Farhad Nazari assaults wife during altercation, tells her “there’s nothing you can do”

30-year-old Farhad Nazari was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Shafiqa Khail, while at their Glastonbury Road apartment on February 29th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Khail, who claimed that she called the police because she was scared of Nazari, who was outside their apartment. Khail informed officers that on February 26th, Nazari had physically assaulted her, telling her “there’s nothing you can do.” Khail showed officers numerous bruises on her arms and legs that were caused by Nazari assaulting her. Khail had two large bruises on her arm and one on her calf that officers documented. Nazari was not on the scene, and a warrant was issued as he was deemed the primary aggressor. Nazari was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault on July 18th.

DUI: Ja’Mari Bell crashes into car while speeding, tells officers “I ain’t going to jail!”

22-year-old Ja’Mari Bell was caught driving under the influence after a vehicle crash at a Dover Side Drive residence on July 18th. Officers were dispatched to the residence. When they arrived, they noticed Bell seated in the driver’s seat of a Nissan Altima with its airbags deployed due to the collision with a Ford. Officers then attempted to speak with Bell. He stood up and took off his shirt while telling officers, “I ain’t going to jail!” Due to officers fearing they were going to be assaulted, Bell was placed in handcuffs and taken to the ground. After this, Bell spoke with officers and admitted to drinking all day as well as smoking marijuana. While speaking with Bell, officers also noticed the smell of marijuana and alcohol coming from his breath. Officers also noticed Bell’s inability to stand while walking. Bell had to be assisted to officers’ vehicles. Bell’s eyes were bloodshot, his speech was slurred, and when officers attempted to conduct sobriety tests, they could not due to his intoxication. It was apparent to officers that Bell was speeding while intoxicated. Officers determined that Bell attempted to take a left turn on a curve when his vehicle veered off the roadway. Bell’s car then entered the residence’s front yard, colliding with a Ford occupied by four individuals. Bell was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Cornelius Moses Jr. strangles minor girlfriend after being confronted for texting another minor

18-year-old Cornelius Moses Jr. was involved in a domestic altercation with his minor intimate partner and roommate at their Carroll Street residence on July 8th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the minor, who stated that she and Moses Jr. had gotten into an argument due to him texting another minor on his phone. During the argument, Moses Jr. vandalized her room by destroying her TV, ripping the drawers out of her dresser, and throwing her clothes all over the room. After this, the minor informed officers that Moses Jr. strangled her for three minutes as well, but she did not lose consciousness. The minor also alleges that when she tried to call 911, Moses Jr. took her phone and destroyed it, preventing her from calling emergency services. The minor then used her sister’s phone to call 911 before going outside. She claimed that when they went outside, Moses Jr. had a black Glock 19 in his hand and threatened to shoot her before fleeing.

Officers then spoke with the minor’s little sister, who told officers she heard a commotion while using the bathroom. When she entered the bedroom, she claimed that she had observed Moses Jr. throwing her sister’s items all around their bedroom. The sister claims she then witnessed Moses Jr. punching her sister in the arms and body before he got on top of her and began strangling her. The sister also confirmed that Moses Jr. did have a handgun in his pocket and informed officers that she heard Moses Jr. threaten to shoot her sister. Officers then spoke with the mother of the two minors, Shawnoah Philips, who claimed that while she was asleep, she heard someone yelling her name. Philips informed officers that she ran upstairs and saw Moses Jr. destroying her daughter’s room. After this, Philips claims to have observed Moses Jr. get on top of her daughter and begin punching her before she saw Moses Jr. take her phone and smash it. Philips also said that her daughter attempted to get into a car when they eventually went outside. However, Moses Jr. prevented her from doing so by shutting the door. Philips also informed officers that she saw Moses Jr. flee the scene but could not confirm if she saw a weapon during the incident. The minor called Moses Jr. while officers were on the scene, and they began arguing as she tried to get his location. Moses Jr. was heard calling the minor an “opp” and other obscenities before he spoke with officers. Moses Jr. then claimed he would return to the location and “take his charges.” Moses Jr. never came back to the area, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest. Moses Jr. was later found and taken into custody for vandalism, interference with an emergency call, and aggravated assault on July 18th.

Kareem Andrews violates order of protection by spam-calling ex-girlfriend numerous times

38-year-old Kareem Andrews was seen spam-calling his ex-girlfriend, Alicia Wheeler, violating his order of protection on May 31st. Andrews was previously arrested for domestic assault, which put conditions in place where he was ordered not to contact Wheeler. On May 31st, Andrews called Wheeler several times, asking her to come to his residence. After the initial call, Andrews called several times during the day, using different numbers repeatedly. Andrews also used several blocked numbers that Wheeler recognized. When using a blocked number, Wheeler answered and recognized Andrew’s voice as the one that spoke to her. A warrant was issued, and Andrews was taken into custody on July 13th for violation of a no-contact order.

