Coleman Stewart scratches hospital staff member’s car when she wont return his knife

23-year-old Stewart Coleman was caught vandalizing property at Madison Gentry Hospital on Cumberland Bend on August 26th. Officers were called regarding a mental health patient who became upset with Mobile Crisis staff. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with staff who stated that when they released Coleman, they refused to return his knife. They explained that due to him stating that he had been suicidal in the last 24 hours, they wouldn’t return his knife. After this, they claimed Coleman yelled outside the building as well as began threatening staff, saying he would kill them. Coleman allegedly kicked the glass door several times, trying to get back inside. When he could not make entry, he picked up a rock and scratched the glass door with it. Coleman then walked toward staff vehicles with the rock in hand. Coleman used the rock to scratch the staff member’s car, causing scratches that officers observed. Mobile crisis staff showed officers footage of the incident, showing Coleman damaging the vehicle, which will cost $3,000 to repair. Due to the footage and vehicle damage, Coleman was subsequently taken into custody for vandalism.

DUI: Samuel Berry crashes on Murfreesboro Pike, says speaking to dispatch made him crash

30-year-old Samuel Berry was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a single-vehicle car accident on Murfreesboro Pike on August 25th. When officers arrived, they noticed Berry waiting for officers. Officers then spoke with Berry, and when asked what happened, Berry stated he was talking to dispatch, which made him crash. Officers then asked for his driver’s license, and Berry began looking inside his car. Officers noted that Berry later found his license inside his wallet, which he had in his front pocket. Officers then asked for his insurance, and Berry gave his health insurance information, saying he has “United Health Care.” While speaking with Berry, Officers noticed that he had the smell of alcohol coming from him. When asked how much he had to drink, Berry admitted to officers that he only had one to two drinks. Officers then asked Berry to perform sobriety tests, to which he agreed. However, Berry performed poorly on all tests given. Officers deemed Berry to be intoxicated and took him into custody for driving under the influence.

Isabelle Pereira deemed too drunk for Broadway

24-year-old Isabelle Pereira was seen publicly intoxicated on Broadway on August 25th. Officers were contacted by citizens on Broadway saying that there was a drunk woman by herself. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Pereira. Pereira had no friends with her, could not tell officers where she was staying, and had no means of contacting anyone to get her. Officers also noticed that Pereira had difficulty walking and had a heavy smell of alcohol on her breath. Officers then attempted to call the only number she knew multiple times. However, the person with that phone number did not answer. Officers also called every Hilton Garden Inn and could not confirm a reservation. Since Pereira was deemed a danger to herself and had nowhere to go, she was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

Samir Shehata assaults coworker during altercation at Omni Hotel

50-year-old Samir Shehata was caught after assaulting one of his coworkers, Ehabi Abdalla, at the Omni Hotel on Rep. John Lewis Way South on July 31st. On that day, officers spoke with Abdalla, who stated that Shehata hit him in the chest while they were at work. Officers then viewed surveillance footage, which showed Samir pushing Abdalla without a reason. Abdalla informed officers he would like to press charges, and Shehata was cited for the incident that day. Shehata was later booked on the citation for assault on August 23rd.

Christian Fotachwi assaults security guards and attempts to trespass at LinQ Social Kitchen

31-year-old Christian Fotachwi was seen assaulting security guards and attempting to trespass at LinQ Social Kitchen on Lafayette Street on August 26th. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed Fotachwi being combative with the security team at Linq Social Kitchen. The security team had to use force to get him on the ground and put him in custody. They informed officers that Fotachwi would not leave the premises after being asked several times to leave. Fotachwi allegedly refused to pay to gain re-entry even though he had been told before leaving that he would have to pay to get back in. When Fotachwi returned to the location, he told security he was not paying since he had already spent money earlier to get in. Security claimed that upon telling Fotachwi he could not go in, he tried to push past them. Security then had to use force to remove him. Security wrestled Fotachwi to the ground, falling into cars and outside equipment. Fotachwi was then taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass and assault.

