Michael Criss assaults roommate during argument over her moving out

30-year-old Michael Criss was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate Georgia Gauker at an Andrew Jackson Way residence on August 4th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Gauker, who said she argued with Criss over a lost phone and future living arrangements. Gauker informed officers that the argument occurred inside the residence. She added that Criss became upset throughout the argument and got into her face. Gauker also claimed that Criss shoved her, which caused her to fall. Officers noticed that Gauker had a visible injury to her elbows, armpits, and ankles. Gauker claimed the injuries were all a result of being shoved by Criss. Officers then spoke with Criss, who said he was arguing with Gauker about moving to a different apartment when her lease expired. However, Criss says that no physical altercation occurred and that Gauker was looking for a phone inside the apartment for an extended period of time. Criss admitted to officers that he did get upset and yell at Gauker. Due to the statements made and injuries sustained by Gauker, Criss was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Kezia Williams drives over sidewalk at Sam’s Club, tells her friends “those lights were bright as f*ck”

25-year-old Kezia Williams was seen driving over a sidewalk into the Sam’s Club parking lot on Antioch Pike on August 3rd. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop. Once they approached Williams, she admitted that she had drunk before she started driving. While officers were present, Williams told her friends in the vehicle, “I know I’m drunk, but those lights were bright as f*ck, and I couldn’t see.” Williams consented to sobriety tests but showed signs of impairment, so she was taken into custody. While performing sobriety tests, Williams told officers that she was at a club around the corner and that she had two small drinks there. Later, while in custody, Williams performed a breathalyzer test, resulting in a .028% BAC. However, due to the sobriety tests and her statements, she was taken to booking and charged with driving under the influence.

Nancy Nikang hits boyfriend with bouquet of flowers, punches him in face during argument

19-year-old Nancy Nikang was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Brandon Spencer, at her Elm Pike apartment on August 3rd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Spencer, who claimed he was at his girlfriend’s house when an argument started regarding Nikang taking his car key. Spencer informed officers that during the argument, Nikang walked up to him and punched him in the left side of his face. Spencer noted that this left a small mark near his eye. After this, he claims that he pushed Nikang away in self-defense before leaving the residence. Officers also noticed three red lines on his neck, which Spencer claims happened during the argument. He says he does not know how the redness appeared, but he is sure it happened during the dispute. Officers then spoke with Nikang, who admitted to officers that she hit him first with a bouquet of flowers. Due to the statements made, Nikang was deemed the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Robert Charbonneau passes out after 1 Truly Hard Seltzer, caught with Xanax in his socks

31-year-old Robert Charbonneau was seen passed out inside his white Toyota Corolla at the parking garage on Commerce Street on August 4th. When officers arrived and woke Charbonneau, they reported that his speech was “extremely” slurred and that he was in a daze. During their interaction with Charbonneau, he constantly nodded off, so they asked him to step out of his vehicle. While standing, officers reported that his feet were “very” unsteady, so they questioned him about his impairment. Once asked, Charbonneau told officers he was sleeping to pass the time while waiting for a friend. Charbonneau consented to perform sobriety tests, but he showed several signs of impairment, so he was taken into custody. During an arrest search of Charbonneau and his vehicle, officers discovered a loaded handgun, an open 16-ounce beer can, and a plastic bag full of Xanax bars in his socks.

After being Mirandized, Charbonneau confessed to consuming one Truly Hard Seltzer before going to his car. Once Charbonneau was read implied consent, he refused to provide a blood sample. Officers then obtained a warrant and transported him to a general hospital. After Charbonneau’s blood was taken, he was then transported to booking. While at booking, Charbonneau was also caught with two Suboxone strips in his wallet without a prescription. Charbonneau was later charged with driving under the influence, contraband in a penal institution, weapon possession while under the influence, possession or causal exchange, and open container violation. Charbonneau was previously charged with several counts of possession of drug paraphernalia in 2022.

Kimore Grant punches husband multiple times during fight at Nashville International Airport

26-year-old Kimore Grant was involved in a fight with her husband, Oneil Maxwell, in front of the American Airlines ticket counter at the Nashville International Airport on August 2nd. When officers arrived, they were provided camera footage of Grant assaulting Maxwell. The footage displayed Grant punching Maxwell in the face six times. Officers deemed Grant the primary aggressor, so she was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Martiera Benson damages sister’s apartment door with stroller during altercation

23-year-old Martiera Benson was involved in a domestic incident with her sister, Pierriona Phillips, on August 4th. When officers arrived, they witnessed Benson using a stroller to hit Phillips’ apartment door. After detaining Benson, Phillips came outside and informed officers that she wanted to press charges against her sister for the damage done to her door. Benson’s other sister made contact with officers and confirmed that Benson was the one striking the door with the stroller. Benson was then taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

Nikhil Badge strangles wife in front of children after son comes home with heat rash

34-year-old Nikhil Badge was caught strangling his wife, Ankana Das, on August 4th. On that day, Das reported that she had taken her two children to the park, and one had a heat rash on his face upon returning home. Upon Das entering the home, Badge began yelling at Das, asking what she did to their son. Das then informed Badge that it was a heat rash; however, he did not listen and told Das that she was no longer allowed to take their children out of the house alone. After this, Das went to her room, and when she returned to the kitchen, Badge and his mother were there. Badge’s mother then asked Das, “Did you learn your lesson?” before Badge allegedly Grabbed Das by the throat and began strangling her with his right hand. Das claimed that he held onto her throat for five minutes and was calling her vulgar names throughout the whole ordeal. Badge eventually let Das go and told her he was going to call the police. Das did not lose consciousness but said she felt like she was going to pass out and described having difficulty breathing, ringing ears, and difficulty swallowing afterward.

