Brenton Harris jailed after uploading image containing child sexual abuse

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40-year-old Brenton Harris was involved in the spreading of sexual content containing children on December 7th, 2022. The Internet Crimes Against Children Program (IPAC) informed MNPD that they received a CyberTip from Bing. The tip informed them that a user with an IP address in Nashville had uploaded an image containing child sexual abuse. The image contained a prepubescent female committing sexual acts with an adult male.

Detectives issued a subpoena for the IP address, which returned to Harris’ residence. On May 15th, 2024, detectives conducted a knock and talk at Harris’ home and spoke with him. During his conversation with detectives, Harris admitted to remembering the image showcasing child sexual abuse. He also admitted to searching for underage pornography in the past. Harris was later taken into custody and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor on August 10th.

Brenton Harris (MNPD)
Brenton Harris (MNPD)

Brenton Tyler Harris of Rexdale Drive in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on August 10th, charged with sexual exploitation of a minor. He is free on a $10,000 bond.

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One Thought to “Brenton Harris jailed after uploading image containing child sexual abuse”

  1. Clearly, many people have a misplaced yet strong sense of entitlement when it comes to abusing children.

    Sexual or otherwise, if the abuse goes prolongedly unhindered it readily causes the young child’s brain to improperly develop. It can readily be the starting point of a life in which the brain uncontrollably releases potentially damaging levels of inflammatory stress hormones and chemicals, even in otherwise non-stressful daily routines.

    It can amount to non-physical-impact brain-damage abuse: It has been described as an emotionally tumultuous daily existence, indeed a continuous discomforting anticipation of ‘the other shoe dropping’. For others, it also includes being simultaneously scared of how badly they will deal with the upsetting event, which usually never transpires.

    The lasting emotional/psychological pain throughout one’s life from such trauma is very formidable yet invisibly confined to inside one’s head, solitarily suffered. And it can easily make every day a mental ordeal, unless the turmoil is prescription and/or illicitly medicated.

    As a moral rule, a mentally as well as physically sound future should be every child’s fundamental right — along with air, water, food and shelter — especially considering the very troubled world into which they never asked to enter.

    The wellbeing of all children needs to be of real importance to everyone — and not just concern over what other parents’ children might or will cost us as future criminals or costly cases of government care, etcetera.

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