DUI: Gabriel Flesche crashes Tesla Model 3 into multiple trees after drinking one High Noon Vodka Seltzer

26-year-old Gabriel Flesche was arrested for driving under the influence following a vehicle accident at the intersection of 11th Avenue North and Grundy Street on July 21st. When officers arrived, they noticed a badly wrecked Tesla Model 3 missing its front tire. Officers then proceeded to speak with the driver, Flesche. He claimed that while he was driving, another vehicle cut him off. Flesche stated this caused him to lose control of his vehicle, strike a light pole, and strike multiple trees along the side of the road. Officers observed no evidence of another vehicle. Officers then determined that Flesche was traveling faster than the speed limit and hit a patch of water that caused him to lose control. While officers were speaking with Flesche, they noticed the strong smell of alcohol coming from him. When asked, Flesche initially denied drinking before admitting to drinking one high noon vodka seltzer. Officers noticed Flesche’s slurred speech, red and bloodshot eyes, and inability to maintain balance. Officers then asked Flesche to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. However, Flesche performed poorly on all tests given. Flesche was then breathalyzed, but stopped blowing in the middle of the test twice, causing it to fail. Flesche then refused to breathe again, and officers deemed he was intoxicated. Flesche was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Marinda Rich steals 2005 Chevy Silverado, tells police it’s her boyfriend’s truck

22-year-old Marinda Rich was caught after stealing and abandoning a vehicle near a Thompson Place residence on July 20th. Police responded to a call for service regarding a stolen vehicle. When officers arrived, they noticed a black 2005 Chevy Silverado on the scene. Officers ran the vehicle’s information and discovered that it had been stolen out of Murfreesboro. The officers received a description of the women who left the stolen vehicle at the scene. As the officers were recovering the vehicle, Rich approached them and claimed it was her boyfriend’s truck. When questioned, Rich admitted leaving the vehicle there and presented the key to officers. Rich also admitted to being in possession of the vehicle since July 19th. The officers verified that the key belonged to the vehicle. Rich was taken into custody for vehicle theft on July 21st.

Manuel Guzman bites man on lip after taking his phone during altercation

27-year-old Manuel Guzman was involved in a domestic altercation with Juan Vazquez, an intimate partner, on July 20th. When officers arrived at the crime scene, they spoke with Vazquez. He claimed that he had met Guzman on an app around midnight and that they met up at the location. Vazquez informed the officers that they drank alcohol together before having intercourse. In the morning, Guzman asked Vazquez to get something from the store, and Vazquez asked for his cell phone back from Guzman. Guzman refused to give Vazquez his phone, and when Vazquez tried to grab it, Guzman bit his lip. The officers noticed Vazquez’s swollen lip, caused by an injury consistent with a bite mark. Officers then attempted to call Vazquez’s phone and looked at Guzman’s two phones but could not find Vazquez’s phone. Guzman was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Swen Johnson cat-calls & chases woman in Public Square Park

36-year-old Swen Johnson was caught after chasing and cat-calling Calista Bruner near Public Square Park on July 3rd. Bruner reported to officers that on July 3rd, she was walking her dog at the Public Square Park when she noticed Johnson approach her and start cat-calling her. She stated Johnson kept saying, “Hey baby, come here.” while chasing her. Bruner said she ran towards Printer Alley, where she was able to escape. On the following day, July 4th, Bruner was walking her dog again, and Johnson approached her once more near Public Square Park. Johnson then began cat-calling Bruner again, and she proceeded to run all the way back to her apartment. Johnson’s actions made Bruner fear for her safety, and on July 16th, she identified him as the person who was chasing her. A warrant was issued, and Johnson was taken into custody for assault on July 19th.

DUI: Shemar Robinson nearly hits taxi, points guns at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar security

21-year-old Shemar Robinson was spotted driving recklessly and pointing weapons at security at the Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on July 22nd. Police officers were near the Tin Roof on Broadway when they saw Robinson driving at high speed and approaching the intersection at 4th Avenue South. They also observed Robinson veering off the road and almost hitting a taxi van in the parking lane as he drove through the intersection. Robinson then stopped at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar, where officers saw him getting out of his vehicle and yelling at the bar’s security staff. The officers approached Robinson, suspecting that he was armed. Robinson then revealed two firearms and progressed towards the security staff. Observing Robinson’s body language, the officers drew their weapons, at which point he stopped and complied with the officers. Robinson informed the officers that his girlfriend could drive his vehicle so it wouldn’t be towed. Robinson then admitted that he was the only one intoxicated and that she was sober so she could drive the vehicle. Robinson was then taken into custody for possession of a handgun while under the influence, driving under the influence, reckless driving, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Jonathan Kelly smashes iPhone, points gun at man after stealing his bag