Their two children were present during the strangling. When Das brought this to his attention, Badge allegedly stated, “Let them watch.” Badge also called officers and noted that Das heard him and his mother talking and thought it was about her. Badge claims that Das lunged at his mother, and he got in the middle of them to stop her. Badge did not mention any strangulation; however, both of his parents were present. The parents, however, did not speak English, and Badge was translating for them. Through translation, an assault was not mentioned. Badge told officers that he believed the victim was calling the police to make false reports to get his parents kicked out of the house. Officers noted that neither Das nor Badge had visible injuries. Officers determined that Badge was deemed the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Apothecary Johnson drunkenly yells & causes disturbance at Elizabeth Duff Transit Center

23-year-old Apothecary Johnson was observed yelling and causing a disturbance at the Elizabeth Duff Transit Center on the afternoon of August 5th. After noticing this, officers approached Johnson and told him to calm down, but he refused. Then, Johnson, who was visibly intoxicated, stumbled while walking and reeked of alcohol. Officers deemed Johnson a danger to himself and detained him for the occurrence. Johnson was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Innocent Mabonza drunkenly beats & strangles his wife, tells police he “was stronger than her”

44-year-old Innocent Mabonza was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Ndemesa Zawadi, at an Old Franklin Road Apartment on August 3rd. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Zawadi standing outside with a ripped shirt that had blood on it. They also noticed that Zawadi had a cut on her nose and swelling on the right side of her face. Zawadi reported that her husband, Mabonza, had beat her up and put his hands around her neck. Zawadi claimed that when she came home from work, she found Mabonza drinking alcohol. Zawadi says that the incident occurred in the morning, and she walked away while he spoke with her. After this, Zawadi says that Mabonza followed her to her bedroom, outside, and back into the residence. Mabonza and Zawadi then began arguing, and when they went back into the residence, he started beating her, slapping her, and punching her in the face and neck area.

Officers then spoke to Mabonza, who told them he had injuries as well, which included a small cut to his hand, a burn on his knee, and a cut on his left side. Mabonza informed officers that he and Zawadi began arguing and pushing each other but admitted that he “was stronger than her” and got angry “because he is a man.” However, Zawadi told officers that these injuries were secondary as they came from her trying to get away from him.  Zawadi also made statements such as  “he beat me,” “he was punching me in the face and neck, and I am hurting,” and ” he punched me, and my tongue is swollen.” When asked where the blood on her shirt came from, Zawadi told officers it was from that day and that Mabonza was hurting her. Zawadi also says that Mabonza had grabbed her by her braided hair with one hand and put his other hand around her neck. She added that she was unable to breathe at the time he began strangling her. Zawadi says the cut on Mabonza was due to her trying to get away from him. Zawadi’s injuries consisted of a cut under her nose, swelling to the right of her face, cuts to the inside of her mouth and lips, and cuts to the outside of her mouth. Zawadi’s son, who was on the scene, reported that he did not see anything other than her lying on the floor after they were arguing. Mabonza was then deemed the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Ashley Robinson throws rocks at baby daddy, sprays mother’s car with fire extinguisher during multiple incidents

20-year-old Ashley Nikole Robinson had a domestic altercation with the father of her child, Masaiyis White, at their Bridgecrest Drive townhouse on April 18th. Robinson called the police, stating she was assaulted by White, adding that they had been arguing since April 15th regarding childcare for their son. Robinson told officers that White had brought their son to her grandmother’s house to drop him off, but she told White he could not leave him there because she had work in the morning. Then, Robinson stated that after he dropped their kid off, she tried to enter his car without his permission. Robinson stated she was trying to ask White to take her to the store, but he would not let her in. Robinson said the door was locked, so she tried pulling it and would not let go. This prompted White to drive away to get her off his car. Robinson then said he exited his vehicle, walked over to her, and slapped her cell phone out of her hand. Then, Robinson said she threw a rock at him, causing them to fall into the bushes.

When officers spoke with White, he confirmed that they had been arguing about childcare and admitted to slapping her phone away from her after she threw a rock at the side of his head. He said that she rushed towards him and pushed him into the bushes, where she continued to throw rocks at him. White said he was trying to leave the complex when she jumped on his car, trying to break his windshield. After discovering she had a previous domestic incident where she assaulted him and admitted to attacking him, officers deemed her as the primary aggressor. Robinson was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

After being released, Robinson had a domestic incident with her mother, Ida Wade, at their Bridgecrest Drive townhouse on July 23rd. Responding officers spoke with Wade, who stated that she and Robinson argued because she would not let Robinson use her vehicle. Wade explained that Robinson had become angry and started throwing items around the house. After this, Wade stated she tried to leave, but Robinson followed her. While Wade was walking across the street, she said that Robinson shouted profanities at her. Then, Robinson reportedly grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed Wade’s vehicle before spraying her with it. Wade added that after this, Robinson’s friend arrived in a silver sedan that Robinson later stood on top of to continue shouting at her. Then, she said Robinson retrieved what appeared to be a beer can from her friend’s car and threw it at her but missed. Wade then advised officers that Robinson got a pair of scissors, approached her, and lunged at her, placing her in fear of bodily injury. Afterward, Wade told them Robinson walked away and left with her friend. Then, Wade provided officers with footage from her ring doorbell camera, corroborating her statements. A warrant was then obtained for Robinson’s arrest. Robinson was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on August 4th.