Mary Anderson urinates on herself after refusing to leave Southwest ticket counter at Nashville International Airport

On August 25th, at the Nashville International Airport, 65-year-old Mary Anderson was seen intoxicated and refusing to vacate the area around a gate counter. When officers arrived and came into contact with Anderson, they reported that they observed several signs of intoxication. Officers also observed that she had a boarding pass for American Airlines despite being at a Southwest gate. Officers informed Anderson of this several times, but she could not comprehend what they were saying. Anderson was also unable to perform any function on her phone and walk in a straight line. Officers also noticed, at some point, Anderson had urinated on herself during their interaction. Officers deemed that Anderson was unable to take care of herself, so she was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Muna Ahmed assaults husband with bed frame pole during argument

32-year-old Muna Abdulahi Ahmed had a domestic altercation with her husband, Abdi Issa, at their residence on August 26th. Issa told responding officers that he and Ahmed argued, adding that he went to lie in his room afterward. Then, Issa said that Ahmed entered his room and hit him with a pole that came from a bed frame, leaving him with a swollen leg and a bruised finger. When officers spoke with Ahmed, she confirmed that they had argued. Ahmed stated that after their argument, Issa left and fell down the stairs. However, she denied that their dispute ever escalated to anything physical. Ahmed and Issa’s son, who witnessed the incident, told the police he saw Ahmed hit Issa with something long while he was lying down. Then, he said that he saw Issa falling down the stairs after he left the apartment. Ahmed was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Melissa Lynch threatens multiple people to make police appear faster, tells 911 operator “Do you want me to kill the neighbor?”

37-year-old Melissa Lynch reported that on August 24th, she was having items taken from her Old Fountain Court residence and sold on Facebook Marketplace. On August 25th at 2:07 a.m., law enforcement received another call from Lynch stating, “You know what, I’m going to kill someone if you guys don’t get here now!” “Seriously, do I have to kill myself?” and “What do I have to do to get the police here? Because I’ll do it. Do you want me to kill the neighbor? What do you want me to do? My family is already dead!” Lynch ended the call by asking officers, “Do I need to kill the medics when they get here… or I’ll kill you too?” This prompted law enforcement to send four marked patrol units and an ambulance before they made contact with Lynch. When officers spoke with Lynch, she stated that she was not suicidal, and then she refused all medical attention. Lynch then told officers that  “I would never hurt anyone.” It was clear to police that Lynch made the threats to elicit a faster response in relation to her theft report a day prior. Lynch was later taken into custody and charged with making a non-emergency 911 call.

Nachely Simon drunkenly kicks vehicles and fights multiple people during altercation

25-year-old Nachely Simon caused a disturbance near 4th Avenue North and Union Street on August 25th. Upon arrival, officers located Simon and nearby witnesses. Officers noticed Simon reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment before speaking with the witnesses. Witnesses provided officers with footage that showed Simon kicking multiple vehicles and fighting with unidentified individuals who were not present. Simon sustained a cut on the left side of his face near his eye from the scuffle. Then, Simon was taken into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Isabelle Pereira deemed too drunk for Broadway

24-year-old Isabelle Pereira was seen publicly intoxicated on Broadway on August 25th. Officers were contacted by citizens on Broadway saying that there was a drunk woman by herself. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Pereira. Pereira had no friends with her, could not tell officers where she was staying, and had no means of contacting anyone to get her. Officers also noticed that Pereira had difficulty walking and had a heavy smell of alcohol on her breath. Officers then attempted to call the only number she knew multiple times. However, the person with that phone number did not answer. Officers also called every Hilton Garden Inn and could not confirm a reservation. Since Pereira was deemed a danger to herself and had nowhere to go, she was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

Paige Vaughn speeds away from police in her Kia Optima on John A Merritt Boulevard at 53 mph

20-year-old Paige Vaughn was seen speeding in a white Kia Optima on John A Merritt Boulevard on April 18th. Officers observed Vaughn driving through a crosswalk while someone was walking across. When officers attempted to pull Vaughn over, she sped up and started driving at 53mph in a 25mph zone before slowing down. Officers cited her for the violation that day. Vaughn was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 23rd.

Antonio Bucio passes out drunk in back of car at Sentral SoBro Apartments

24-year-old Antonio Bucio was found passed out drunk in the back of a vehicle at Sentral SoBro Apartments on August 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with an EMT, who stated that Bucio was uncooperative. They added that Bucio would not answer any of their questions and was being belligerent while they were trying to assist him. The police observed Bucio being disorderly and noticed his breath reeked of alcohol. Then, Bucio refused medical treatment and did not want to go to the hospital. Bucio was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jeffery Jones punches police officer in face during brawl at Noel Block Garage

30-year-old Jeffery Jones was involved in a brawl in downtown Nashville at the Noel Block Garage on August 25th. When officers arrived, they observed Jones actively fighting with another individual. While officers were attempting to intervene and break up the fight, Jones punched Sergeant Bradley Mcgrath in the face. Jones continued to resist by pulling away his arms while being told he was under arrest. Jones was then taken into custody and charged with assault on an officer, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.

Samir Shehata assaults coworker during altercation at Omni Hotel

50-year-old Samir Shehata was caught after assaulting one of his coworkers, Ehabi Abdalla, at the Omni Hotel on Rep. John Lewis Way South on July 31st. On that day, officers spoke with Abdalla, who stated that Shehata hit him in the chest while they were at work. Officers then viewed surveillance footage, which showed Samir pushing Abdalla without a reason. Abdalla informed officers he would like to press charges, and Shehata was cited for the incident that day. Shehata was later booked on the citation for assault on August 23rd.

DUI: Mauricio Nunez-Lindo lets friend drive his car without a license after drinking 6 Corona Beers

25-year-old Mauricio Nunez-Lindo let Henry Armando Suaza drive his vehicle after they drank on August 24th. Officers noticed this and followed the vehicle. While trailing, officers observed it going 35 mph in a 45 mph zone. However, there was no safe location to conduct a traffic stop, so they followed the vehicle to Hangar Road and Airport Service Road before stopping them. The police made a passenger-side approach and found three Hispanic males, two of whom were Suaza and Nunez-Lindo, with multiple Corona beer bottles located inside the rear storage compartment of the right seat. Also, officers smelled a strong alcoholic odor emitting from the vehicle as they advised Suaza their reason for pulling him over and then requested his driver’s credentials. Suaza told them he did not have a driver’s license and provided them with his Honduras Passport. Then, the police asked Suaza if he had anything to drink, to which he responded, “Yes, three beers.” After this, they had Suaza exit the vehicle, and while he made his way to the front of their patrol car, he reeked of booze and showed signs of impairment. Then, Suaza told them he had six Corona beers before driving. Officers explained and demonstrated the sobriety tests for Suaza, but he performed poorly and utilized their patrol vehicle for balance. After this, Nunez-Lindo was identified by his Honduras passport and told officers the vehicle belonged to him. Nunez-Lindo added that he gave the keys to Suaza to drive. Nunez-Lindo was taken into custody for driving under the influence on August 25th.