Shankar Dandnpat found drunk with no shoes outside Honky Tonk Central

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26-year-old Shankar Dandnpat was visibly intoxicated near Honky Tonk Central at 3:25 a.m. on August 31st. Officers were flagged down regarding this and located Dandnpat. Officers noticed he had no shoes, was very confused, and reeked of alcoholic beverages. Although Dandnpat cooperated with the police, he had trouble answering their questions.

Shankar Dandnpat (MNPD)
Shankar Dandnpat (MNPD)

Dandnpat also could not tell officers where he was staying or give them a phone number for assistance. After finding he had no phone or wallet, officers deemed him a danger to himself and detained him for the incident. Dandnpat was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Shankar K Dandnpat was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on August 31st, charged with public intoxication. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $100.

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