Jerrion Phillips assaults mother during altercation over TV

21-year-old Jerrion Phillips was involved in a domestic altercation with his mother, Alexis Philips,  while at an Andrew Jackson Parkway residence on August 4th. Alexis had called officers to inform them that Jerrion had pointed a gun and threatened to shoot her. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Alexis. She stated that her son, Jerrion, began to argue with her and call her obscenities. After this, Alexis told officers that she had taken Jerrion’s TV, which she had purchased for him. She stated that when he went to retrieve it, they began wrestling over the TV.

Officers then noticed red and bleeding scratches on Alexis’ arm. She told officers that the scratches came from Jerrion taking the TV from her. Alexis also said that she didn’t know if Jerrion had a weapon but had not seen one during the incident. Jerrion fled the scene before the officers’ arrival but was later found. When asked about the situation, Jerrion claimed that his mother pushed him. However, there were no injuries to him. Officers then deemed him to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Thomas Gillenlen repeatedly interferes with police while drunk at MAPCO

40-year-old Thomas Gillenlen was caught with marijuana while intoxicated at a MAPCO on Bell Road on August 3rd. When officers arrived at the scene, Gillenlen had already been taken into custody by another officer. Gillenlen allegedly interfered with officers investigating an accident and began disrupting them. When the officer asked Gillenlen to step back so they could handle the incident, he refused. Gillenlen appeared intoxicated to the officers and eventually left the scene.

Later, more officers arrived at the location to assist with a medical incident. As officers handled the incident, Gillenlen reappeared at the scene. Gillenlen began asking officers questions while they were attempting to provide aid. Gillenlen was informed that the officers were in the middle of helping someone but continued interfering with the officers anyway.

Due to Gillenlen’s behavior in both interactions, officers deemed he was intoxicated and spoke with him. While speaking with Gillenlen, officers could smell the odor of alcohol on his breath. Officers noted that Gillenlen also had scattered thoughts and repeatedly asked questions. While speaking with officers, Gillenlen told them his truck was at the gas station, but they did not see him drive it there.

Gillenlen then allowed officers to search the vehicle, and they located a plastic bag that contained 2.2 grams of marijuana. Gillenlen was then taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance and public intoxication.

Benjamin Willoughby assaults security guard, destroys plants at Four Seasons Hotel

36-year-old Benjamin Willoughby was observed publicly intoxicated and fleeing from officers at the Four Seasons Hotel on Demonbreun Street on August 3rd. Hotel security guards flagged down officers, reporting that Willoughby had been involved in a physical altercation with a security guard. When officers arrived, they witnessed Willoughby running from the security guards. Despite multiple commands to stop, Willoughby continued to run. Officers eventually caught and detained Willoughby, during which he resisted by pulling his arms away.

Upon speaking with William Cash, one of the security guards, it was revealed that Willoughby had approached the valet area with a facial injury. Cash informed officers that they offered to help Willoughby, but he ran away and later began to chase another individual. Willoughby then returned to the hotel and caused property damage by banging on windows while uprooting their plants. When Cash confronted him, Willoughby charged at Cash and physically assaulted him. Officers noted a red mark on Cash’s neck before speaking with Willoughby, who reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech. Willoughby was deemed too intoxicated to respond and was subsequently taken into custody for charges including resisting arrest, evading arrest, assault, and public intoxication.

Moosaa Jaladin resists arrest after punching man in face at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

24-year-old Moosaa Jaladin was seen resisting arrest after pushing and punching a man at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 3rd. Officers were responding to a medical call at the bar when they observed Jaladin and another man pushing each other. Officers then observed Jaladin swing and punch the man in the face. Officers approached Jaladin and informed him that he was under arrest, instructing him to put his hands behind his back. Jaladin attempted to flee but was caught by officers and taken to the ground. Even on the ground, Jaladin continued to resist until eventually being taken into custody. He was ultimately charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

Ryan Sexton resists arrest, gets taken to ground by police during brawl at Wild Beaver Saloon

23-year-old Ryan Sexton was seen acting disorderly and resisting arrest while at the Wild Beaver Saloon bar on Commerce Street on August 4th. Officers were flagged down at the bar for a large fight. When they arrived, they observed Sexton throwing punches at another individual. Officers then approached Sexton and told him to place his hands behind his back as he was under arrest. Sexton resisted officers while his mother and father also attempted to pull officers away from their son. Officers were eventually able to get Sexton to the ground, and he was later taken into custody for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Adrian Tenorio runs from police after punching man multiple times in face at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

20-year-old Adrian Tenorio was observed to be assaulting Dakota Morris at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 2nd. When officers arrived, they were flagged down immediately by bar security guards. The security pointed officers in the direction of two individuals who had allegedly assaulted each other while inside the establishment. After reviewing security footage of the incident, officers saw footage of Tenorio punching Morris several times in the face. Officers then spoke with Tenorio, who did not want to provide any information regarding where he lived or provide personal information. Officers then decided to arrest Tenorio for assault, to which he responded by beginning to tense up and physically pull away from officers. Tenorio then attempted to flee the police by running down the street. Officers eventually caught up and apprehended him before placing him in custody for assault, resisting arrest, and evading arrest.

