Ollie Curtis throws glass jar at boyfriend during drunken altercation

55-year-old Ollie Curtis was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Loy Mcvea, at their Banbury Drive residence on July 9th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Curtis, who stated that McVea had been upset that she was talking on the phone with her friend Eric. Curtis then told officers that McVea then tried to grab her phone. In response to this, she threw a glass cup at him but told officers that it did not hit him. Curtis then claimed that McVea dragged her outside by the arm and took her phone before striking her in the head. While Curtis was speaking with the officers, they noticed the smell of alcohol on her breath, as well as Curtis’ inability to link the events together. Officers then spoke with McVea, who informed officers that Curtis had been drinking since the previous night. McVea stated that she had randomly become angry and threw a Mason jar at him. McVea then told officers that he ducked, but the glass jar had hit him in his left shoulder before shattering on the ground. McVea also told officers that he would never hit a woman and that Curtis was lying about him dragging her. Officers noticed that McVea also appeared intoxicated as he showed indicators of intoxication via his slurred speech and the smell of alcohol coming from him. Due to the statements made and Curtis admitting to throwing the mason jar, she was deemed the primary aggressor. Curtis was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Jose Medina kicks girlfriend in the back during altercation

27-year-old Jose Medina was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Yoklena Valdes, at their Broadstone SoBro apartment residence on 4th Avenue South on November 28th, 2023. On January 5th, 2024, officers spoke with an apartment complex employee who stated that Valdes came up to her and showed ring doorbell camera footage from November 28th, 2023. The footage shows Medina kicking Valdes in the back while they are walking in the hallway of the apartment complex. Staff recognized the individuals and identified their home to officers. Officers then attempted to contact Medina, but no one answered the door. Due to Medina being identified and there being a clear assault, he was charged with domestic assault. A warrant was then issued, and Medina was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 8th, 2024.

Andrew Smith strangles man multiple times during altercation at Airbnb

35-year-old Andrew Smith was caught after strangling Cory Kline while at a Wedgewood Avenue AirBnB on July 6th. When the officers arrived at the scene, Kline informed them that he had been assaulted by Smith, whom he identified to them. Kline told the officers that he was from Indiana and had come to the residence, which was an Airbnb, with some family and friends meeting for the first time. Kline informed the officers that he had met Smith earlier that day and that they had no previous relationship. Kline also told officers that Smith had been drinking throughout the day and had become verbally hostile toward other people at the gathering. According to Kline, he was upstairs when he heard a loud noise that he believed was coming from downstairs. Kline then proceeded to investigate but could not locate the noise. Smith then came downstairs with other party members and began cursing Kline out. Kline told the officers that Smith had called him a “b*tch” and then got into his face. Feeling threatened, Kline pushed Smith away lightly, telling him to sleep it off and go to bed.

Smith responded to this by grabbing Kline by his throat with his left hand. Kline noted that Smith applied pressure and pushed him up against the counter of the kitchen, strangling him for a few seconds. Kline then informed the officers that Smith attempted to punch him in the face but ended up hitting his hands as he tried to block the strike. Officers noticed Kline had a small cut on his index finger. Smith then put Kline in a headlock, causing his glasses to fall off. Kline then struck Smith in the face. Kline said he tried to defend himself as they both fell to the ground at the edge of the stairs. He told officers that he felt as though Smith was trying to push him down the stairs before they both fell. Kline stated that while on the ground, Smith began strangling him again before other members of the gathering pulled Smith off of him. Smith left the scene before the officers arrived. Officers also spoke with Heidi Bollero-Hensel, who witnessed the altercation and provided an unbiased account of what happened, supporting Kline’s statements. Smith was considered the primary aggressor and was arrested the next day for aggravated assault on July 7th.

DUI: Jordan Copeland crashes into light pole, caught with marijuana bag labeled “Blue Mambaz”

26-year-old Jordan Copeland was arrested for driving under the influence and possessing cannabis after crashing into a pole near 9th Avenue Street and Clark Place on July 7th. When officers arrived at the scene, they noticed Copeland sitting in his vehicle, showing signs of intoxication. Copeland initially tried to drive away, but officers stopped him and took his keys. They observed that Copeland displayed many signs of intoxication, such as slow and slurred speech, watery eyes, and unsteadiness. Copeland admitted to drinking two Jack & Cokes and two Budweiser beers at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway before moving his vehicle from 9th Avenue and Clark Place to a nearby parking lot. The officers noticed that the damage to Copeland’s vehicle was consistent with hitting a light pole and asked him to undergo sobriety tests, which he refused. However, he consented to a breathalyzer test, which revealed a result of .123% BAC. During a search of his vehicle, officers found an unopened bag of marijuana labeled “Blue Mambaz” weighing 3.5 grams. Copeland was then taken into custody for DUI and possession of a controlled substance.

DUI: Lynard Jones unable to tell officers what day it is after crashing his car

41-year-old Lynard Jones was seen driving under the influence after a car accident on Whites Creek Pike on July 7th. When officers arrived on the scene, Jones was being treated for injuries to his back. When officers went to speak with Jones, they immediately noticed the strong smell of alcohol coming from his breath. Jones also admitted to officers that he was drinking before the accident. Due to Jones’ injuries, he was then transported to the hospital, where officers spoke with him again. Officers first asked him what day it was, and Jones could not answer, having to look at his watch to answer the question. Officers then asked Jones how many drinks he had, and he admitted to having three to five drinks that morning. When officers asked Jones what time he had consumed alcohol, he stated 10  or 11 a.m., but when they asked him, it was only 10:45 a.m. A passerby also called in the vehicle accident at 9:54 a.m. Officers also asked Jones what he was drinking, to which he admitted to a Bloody Mary. Officers then performed sobriety tests, and Jones showed numerous indicators of intoxication on the test. Officers deemed Jones to be intoxicated, and he was then taken into custody for DUI.

