fuller headbutts girlfriend, forces her to walk home from Walmart after breaking up with him

25-year-old Novais Fuller had a domestic altercation with his now ex-girlfriend, Latriona King, at her apartment on December 20th, 2022. The police report stated that King and Fuller were at the Charlotte Pike Walmart. While there, they verbally argued over King no longer wanting to be in a relationship with Fuller. Then, Fuller got upset and took King’s car keys. This forced King to walk back to her apartment, during which Fuller followed her. Once they arrived, King wanted to get away from Fuller, so she left. When King started walking toward the apartment complex’s entrance, Fuller tried grabbing her several times before bear-hugging and headbutting her, leaving a large knot on her forehead. Then, a scuffle ensued between them, which left King with several cuts and bruises on her right arm. After this, Fuller got ahold of her black iPhone 11 and smashed it to the ground. Warrants were then issued for Fuller’s arrest that day. Fuller was later taken into custody for domestic assault, vandalism, and theft on August 22nd, 2024.

DUI: Bradley Spraggins found passed out drunk in his car, tells officers he “had brain surgery as a kid”

31-year-old Bradley Spraggins was found sleeping in the driver’s seat of his vehicle with his hazards on in the southbound traffic lane on 3rd Avenue around 1 a.m. on August 22nd. Responding officers spoke with Spraggins, who said he was waiting for a tow truck to come and give him a jumpstart. Spraggins explained that his vehicle’s battery had died while driving. During their interaction, officers noticed Spraggins had dilated pupils. Officers then asked him to try starting his car, and despite his previous statement, it turned on. After the tow truck driver arrived, Spraggins started his car again. Then, Spraggins advised officers that he had just woken up and went downtown to do an Uber trip. Spraggins added that he hadn’t drunk anything or consumed any medication. He consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Then, while waiting for the breathalyzer machine to start, Spraggins started falling asleep. He told officers that he “had brain surgery as a kid,” but it did not affect his walking abilities. Spraggins was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Rebecca Walter jailed for stalking after repeatedly showing up to ex-girlfriend’s workplace

40-year-old Rebecca Walter caused a disturbance at her ex-girlfriend Faith Brock’s 6th Avenue North workplace on August 21st. When officers arrived, they observed Walter jumping up and down loudly in the next room. Then, the police spoke with Brock, who stated that she had repeatedly told Walter not to come to her place of work. Brock then showed officers three text messages throughout August telling Walter not to come to her job on Demonbreun Street or 6th Avenue North. Brock explained that after verbally telling Walter not to come, she still showed up to her job on Demonbreun Street. Brock further explained that Walter later showed up a second time at the Demonbreun Street location, disregarding the texts she sent her. After she had sent another text to her on August 21st, Walter still appeared at her 6th Avenue North job location. Brock said Walter’s actions have caused her a lot of emotional distress and placed her in fear of bodily harm. Walter was taken into custody for stalking on August 22nd.

Madyson Esaw orchestrates beating & robbing of two women at Hooters, tells them “We been waiting to find you!”

20-year-old Madyson Esaw, Amyah Johnson, and other unidentified individuals were involved in an altercation with Latrice Johnson and Shaliyah Osteen at the Largo Drive Hooters on August 20th. Shaliyah and Latrice told officers they noticed a blue Nissan sedan arrived at the Hooters. They stated Madyson got out of the vehicle, saying, “We been waiting to find you!” Amyah and the others then followed Madyson out of the Nissan. After this, Madyson and Latrice started fighting. Then, a few seconds later, Amyah and her group started attacking Latrice with Madyson. During the attack, Shaliyah tried intervening, but the group started assaulting her as well. Shaliyah and Latrice added that they were punched, kicked, and stomped on, noting that the group took their cell phones before fleeing. Then, Shaliyah and Latrice provided officers with footage showing Madyson and Latrice fighting. The footage also showed the others jumping in a few seconds later. In the video, a voice, later identified as Amyah, says, “Ooh they dropped their phones!” Latrice confirmed Madyson and Amyah’s identities because she went to Whites Creek High School with them. Later, on August 22nd, at a Wallace Road apartment, there was an incident between Latrice, Shaliyah, and Madyson’s boyfriend, Sanchez. While there, Officers identified Madyson as one of the suspects involved in the robbery on August 20th. Madyson Esaw was taken into custody for robbery in concert on August 22nd.

Armani Wilson strangles girlfriend immediately after reading her text messages

21-year-old Armani Wilson had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Deja McClain, at their apartment on August 22nd. McClain told responding officers that Wilson grabbed her phone and read her text messages. She stated that seconds later, Wilson grabbed her by the neck with both hands and strangled her, during which she had lost consciousness. McClain said after regaining consciousness, she kicked Wilson and ran outside, where she called 911. The police observed McClain had a bloody lip and a possible swollen neck, so they transported her to Vanderbilt for further medical evaluation. Wilson was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.