Doneecia Johnson booked for pervious warrants after stealing $72 worth of merchandise at T.J. Maxx

20-year-old Doneecia Johnson was seen stealing from the T.J. Maxx on Opry Mills Drive on June 25th. Employees at the T.J. Maxx notified the officers that Johnson was hiding and concealing items while shopping. A member of store security told law enforcement that they kept an eye on Johnson as she moved around the store and observed that she only paid for one item at the register but walked out with several other items. Officers approached Johnson in the parking lot and found that she had a plastic bag containing various items from T.J. Maxx. When officers told Johnson about the situation, she could only provide proof of one purchase in the bag. The stolen items were recovered and confirmed to be worth $72.01. It was also found that Johnson had an outstanding warrant for reckless driving, so she was taken into custody for theft, reckless driving, and driving with a suspended license.

Kendrea Reed caught with cocaine after driving stolen Chevy Malibu

19-year-old Kendrea Reed was seen driving in a stolen Chevy Malibu on Gallatin Pike on June 24th. Officers were made aware of a stolen vehicle at the store and followed the vehicle to a nearby Papa John’s, where it was parked in front. Reed and another male were observed exiting the car and going inside the business. Reed and all other vehicle occupants were then taken into custody without incident. When officers searched the vehicle, they found a gram of cocaine that was stored in a gum container. No one in the vehicle took ownership of the narcotic, and it was within reach of everyone. Reed was charged with joyriding and possession of a controlled substance.

Devon Boyd arrested on Kentucky warrant at Nashville International Airport

42-year-old Devon Boyd was caught with an active warrant at the Nashville International Airport on June 21st. On the mentioned date, Nashville International Airport police officers were informed that Boyd had a full extradition warrant out of Kentucky for his arrest. Officers met with Boyd after his flight from Air Canada arrived, verified his identification, and took him into custody as a fugitive from justice.

Larron Waller slaps phone out of ex-girlfriend’s hands during altercation

30-year-old Larron Waller was caught after being in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend Destiny Cruzado-Acosta at Speedway on Gallatin Pike on July 2nd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Acosta, who informed them she let Waller drive her vehicle but asked for her keys back. Acosta informed officers that she was in the passenger seat and Waller was driving when she asked for her keys back. Waller then refused to give Acosta her keys back, and in response to this, Acosta began to record him on her cell phone. Officers then viewed a video from earlier that night showing Acosta asking Waller for her keys back multiple times. Waller then told Acosta, “Stop recording me,” and swung his hand at the phone, smacking it out of Acosta’s hand. Acosta informed officers that Waller smacked her hands when he smacked the phone and felt the contact to be excessive and unnecessary. Waller was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault. Waller was also previously arrested in April 2024 for punching a different girlfriend in 2023.

Terra Flye assaults boyfriend’s sister & mother during argument

25-year-old Terra Flye was seen assaulting her boyfriend’s sister, Sariya Birdine, at their Anderson Road residence on June 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Birdine outside the residence, and they immediately noticed a bloody scratch across her chest as well as swelling on her forehead. Birdine told officers that Flye and her brother, Cameron Simmons, were being disrespectful to her mother, Kimberly Donelson, all day and heard both Simmons and Flye arguing with Donelson. Birdine stated that she went upstairs to see what was going on and ended up getting into an argument with Simmons before Flye pushed over Donelson and began attacking her. Birdine claims that at this point, both Simmons and Flye attacked her.

Officers then spoke with Donelson. She claimed that after Flye pushed her over during the argument, she saw both Flye and Simmons beating on Birdine. When officers talked to Flye, she told them that when Birdine was arguing with Simmons, Birdine stated, “Come get your Man” to Flye, which prompted her to get up and push Donaldson. Flye went on to say that she only grabbed Birdine’s dress. Officers then asked Flye if that was how Birdine got a scratch on her chest, to which she replied most likely. When asked about the scratch on her head, Flye said it was probably from the fight, but she did not know. Flye was deemed to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for assault.