Carlton Shelley caught gooning to security guard in Nashville Downtown Detention Center

34-year-old Carlton Shelley was seen masturbating to Danielle McClain, a security guard, while at the Nashville Downtown Detention Center on James Robertson Parkway on August 4th. McClain reported that on that day, she was conducting a security round. McClain explained to officers that she notified all inmates they needed to be dressed when she did the security round. McClain stated that when she walked past Shelley’s cell, he was on his bunk with no pants on. McClain added that Shelley also had his boxers pulled down and had his genitalia exposed. She claimed that he was in plain view and was masturbating. McClain also informed officers that Shelley also told her, “Every time you do a round, I am going to have my D*** out.” Shelley was already in custody for unrelated charges and was also later charged with indecent exposure.

DUI: Dominic Mcclain caught with marijuana blunt after driving with no rear-lights

24-year-old Dominic Mcclain was caught after driving under the influence with no headlights while at the intersection of McGavock Pike and Lebanon Pike on August 23rd. Officers observed the vehicle’s missing rear lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the vehicle, officers could smell marijuana emitting from Mcclain’s vehicle. When asked when the last time he smoked, he informed officers that he had smoked marijuana 45 minutes before driving. Officers asked Mcclain if that was marijuana they were smelling, and he admitted it was, saying “yes.” Officers then searched his vehicle, and while searching, they located a marijuana blunt on the floor of the passenger side. When asked, Mcclain admitted to officers that the blunt they found was the one he had just smoked before driving. Officers then requested Mcclain to perform sobriety tests, and he accepted. However, Mcclain performed poorly, showing numerous indicators of intoxication. Mcclain was then Mirandized again and admitted to officers once more that he had last smoked 45 minutes before driving. Mcclain then admitted that the substance he smoked was the marijuana blunt officers had found in his car. Mcclain was taken into custody for driving under the influence and unlawful possession of a controlled substance.

Robert Bailey punches security guard at Mellow Mushroom for trying to take his drink

36-year-old Robert Bailey was caught after punching a security guard at the Mellow Mushroom on Broadway on August 24th. While officers were on Broadway, they were flagged down by security from Mellow Mushroom. The security guards stated that Bailey had punched one of their guards in the mouth. They claimed the security guard tried to stop Bailey from leaving the Mellow Mushroom with an alcoholic beverage. This caused Bailey to become aggressive, pulling away from the security guard. Bailey’s wife also got involved, pulling the security guard to prevent the victim from getting the drink. When the security guard tried to break free from Bailey’s wife, Bailey punched the victim in the face with his right hand, causing a laceration. Officers were provided video footage of the incident, and Bailey was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Zackary Blackburn booked after underage drinking in Downtown Nashville

20-year-old Zackary Blackburn was seen publicly intoxicated near 2nd Avenue North and Church Street on August 25th. Officers were dispatched for a separate incident, and when they arrived, they spoke with Blackburn. However, while talking with him, officers noticed Blackburn had watery eyes and slurred speech. When asked how old he was, Blackburn admitted to officers that he was only 20. Officers then asked how long Blackburn had been drinking, to which he replied he had only been drinking for about 30 minutes. Blackburn was then deemed intoxicated and taken into custody for public intoxication and alcohol consumption under 21.

Dustin Myers found holding onto pole & unable to walk after drinking at Honky Tonk Central

35-year-old Dustin Myers was seen publicly intoxicated near Honky Tonk Central on Broadway on August 24th. While officers were walking around on Broadway and 4th Avenue, they observed Myers holding onto a pole outside of Honky Tonk Central. Officers then approached Myers and asked if he was all right. Officers also noticed that Myers was having trouble standing on his own and appeared to be intoxicated. Officers then attempted to help Myers find a ride home. They asked if he could call a friend to help him or find him a ride home, but Myers couldn’t do either. Officers deemed Myers to be intoxicated and a danger to himself, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication.