Tatyana Pippins punches music production business partner during argument

29-year-old Tatyana Pippins was involved in a domestic altercation with her music partner, Joshua Rudd, while at his William Turner Parkway apartment on July 20th. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Rudd, who explained that he and Pippins were business partners in a music venture and had a venue event coming up. Rudd mentioned receiving multiple texts from Pippins that morning, leading to an argument where Pippins threatened to have people come to his house. Concerned, Rudd went to Pippins’ apartment on William Turner Parkway to retrieve his belongings. Rudd waited for Pippins to let him inside, offering to stay outside to avoid further conflict. Rudd claimed he started collecting his music equipment and began looking for his laptop. Rudd said the argument escalated when Pippins pushed him while he was searching for his laptop. Pippins then punched him in the face when he peeked inside her room. Rudd ignored the punch, but Pippins proceeded to punch him two more times in the face, causing an injury to his upper lip. Rudd informed the officers that he was able to retrieve his laptop. Rudd then proceeded to show officers text messages between him and Pippins that occurred after the incident. In the messages, Pippins admits to the assault, saying, “I apologize.” A warrant was issued for Pippins’ arrest, and she was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault on July 30th.

Christina Feagans punches boyfriend after being kicked out of Hootie & The Blowfish concert

47-year-old Christina Louise Feagans was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Tyler McCoy, while at Rippy’s Honky Tonk Bar on Broadway on July 27th. When officers arrived on the scene, they were flagged down and spoke with McCoy. He informed officers that he and Feagans were at a Hootie & the Blowfish concert at Bridgestone Arena, but Feagans had been asked to leave because of her level of intoxication. McCoy explained that he had Feagans’ phone and was trying to call an Uber. He stated this made Feagans upset and started punching him multiple times in the face and ribs. McCoy claimed he then returned the phone before Feagans left the location on foot. Officers noticed marks on his face that were consistent with being assaulted. McCoy also told officers that he lives with Feagans at her Monte Bella Place residence in Franklin, TN, and that they have been dating for two months. Additionally, officers attempted to make contact with Feagans at her job but were unable to speak with her. Feagans was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 30th.

Alexandria Lange booked after driving without seatbelt in 2022

29-year-old Alexandria G. Lange was seen not wearing a seatbelt while driving on October 14th, 2022. Lange was cited that day for the incident. Lange then did not appear in court for the citation on December 14th, 2022, and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest. Lange was later taken into custody and charged with seat belt violation on July 29th, 2024.

Vanessa Culley caught with crack pipe after sleeping in Las Palmas parking lot

40-year-old Vanessa Culley was found asleep in the parking lot of Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant on Hayes Street on July 29th. Officers noticed Culley sleeping in the parking lot. Officers discovered that she had an outstanding warrant for her arrest, which they confirmed. Culley was then taken into custody, and during a search, a crack pipe was found in her back left pocket located inside a cigarette box. She was then transported and later charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.

Robert Schaal throws drywall knife at ex-girlfriend during altercation

47-year-old Robert Schaal was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Cassandra Mcguire, while at their shared residence on July 2nd. On that day, Mcguire reported that Schaal, who lives on the same property but in another house, came over to her residence and threatened her with a drywall knife. Mcguire reported that the two talked about Schaal’s eye and the drywall work being done in the residence. Mcguire reported that Schaal walked out of the home with a drywall knife. Mcguire claimed that Schaal opened her door and threw the knife into the house. Mcguire believed that Schaal was throwing the knife at her, and it placed her in fear for her own safety. However, the knife was closed and thrown on the floor between the wall and a piece of drywall that was leaning against the left side of the residence. Mcguire claimed she was sitting behind a piece of drywall and was on the opposite side of the room. A warrant was issued that day for Schaal’s arrest. Schaal was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 26th.

DUI: Troyvorius Brunson swerves between lanes on I-24 East after having multiple shots

30-year-old Troyvorius Brunson was seen driving under the influence while in possession of a handgun while on I-24 East on July 28th. Officers observed a vehicle that could not maintain its lane and initiated a traffic stop. During the stop, officers had Brunson exit his vehicle, and while stepping out, Brunson was unsteady on his feet. Officers spoke with Brunson and noticed the strong smell of alcohol coming from his breath. During the conversation, Brunson had also admitted to officers that he was driving to Nashville and that he had been drinking with friends. Officers then relocated Brunson to a nearby Thornton gas station to perform sobriety tests. During the tests, Brunson showed numerous indicators of impairment. After completing the tests, officers asked Brunson how many drinks he had, to which he admitted to having five to six shots. While officers were performing sobriety tests, another officer remained by Brunson’s vehicle so they could tow it away. During an inventory search of the vehicle, officers located a handgun within immediate reach of the driver in the center console. Brunson was then taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and possession of a weapon while under the influence.