34-year-old Jonathan Kelly was seen stealing and pointing a firearm at people at a Church Street Airbnb on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Mario Goldthreate. He claimed that he had set his handbag on the windowsill of his Airbnb, and it fell down to the street level. Mario claims that he then observed Kelly run towards his bag, pick it up, and begin walking away. After this, he yelled at Kelly and watched him walk to a bus stop, sit down, and begin going through his bag. Kelly pulled out a firearm and was holding it in his hand as he was arguing with Mario and other bystanders. Teangela Brown, another witness, told officers that Kelly pointed the firearm at both her and Mario. Both Mario and Teangela claimed to have seen Kelly smash an iPhone on the ground, which was also in Mario’s bag. When officers arrived at the bus stop, they recovered the weapon from Kelly and observed video footage that witnesses took. The footage showed Kelly holding the firearm, going through the bag, and throwing the phone in the trash. When searching through Kelly’s property, officers found his bag, which contained various miscellaneous items that could be found in people’s cars, such as women’s jewelry, tools, a cracked tablet, and fire extinguishers. Kelly was then taken into custody for theft of property, vandalism, and two counts of aggravated assault on July 22nd.

Aaron Stevens punches brother-in-law in face during argument over air fryer

44-year-old Aaron James Stevens was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother-in-law, Daniel Decuf, while at a Hyve Condominium Airbnb on 7th Avenue Street on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Decuf, who claimed that he was struck in the face by Stevens, who is his wife’s sister’s husband. Decuf informed officers that Stevens had struck him after an argument they had over an air fryer at their Airbnb. While officers were on the scene, they noticed a small cut on Decuf’s lip. When asked about the injury, he admitted that the injury came from being struck by Stevens. Officers then spoke with Matthew Damsen, a witness, who stated that he observed Stevens punching Decuf in the face, which caused him to fall to the ground. Officers then spoke with Stevens, who informed officers that Decuf was the one who started the altercation as he approached him aggressively. Both parties were intoxicated during the incident. Stevens was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 22nd.

Alexis Trobaugh passes out on John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge after consuming drugs

19-year-old Alexis Trobaugh was found publicly intoxicated, having passed out on the sidewalk of the John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge on July 21st. Officers discovered Trobaugh unconscious on the sidewalk and attempted to wake her up numerous times to check her welfare, but she became visibly agitated upon awakening. Trobaugh sat up and spoke, despite this, her eyes were still closed. Trobaugh displayed exaggerated movements and reflexes. During interaction with officers, she appeared restless, excited, and irritable before she eventually admitted to her drug use. As the situation escalated, Trobaugh became irate, exhibiting erratic behavior such as flailing her body around and yelling. Concerned for her safety, given her level of intoxication and the environment, officers deemed she was too intoxicated and took her into custody for public intoxication.

DUI: Nathaniel Parker crashes car on Knight Valley Drive, tells police “I was at the club”

41-year-old Nathaniel Parker was arrested for driving under the influence following a car crash on Knight Valley Drive on July 20th. When officers arrived on the scene, Parker was behaving erratically, standing in the middle of the road. Parker refused to explain the situation, and repeatedly asked officers to look at his car. Officers then spoke with witnesses who confirmed that Parker was the driver. While speaking with Parker, officers detected the smell of alcohol and noticed Parker’s bloodshot eyes, as well as his inability to stand upright. Due to his condition, officers were unable to perform sobriety tests, and a brief search of Parker found that he also had a leafy green substance consistent with marijuana in his pockets. Officers then proceeded to search Parker’s vehicle, in which they found an alcohol bottle in the passenger seat that still had alcohol inside of it. While in police custody, Parker made statements such as “I was at the club” and told police “aside from being drunk, I did not do anything wrong.” As a result, Parker was arrested and charged with DUI, implied consent, possession of a controlled substance, and having an open container of alcohol in his possession.

Sola Arikawe ignores police while walking on I-24 East, tells officers “Jesus told him to keep walking”

45-year-old Sola Arikawe was spotted walking on I-24 East at marker 49 on July 21st. Officers were called to the scene after reports of a black man walking on the left shoulder of the interstate. When officers arrived, they noticed that a TDOT help truck had stopped traffic on the interstate and alerted the officers. The officers turned on their emergency lights and used their patrol car sound system to instruct Arikawe to stop, but he continued walking. More officers arrived, with one car behind Arikawe and another in front. The officers behind Arikawe exited their vehicle and told him to stop, which he then complied with. Officers tried to get Arikawe to move to the right shoulder grass area for safety. Still, he refused, saying, “Jesus told him to keep walking.” As a result, Arikawe was taken into custody for refusing to disperse after being ordered to move.