Rodriquez Howard tells officers he has no one to care for him while drinking at Shell Gas Station

38-year-old Rodriquez Howard was seen publicly intoxicated while at a Shell gas station on Hermitage Avenue on August 1st. Officers on patrol observed Howard outside the gas station with a 24oz alcoholic beverage in his hand. Officers then approached Howard to speak with him. Upon speaking with Howard, officers noticed his slurred speech. Officers also noticed his inability to maintain his balance and the smell of alcohol coming from him. Howard told officers that he was drinking and that he had no one to care for him. Officers deemed Howard a threat to himself, and he was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

Tiffany Rhone steals $1,500 worth of tobacco products from Twice Daily Convenience Store

37-year-old Tiffany Rhone was caught stealing tobacco products from a Twice Daily Convenience store on 12th Avenue South on May 4th. Rhone was captured on camera with three other suspects. One of the suspects took out a large rock from a bag and struck the front glass multiple times, while another suspect kicked the glass in. The group then entered the store through the broken glass and stole a significant amount of tobacco-related products valued at $1,500. After leaving the scene, Rhone and the others were seen heading in the same direction they came from. One of the other suspects was arrested and confessed to the crime, identifying Rhone to officers from the camera footage. Before the burglary, Rhone was also spotted on cameras near Deford Bailey Avenue. Later that morning, she was seen with the other suspects going to another apartment, where one of them admitted to selling the stolen tobacco products. Rhone was then deemed an accomplice, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. Rhone was later found and taken into custody for failure to appear, organized retail crime, burglary, and theft of merchandise on August 1st.

Jessica Washburn assaults ex-boyfriend during fight with new boyfriend

42-year-old Jessica Washburn was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend and children’s father, Preston Thompson, at a Summitt Avenue residence on June 16th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Washburn. She stated that when she and Chancellor Barker, her new boyfriend, arrived at the residence, they wanted to talk to her daughter and retrieve her daughter’s phone inside the residence. As Washburn entered the residence, Thompson walked outside and approached Barker to shake his hand. Barker then punched Thompson, and the two began fighting outside.

After this, Washburn and Coy Thompson, Preston’s brother, walked outside and witnessed the fight. Officers then met with Coy, who stated that he observed Washburn attempt to hit Preston several times and take off her shoe to hit him with it. Coy also claims that he thought he pulled Washburn away before she hit Preston with the shoe, but it is unknown if she struck Preston. Once Coy separated the parties, Washburn pushed Thompson again before she and Barker fled. Officers then made contact and spoke with Preston, who stated that he did feel assaulted by Washburn when asked if he felt assaulted by her. A warrant was issued, and Washburn was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault.

Donterries Holloway strangles, drags girlfriend by hair into apartment during argument

20-year-old Donterries Holloway was involved in numerous domestic altercations with Sadae Robinson, his girlfriend and roommate, while at their Claiborne Street residence on July 28th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Robinson, who initially claimed she wanted Holloway out of her home. Robinson added that there were no threats of violence or any physical violence. Holloway was at the residence looking for his phone, but eventually fled. This made Robinson upset, and she proceeded to change her story, claiming that Holloway had pushed her and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her around the house. Officers noticed a hole in the front of her shirt that appeared ripped before she admitted it came from Holloway. Robinson had no injuries and informed officers that she wanted her house and car keys back from Holloway.

A few days later, on July 30th,  Holloway had gotten into another domestic altercation with Robinson at the same residence. Camera footage shows the two arguing because Holloway would not return Robinson’s phone. The cameras also captured Holloway in the doorway, grabbing Robinson and pushing her to the ground. Holloway then proceeded to grab Robinson by the hair and drag her inside the residence. After this, Robinson pushed Holloway off of her before she knocked on the neighbor’s door. At this time, Holloway then went back out of the home and grabbed Robinson by the throat. However, after they struggle for a few seconds, he lets go of her throat and walks back inside the residence.

When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Robinson and noticed her ripped shirt and that her face was starting to swell. When asked, She told officers that she had been strangled but did not lose consciousness and could breathe. Robinson also told officers that Holloway fled the scene before they arrived but claimed that Holloway had stolen her phone. Officers tracked and received the phone at a Dollar General on Lafayette Street. Footage from the dollar generator also shows Holloway in possession of the phone. There were several witnesses who all informed officers they saw Holloway grab and push Robinson to the ground. A warrant was issued, and Holloway was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault, aggravated assault, and property theft on July 31st.