DUI: Richard Bankston tells officers he “had drunk too much to drive”

42-year-old Richard Bankston was caught driving under the influence near a bar on Rivergate Parkway on June 10th. When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Richard Bankston and Jennifer Davis, who stated they had been kicked out of the bar but should not have been. While speaking with the pair, officers noticed their slurred speech, unstable balance, and the smell of alcohol coming from their breath. Officers ran both IDs and noticed Davis had three prior DUIs. Bankston had one prior DUI and a canceled license. When speaking with officers, Davis admitted to having two drinks, and Bankston admitted that he had drunk too much to drive. Davis was also in the process of ordering an Uber and leaving, so officers stayed until the Uber came and watched them both leave.

About a half hour later, officers were patrolling the area when they noticed Bankston and Davis standing in the parking lot again. The officers then observed Bankston walk and clear out the passenger seat of a vehicle before Davis got into the passenger seat. Bankston then entered the driver’s seat and started driving before officers initiated a traffic stop. Officers then asked Bankston to walk to the back of the vehicle to perform sobriety tests, which he accepted, but officers noticed numerous indicators of impairment, and he refused to continue the rest of the test after performing poorly on the first one. Bankston also refused to give a blood sample, and he was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

DUI: Sean Tugnon lets drunk friend drive his car

34-year-old Sean Tugnon was seen attempting to jump into oncoming traffic while intoxicated with John Barchard near I-24 East on June 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed Tugnon and Barchard walking down the highway’s right shoulder and noticed Barchard making a jerking motion as if he were going to jump into the traffic lane. Barchard and Tugnon then walked towards officers, making contact with them. Officers immediately noticed Tugnon’s bloodshot, watery eyes, as well as him being unsteady on his feet, before noticing the apparent smell of alcohol coming from him. Officers then spoke with Tugnon, asking him what was going on, to which he replied that his vehicle had broken down and that they had just started walking around. Tugnon told officers that Barchard was driving his vehicle when the vehicle had broken down. Tugnon was then taken into custody by officers for his safety as officers deemed him too intoxicated to be near the interstate. Tugnon was transported to a safer location to speak with officers. Tugnon stated that Barchard had come up from Florida and that he wanted to show him Nashville. Tugnon also told officers that they had left downtown, and his vehicle had broken down on his way to Shelbyville. Officers located the vehicle’s keys on Barchard and noticed the vehicle was registered to Tugnon. Tugnon was then taken into custody and charged with DUI. Barchard was also taken into custody and charged with DUI, disorderly conduct, and implied consent.

DUI: John Barchard jumps into traffic after taking acid, tells police “I love Jesus!”

25-year-old John Barchard was seen attempting to jump into oncoming traffic while intoxicated near I-24 East on June 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Barchard making a jumping motion as if he was going to jump into oncoming traffic on the interstate. When officers asked what he was doing, he stated, “I love Jesus!” before he was immediately placed in handcuffs. Officers noticed a strong odor of alcohol coming from him before locating two sets of car keys on him. One set of keys was to a vehicle that had broken down near the area. During the investigation, Officers deemed the keys belonged to Sean Tugnon, the vehicle’s owner. Tugnon told officers that Barchard was driving with him from downtown to somewhere else, and the car broke down. Barchard was then questioned by officers and admitted to drinking a lot and also admitted to taking acid. Based on Tugnon telling officers Barchard was driving, the smell of alcohol coming from Barchard, and his admittance to taking drugs and alcohol, Barchard was deemed to be the driver and taken into custody. When officers arrived at the booking with Barchard, he began to tense up to prevent officers from escorting him, asking several times what was going on. After the officers explained what was happening again, he continued to tense up. Barchard admitted to driving and was charged with DUI, disorderly conduct, and implied consent.

Jalen Jewell tries to fight little brother over a girl

21-year-old Jalen Jewell was involved in a domestic altercation with his juvenile brother at an Airways Circle apartment residence on June 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they attempted to speak with Jewell, but he refused. Officers then spoke with their mother, Marquita Jewell, who told officers that Jalen and the juvenile had gotten into a verbal argument that had been going on all day. Marquita also informed the officers that Jalen became furious and started yelling at the juvenile. She decided to call the police after she saw Jalen telling the juvenile to put on his shoes and go outside so they could fight. Marquita told officers that she did not know if they would have fought but stated she separated the two by moving the juvenile into her bedroom until police arrived. Officers then spoke with the juvenile, who claimed the argument started over a girl and that Jalen approached him and told him to put his shoes on so they could go outside and fight, which placed him in fear of injury. After a while, officers then spoke with Jalen, who admitted to making the statement to his brother, telling officers he had the intention to fight with his brother outside the residence. Due to the statements made, officers deemed Jalen to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kristie Love stalks baby daddy’s ex-girlfriend

36-year-old Kristie Love was jailed on June 6th for stalking . Alexis Howard contacted officers at the South Precinct, telling them that Love was actively following her, so she drove to the police precinct for safety. Howard told officers that she knew of Love but did not know her personally. Howard also stated that she used to date and is still friends with the father of Love’s child, Deshon. Alexis also showed footage from May 31st, showing Love outside her apartment and knocking on several of the neighbor’s doors, asking for Howard by name. Howard told officers that Love has no reason to know where she lives or what car she drives but thinks she has been following and spying on Deshon to get information about her.