Nathaniel Parker assaults roommate for not having job

33-year-old Nathaniel Parker was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Daylan Turrentine, at their Arbor Creek Way residence on July 13th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Parker, who claimed that he and Turrentine had been arguing because Turrentine did not have a job and did not help at all around the house. Parker claimed that he told Turrentine he needed to move out, which prompted the physical altercation. Officers then noticed that Turrentine’s room and bathroom were in disarray, with clumps of hair on the floor. Parker also informed the officers that Turrentine initiated the altercation by pushing him. The officers then noticed that both Parker and Turrentine had missing hair. Officers then spoke with Turrentine, who claimed that Parker had pushed him first. Turrentine displayed a video of the altercation, depicting him walking away from Parker as they argued and Parker pushing him down the hallway. Once the officers viewed the video, they deemed Parker the primary aggressor. Parker was then taken into custody for domestic assault..

Tiara Wilson punches man multiple times in face during argument at the Hermitage Inn

25-year-old Tiara Wilson was involved in a domestic altercation with Robert Lattimore at the Hermitage Inn Hotel on Lebanon Pike on July 16th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Lattimore, who claimed that he and Wilson had been involved in an argument. Lattimore stated that he said something that offended Wilson, and in response, she began punching him repeatedly in the face. Lattimore then stated that he pushed Wilson off of him in an attempt to stop the attack. Officers then spoke with Wilson, who admitted that during the argument, she punched him in the face. Officers noticed that she also had several injuries. Wilson noted that she sustained the injuries from a fall down the stairs. When officers asked Wilson if Lattimore assaulted her, she stated that he did not. Wilson was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kyron Cole assaults & runs ex-girlfriend over at Sunshine and Broccoli Christian Preschool

24-year-old Kyron Cole was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Shekinah Hogg, at her Sunshine and Broccoli Christian Preschool job on Old Anderson Road on July 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Hogg, who informed them that she had removed Cole from her phone plan because she wanted to cut all ties to him, and Cole did not like that. Cole texted Hogg, stating, “I got something for you.” Hogg then informed the officers that Cole arrived at her workplace. Hogg then went outside to speak with him and ask why he was there. Hogg told officers that Cole told her, “You messed with my job, so now I am going to mess with yours.” Hogg, who was standing outside Cole’s car door, was then struck multiple times by the vehicle door as Cole opened the door of the car. Cole then proceeded to spit in Hogg’s face before grabbing her cell phone and throwing it across the parking lot. Hogg then informed officers that after this, she walked back to the entrance of her job. As she did this, Cole drove his vehicle at her and struck her with it. However, she stated she was not injured and declined medical attention. The officers then spoke with Ashlyn McGlocklin and Liz Perez, who worked at the location, as witnesses. They stated that Hogg and Cole were arguing in the parking lot. They said they saw a phone being thrown and Cole spitting at Hogg, but they did not witness Hogg being hit by the car door or being struck by Cole’s vehicle. Based on their statements, Cole was considered the primary aggressor, and a warrant was issued. Cole was subsequently found and taken into custody for domestic assault on July 15th.

Robert Hunt grabs, scratches, & throws pregnant woman on ground during altercation

29-year-old Robert Hunt was involved in a domestic altercation with Ayanna Saafir, a pregnant woman, on July 13th. On July 15th, officers visited The Family Safety Center on Murfreesboro Pike and spoke with Saafir. Saafir told officers that on July 13th, Hunt became physical with her. Saafir stated that Hunt grabbed, scratched, and threw her around the house. She stated this resulted in her having to go to the hospital due to her being pregnant and having contractions. Saafir also informed officers that the bruising on her right arm and wrist was from Hunt being physical to her. Saafir also claimed that on the 14th, the following day, when she returned from the hospital, Hunt once again became physical. Saafir stated Hunt pushed her to the kitchen floor, causing visible bruising to her left arm. Officers observed these injuries, which were consistent with the statements made. Hunt was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 15th.

Alisha Jordan violates order of protection visiting ex-intimate partner’s home

35-year-old Alisha Jordan was seen violating her order of protection after making contact with her ex-intimate partner, George Haynie, on July 13th. Alisha spoke with officers over the phone, expressing her desire to take her daughter to Murfreesboro. During the call, they overheard Haynie mentioning Alisha’s alleged drug problems and an existing order of protection against her. Haynie and Alisha had a romantic relationship and lived together for eight years. Officers noted that there were no instances of violence or physical altercations between them. When officers arrived, they spoke with Jordan, who admitted to being inside the residence and making breakfast. Officers then confirmed there was an active order of protection. Alisha was then taken into custody for violating the order of protection.

Rony Monterroso stabs roommate’s door after accusing him of stealing his money

23-year-old Rony Monterroso was involved in a domestic altercation with one of his roommates, Jose Ico, at their Towne Village Road residence on July 13th. Officers were called there regarding a dispute involving a man with a knife. When officers arrived, they separated all parties and interviewed them. Officers spoke with Ico, who stated that he and his brother were attempting to break up a fight between Monterroso and another roommate. Ico had informed officers that Monterroso had accused him and his brother of stealing money from him and attempted to start a fight with them. During the altercation, Ico and his brother were able to get Monterroso out of their bedroom then shut and locked the door. Monterroso proceeded to go to the kitchen, grab a kitchen knife, and start stabbing the door. Monterroso stabbed the door three times, and on the third, the knife became lodged in the door. Monterroso then attempted to remove the knife from the door but injured himself in the process. Ico and his brother were unharmed during the incident. Due to the statements made, Monterroso was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 14th.