Cameron Simmons attacks sister after argument with mother

26-year-old Cameron Simmons was involved in a domestic altercation with his sister, Kimberly Donelson, at their Anderson Road residence on June 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Donelson. Donelson stated that their mother and Simmons were arguing over her mother’s vehicle. The vehicle had some mechanical issues, but Simmons continued to use it frequently. Donelson informed officers that she went upstairs to confront her brother about disrespecting their mother. When she asked Simmons to calm down and stop being disrespectful, he and his girlfriend, Terra Flye, started attacking her. Donelson sustained numerous injuries but was unsure which ones came from Simmons or Flye. Officers then spoke with Simmons, who claimed that he never touched his sister and that the altercation was between her and his girlfriend. Officers then spoke with their mother, who stated that Simmons did hit his sister and that they were all fighting during the incident. Due to the statements made and several scratches on Donelson’s body, Officers deemed Simmons to be the primary aggressor and took him into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: John Todd found asleep in car after causing crash, tells police he needs to “make changes in his life”

66-year-old John Todd was seen driving under the influence after a vehicle collision on a parked car near Music Valley Drive on July 3rd. Officers were flagged down by personnel, and when they arrived, they spoke with the victim. The victim stated that Todd appeared to be intoxicated and was asleep in his vehicle. Officers observed Todd sleeping in the driver’s seat with the car off. Officers then woke up Todd, and while speaking with him, he admitted to drinking alcohol before driving his vehicle. Todd also admitted to having too much to drink and told officers he thought he could drive. Todd then admitted to causing damage to the victim’s vehicle. Todd informed officers that as he was making a turn, he must have made it too tight, causing damage to the passenger side of the victim’s vehicle. Officers observed damage to Todd’s vehicle as well as a flat tire. While officers spoke with Todd, they immediately smelled alcohol coming from him and his vehicle, as well as his slurred speech. Officers then asked Todd to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. However, he performed poorly on all tests that were given. Todd then agreed to a breathalyzer test, and the result came back as .100% BAC. However, officers noted that Todd’s BAC was probably higher when the incident occurred, as the accident had happened an hour before the officers arrived. Todd told officers that he needs to “make changes in his life” so he would not drink and drive like he did. Todd was then deemed intoxicated, and he was taken into custody for DUI.

Jarmal Prewitt caught with Adderall and brass knuckles outside of Rippy’s Honky Tonk

35-year-old Jarmal Prewitt was caught standing outside of Rippy’s Honky Tonk with a warrant at 11:40 p.m. on June 23rd. Officers were conducting a warrant service at the location looking for Prewitt. Officers located Prewitt and took him into custody. Upon searching Prewitt, officers located brass knuckles, a marijuana blunt weighing 1.7 grams, and several Adderall pills. When asked about what officers found, Prewitt admitted that the marijuana and brass knuckles were his but did not claim the Adderall. Prewitt was charged with possession of a controlled substance, disorderly conduct, possession of a prohibited weapon, and possession of a legend drug on June 24th.

DUI: Niki Branner jailed after nearly crashing into officer’s car on Briley Parkway

28-year-old Niki Branner was seen almost crashing into an officer’s car on Briley Parkway on June 23rd. Officers observed a black Jeep Grand Cherokee speed past them and immediately slowed down. Officers continued to drive, but as they approached the vehicle in the left lane, it came into their lane, almost hitting them. Officers conducted a traffic stop and approached Branner’s vehicle. As authorities interacted with Branner, they noticed a bag of marijuana. Officers asked Branner if she had smoked that day. Branner admitted that she had smoked 1-2 blunts before she started driving. Officers then asked her if she had any alcoholic beverages before driving. Branner told officers that she did not have any. Branner told officers that she had a gun belonging to her child’s father, so she was asked to exit her car. Officers then took the suspected bag of marijuana and the weapon. Branner agreed to perform sobriety tests, but she performed poorly on the tests, showing numerous indicators of intoxication. After searching the vehicle, officers found an open plastic cup containing an alcoholic drink. Branner was taken into custody for possession of a weapon under the influence, possession of a controlled substance, having an open container of alcohol, driving under the influence, and implied consent on June 24th.

Daniel Izaguirre jailed after involvement in Bucanas Night Club parking lot brawl

19-year-old Daniel Izaguirre was involved in a large fight at the Bucanas Night Club parking lot at 3:06 a.m. on June 22nd. While officers were responding to a call for service, they observed the brawl. This prompted officers to intervene and stop the fight. Izaguirre was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.