On June 6th, Howard was leaving her residence for an appointment when she saw Love pulling into her apartment complex, driving a white vehicle speeding up to get behind her. As Howard continued to go to her appointment, she noticed Love still following her. As they stopped at a red light, Love pulled up next to Howard, rolled her window down, and attempted to talk to her. Howard avoided contact with Love but noticed as they kept driving that Love was still tailgating her. Howard called the police and was directed to the precinct, but Love followed her into the front parking lot, which was caught on precinct cameras. Love exited her vehicle and knocked on Howard’s driver’s window but left the scene to avoid contact with officers as they exited the precinct. Howard told officers that she felt her life was in danger and was seeking a stalking warrant. A warrant was issued, and Love was taken into custody for stalking on June 9th.

Cassandra Dula steals $437 worth of children’s clothes at JCPenney

43-year-old Cassandra Jeannette Dula stole merchandise from JCPenney on June 7th. Kenneth Payne, the store’s asset protection manager, observed Dula enter the kids’ department, grab several children’s clothing items, and place them in her large handbag before leaving the store without paying. He added that he followed her while on the phone with the police. When officers arrived, they located Dula at The Honey Baked Ham Company and transported her to JCPenney for prosecution. The value of the stolen merchandise was $437.97. Dula was taken into custody for theft of merchandise.

Lizette Bustamante punches mother in face for kicking her boyfriend out

24-year-old Lizette Bustamante was involved in a domestic incident with her mother, Andrea Restrepo, at a  Lombardia Court residence on June 10th. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke with Restrepo, who told officers that there was a physical altercation that involved her, Restrepo’s husband, Bustamante, and Bustamante’s boyfriend. Restrepo informed officers that she and her husband, Rulon Rodgers, had been trying to kick Bustamante’s boyfriend out of the residence and went to confront him. Bustamante stopped the two, causing a verbal altercation that turned physical when Bustamante punched Restrepo in the face. Officers observed swelling on Restrepo’s face, showing that she was assaulted. Officers then spoke with Bustamante, who corroborated the statements made by Restrepo. Bustamante also admitted to officers that she did punch Restrepo in the face. Officers noticed Bustamante had a ripped shirt, minor cuts, and scratches on her face and knees. Bustamente told officers that the injuries came from her and her boyfriend having a physical altercation with Rodgers. Officers then spoke with Rodgers, who stated that he observed Bustamante punch Restrepo and proceeded to “bear hug” Bustamante to de-escalate the situation. Officers determined Bustamante to be the primary aggressor after her admittance, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 11th.

Raul Hernandez Ayuzo vomits in front of officers outside of Barstool Sports

23-year-old Raul Hernandez Ayuzo was jailed on June 8th after officers were flagged down at Barstool Sports on June 8th. Upon contact with Ayuzo, officers could smell the odor of alcohol emanating from his breath as well as his unsteady balance. Ayuzo was also vomiting on himself and the ground but denied a medical evaluation. Officers deemed Ayuzo to be a danger to himself due to his level of intoxication, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Bruce Rodgers found stumbling around parking lot while drunk

46-year-old Bruce Rodgers was seen publicly intoxicated at a parking lot near Gallatin Pike on June 8th. Officers observed Rodgers stumbling and lying down in the parking lot. A car approached the officers, telling them Rodgers was heavily intoxicated and had passed out twice. Officers then made contact with Rodgers, who admitted to them that he had something to drink. Officers then asked Rodgers where he lived, but he was unable to provide his address. Rodgers also told officers that he had a ride home but was too intoxicated to use his phone. Rodgers had trouble standing when asked, so officers determined he was too intoxicated to care for himself. Rodgers was taken into custody for public intoxication on June 9th.

April Hurd twists husband’s testicles after argument on Broadway

37-year-old April Hurd was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Austin Hurd, At Fraye Hotel on Broadway on June 10th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with April, who stated that she was involved in an altercation with Austin. April claimed that the two had been out drinking when they got into an argument. April says that Austin left her on Broadway, and she returned to their room. Once in the hotel room, she noticed Austin inside and told him to “get the fuck out.” April informed officers that she doesn’t remember much but does remember that Austin put her into a headlock, which caused her earring to penetrate the skin behind her ear.

Austin told officers that he and his wife were out on Broadway drinking and had gotten into an argument. Austin claims that he left Broadway because he did not want to argue with April anymore. When he and April returned to the hotel room, they immediately started arguing. April told him to “get the fuck out of the room.” Austin did not leave the room because he did not have anywhere else to stay. That was when April Grabbed his testicles and squeezed. Austin also says that in self-defense, he pushed her head down so she would release his testicles, causing the injury. Officers also observed injuries to Austin’s arm. Due to April initiating the argument as well as the bruise on Austin, she was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.