DUI: Ashton Grams flips her car with 4 young children inside after drinking Bud Light

30-year-old Ashton Grams was arrested for driving under the influence after being involved in a vehicle crash at the intersection of Fairland Avenue and Fain Street on July 7th. Officers responded to a rollover accident and found Grams and her four children outside the overturned vehicle. The vehicle’s tags were suspended, and officers discovered an empty can of Bud Light on the vehicle’s passenger side. Grams confessed to driving the overturned vehicle and admitted that the beer can was hers, claiming she had not consumed alcohol since the previous day at noon. Officers then conducted a sobriety test, which Grams agreed to, but she performed poorly and exhibited signs of impairment. Additionally, officers noticed Grams had bloodshot, constricted, and glassy eyes. During police questioning, officers detected the smell of alcohol coming from Grams. Grams informed officers that the Bud Light can was half full in the vehicle, but it spilled on her. Grams also admitted that she did not have insurance for the car. The four children in the vehicle were 8, 6, 5, and 5 months old. The 5-month-old and 5-year-old were in car seats, while the 8-year-old and 6-year-old were not. Officers observed cuts on the 8-year-old and 6-year-old before learning that Grams had a suspended driver’s license. Grams stated that she was driving at 35 mph when she collided with a parked trailer she didn’t see. Grams then hit a nearby parked truck, causing significant damage and totaling both the truck and trailer. Grams was taken into custody for driving on a suspended license, driving an unregistered vehicle, DUI, open container of alcohol, lack of insurance, and four counts of child endangerment.

Matthew Walker jailed for trespassing while waiting for his Uber

19-year-old Matthew Walker was seen trespassing at Hadley Park on 28th Avenue on July 7th. Officers were called due to a large gathering after hours. When officers arrived, they began dispersing the crowd. Officers then noticed Walker leaning on a car but was not leaving. When officers told him to leave, he claimed he was waiting for his Uber. Officers then told Walker to leave the park and stay on the sidewalk while he waited, which he did. Officers then went back to the property. When officers made it back toward the entrance of the park, they noticed Walker back on the property. Officers once again told him to leave, or he would be arrested. Walker insisted he was just waiting for his ride before officers directed him back to the sidewalk. When the crowd left, and officers returned to their patrol vehicle, they noticed Walker on the property again. Due to Walker not listening and the two warnings given, Walker was taken into custody for criminal trespassing.

Eric Delbouno slaps coworker in face, blames him for being fired

32-year-old Eric Delbouno was seen assaulting his coworker, Dylan Koressel, on Victory Ave near Nissan Stadium on a riverboat cruiser on July 5th. When the officers arrived on the boat, they spoke with Koressel. He stated that he and Delbouno were roommates for work purposes. Koressel advised officers that when Delbouno walked into their room, he told Koressel that he had been fired. Koressel then asked Delbouno what was wrong. Delbouno explained that he failed a breathalyzer test and that it was his fault. Koressel informed the officers that he then told Delbouno to relax. However, Delbouno became aggressive and told him “f*ck you” to his face. Koressel then attempted to calm Delbouno down, but he then proceeded to slap him in the face. Koressel then identified Delbouno to officers, and he was taken into custody for assault on July 6th.

DUI: Clea Armstrong runs red light on Jefferson Street, tells police she only had one shot

20-year-old Clea Armstrong was caught driving under the influence near Hadley Park on 28th Avenue North on July 7th. Officers conducted routine patrol and observed Armstrong’s car running the red light from 28th Avenue onto Jefferson Street. Officers then turned around and turned on their emergency equipment to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle. Officers observed as the car stopped at the entrance of Hadley Park. Officers then made contact with Armstrong and immediately noticed her bloodshot eyes. When asked by officers, Armstrong told police that she had only drunk one shot. Officers then had Armstrong step out of the vehicle. After consenting, Armstrong performed numerous sobriety tests on which she performed poorly, showing numerous indicators of intoxication. Due to Armstrong’s intoxication, she was then taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Jersey Clevenger arrested on Missouri warrant at Nashville International Airport

21-year-old Jersey Clevenger was seen publicly intoxicated at the Nashville International Airport on July 5th. Officers were dispatched to a gate at the airport for a female who was intoxicated and appeared to be taking shallow breaths while sleeping. When officers arrived on the scene, they were able to wake Clevenger up. Clevenger then immediately asked to use the restroom. Clevenger was escorted to the bathroom, and officers observed that she could not walk or stand on her own. Officers then asked her to take a seat for her own safety, and they attempted to question her. As officers questioned Clevenger, she was unable to tell officers where she was. Clevenger told officers she was in Sarasota and admitted that she had been drinking at the airport. Officers then asked her again where she was, to which she again replied, Sarasota. Due to Clevenger’s inability to correctly answer where she was, her slightly bloodshot eyes, and her difficulty walking, officers placed her under arrest for public intoxication. Officers also discovered Clevenger had a full extradition warrant out of Missouri, so she was taken into custody for public intoxication and fugitive from justice.