Kevin Meneses Gutierres strangles girlfriend, threatens to kill her for messaging his mother

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19-year-old Kevin Jose Meneses Gutierres had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Iris Yahoska Davila, at their Windsor Brook Place residence on July 31st. Davila advised responding officers that she, Gutierres, her children, and his family stayed at the residence. Then, she further explained that she messaged Gutierres’ mother and that the message’s contents upset Gutierres. Davila said that after Gutierres picked his mom up from work, he returned home and confronted her about the message she sent. Davila told officers that Gutierres attacked her with his hands, knocking her to the ground. She added that he then restrained her by putting his knees on her arms to keep her from getting up.

Then, Gutierres reportedly put his hands around her neck and strangled her, during which she struggled with breathing. In response, Davila’s 4-year-old child began hitting Gutierres to get him off her. The police report stated that Gutierres told Davila he would kill her while strangling her. Shortly after, Gutierres’ aunt and uncle returned home, went into the bathroom, and separated the two. Officers noticed Davila had bruising and scratches on her arms, neck, and face, consistent with her statements. A medic evaluated her, but she refused to be transported to the hospital. Officers then spoke with Gutierres, who said Davila attacked him and that he held her down to stop her from assaulting him. When they asked him how Davila got her injuries, Gutierres stated that she hurt herself. Gutierres was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Kevin Jose Gutierrez Meneses (MNPD)
Kevin Jose Meneses Gutierres (MNPD)

Kevin Jose Meneses Gutierres was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 31st, charged with aggravated assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $35,000.

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