Osama Youssef strangles wife unconscious during during argument

48-year-old Osama Youssef was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Sherin Hakim, on July 27th. When officers arrived at the crime scene, they observed a white vehicle pulling out of the driveway and immediately driving off. Officers then noticed everybody in the residence’s front yard pointing toward the vehicle and claiming that the suspect was in the vehicle. After this, officers followed the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop, where they made contact with Youssef. While speaking with Youssef, they had him step out of the vehicle, and another officer had radioed him that Youssef allegedly had strangled Hakim. Youssef was then detained and placed in the back of the officer’s patrol vehicle. After a short amount of time, officers were advised that there were visible injuries to Hakim, so Youssef was informed that he was now in custody.

When asked what happened, Youssef admitted to officers that he had been in an argument with Hakim but denied ever getting physical. While Youssef was being questioned, another officer spoke with Hakim, and she claimed that they had been in an argument earlier in the day. Hakim informed officers that the argument had moved from a common room in the house to the bedroom, where things escalated. Hakim alleges that once they both were in the bedroom, Youssef locked the door and started getting physical with her. Hakim says that Youssef had grabbed her throat with one hand and began striking her in the face with his other hand. Hakim also claims that she lost the ability to breathe and had a moment of lost consciousness but does not know how their altercation ended due to her losing consciousness. Due to the statements made and injuries observed, Youssef was then taken into custody for aggravated assault on July 28th.

Sheila Hill scratches & kicks police officers while resisting arrest at Nashville International Airport

49-year-old Sheila Hill was spotted resisting arrest while intoxicated at the Nashville International Airport on July 28th. Officers were called in response to a woman who seemed to be in distress. When they arrived, they found Hill, who appeared to be intoxicated, with red, watery eyes, slurred speech, and the smell of alcohol on her breath. Despite officers deeming Hill able to continue with her plans as she did not require their assistance, airport staff informed them that she had been denied boarding due to appearing heavily intoxicated. Hill, now not having a scheduled flight that day, was asked to leave the airport’s secure area. As Hill and the officers were walking towards the exit, she became aggressive, using foul language, making repetitive statements, and loudly questioning the officers.

Hill then began screaming, disrupting the activities of nearby businesses. The officers informed Hill that she was being arrested for public intoxication. Despite this, Hill started resisting, but officers were eventually able to handcuff her. Hill resisted further by dropping her weight, kicking at the officers, scratching them with her nails, and trying to pull away. Throughout the encounter, Hill refused to walk, go downstairs, or get into patrol vehicles. When she was placed inside the officer’s patrol vehicle, she began kicking the windows and hitting her head against the vehicle. Hill was then taken into custody and later charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.

Carl Grimes refuses to leave Hyve Condominium after threatening guests & security

39-year-old Carl Grimes was seen acting disorderly after refusing to leave and yelling at guests at the Hyve Condominium on 7th Avenue South on July 25th. Security reported to the officers that there was someone who refused to leave. They claimed that Grimes made his way into the lobby, and they escorted him out. Despite this, Grimes remained on the property and followed guests back inside. Security informed officers that Grimes refused to leave once he got back inside. When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Grimes, who met with officers at the door inside the lobby. Officers then ordered Grimes to leave, or he would be arrested for trespassing, but he refused to come out.

While speaking with Grimes, he turned around and began walking towards a group of women who had also called the police. Grimes then began yelling and cursing at them while taking a fighting stance. Grimes also began yelling and threatening security at the location. The officer believed Grimes would start a fight and become physical with the guests, so he was taken into custody. After being placed in handcuffs, Grimes was instructed to walk; however, he tensed up and refused to walk after repeated instructions. While being placed in the car, he picked up his left foot and put it on the side of the seat. Grimes did this to prevent officers from placing him inside the vehicle by pushing against the seat. In response to this, officers had to force Grimes into the car. Grimes was then transported and charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, and resisting arrest on July 26th.

Devon Ware steals $1,802 worth of cash & merchandise while working at MAPCO

21-year-old Devon Ware was caught stealing money and merchandise from his job at MAPCO on Dickerson Pike on July 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with a district manager for MAPCO who claimed that Ware had stolen $1800 worth of money and merchandise over a week while on shift. The manager provided footage from July 18th showing Ware stealing cash from the register and a “money vending machine” next to the register, making multiple withdrawals during his shift. The district manager also gave officers a receipt from the register showing that $1702.81 was missing. Additionally, the manager claimed that the remaining $100 came from the merchandise Ware had given out to customers for free. When officers spoke with Ware, he admitted to stealing money from the register but disputed the total amount taken. As a result, Ware was then taken into custody for property theft.