DUI: Leah Van Arsdale scores .381% BAC after driving to hospital with her 4-year-old child

42-year-old Leah Van Arsdale was caught driving under the influence after driving to the hospital with her child at TriStar Summit Medical Center on Frist Boulevard on August 16th. Officers were called to a hospital in response to a report of a woman who had driven to the hospital while intoxicated with her four-year-old child in the car. Hospital staff informed the officers that the woman, identified as Arsdale, admitted to driving to the hospital with her child. Arsdale had her blood drawn, resulting in a BAC level of .381%. When officers arrived, they reviewed security footage, which showed Arsdale parking her vehicle, exiting, and taking her child out of the vehicle before entering the emergency room. The officers later found Arsdale’s vehicle with an open 16oz beer can on the passenger side floorboard visible through the window. Officers then checked Arsdale’s information and found that she had a valid driver’s license. However, Arsdale’s license has a condition that requires that the vehicle be equipped with an interlock device, which was not present. When the officers attempted to speak with Arsdale, she was uncooperative. She displayed slurred speech and had the smell of alcohol on her breath. As a result, Arsdale was taken into custody for DUI third offense with a child, open container violation, child neglect, and conditional license violation on August 18th.

Carlos Nataren assaults man after drunkenly attempting to rob him, tells him “I just need someone to talk to”

21-year-old Carlos Nataren was seen publicly intoxicated and assaulting Ivan Almaraz at Motel 6 on Cartwright Street on August 18th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Almaraz, who stated that Nataren assaulted and threatened to kill him. When officers approached Nataren, he was holding a bottle of alcohol, behaving belligerently, and yelling. As a result, he was detained. After that, the officers tried to talk to Nataren, but he was too intoxicated to answer any questions. They then spoke with Almaraz, who explained that while he was with his girlfriend, Paulina Ortega, and her mother, Maria Belmont. He explained that their room was dirty when trying to check in and decided to switch to a different room. As Almaraz was standing on the second-floor walkway, Nataren allegedly approached him with a bottle of liquor and asked him to take shots. Almaraz informed officers, that he was uncomfortable and attempted to walk away. Despite this, Nataren grabbed Almaraz around the neck from behind and said, “Give me everything you got, or I will cut your head off.”

Almaraz stated that he then opened his wallet, and Nataren snatched the $16 he had out of his wallet. Almaraz advised that Nataren said to him, “That ain’t enough,” and handed the cash back to him. Nataren then stated, “We are the same race. I just need someone to talk to.” Officers then spoke with a bystander and witness, Michael Wanner, who stated that when he was walking around the corner, he saw Nataren and Almaraz. Wanner claimed that Nataren looked at him, grabbed Almaraz around the neck again, and said, “Do you have a gun? I am going to kill this guy.” Wanner then left the area to call the police. Almaraz then informed officers that this is when Nataren let him go and started punching him in the face and chest. As Nataren assaulted him, Almaraz was able to get free and told Belmont to call the police before separating himself from Nataren until the police arrived. Nataren was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for assault, robbery, and public intoxication.

Eric Brumett jumps on wife & assaults her during argument at Homes2 Suites hotel

35-year-old Eric Brumett was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Ashley Brumett,  while at the Homes2 Suites by Hilton Hotel on August 17th. Officers were called about Eric choking Ashley, and When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Eric. Eric informed officers they were there for him since he could not get into his room. When questioned further, Eric continued to say, “They just won’t let me into the room.” Officers then went upstairs to speak with Ashley and her mother, Cheryl, who witnessed the incident. Cheryl informed officers that Eric has a history of getting angry when he drinks. Cheryl claimed that Eric left the room after an argument but came back to bang on the door obnoxiously and aggressively. Cheryl told officers that after they let Eric in, he became verbally and physically aggressive. Cheryl advised that Eric jumped on the bed and destroyed pieces of furniture in the hotel before jumping on top of Ashley and assaulting her. While on the scene, Cheryl also stated she could not specify what physical altercation occurred despite admitting that she was the one who called 911. Officers then spoke to Ashley, who stated that there was an argument that resulted in Eric grabbing her shirt by the collar, which caused it to rip. Officers noticed that Ashley had red marks on both sides of her neck that were consistent with being strangled. Officers also noticed scratch marks on Eric’s chest that were consistent with someone smaller fighting to get him off. Eric was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault on August 18th.

DUI: Kamanzi Emmanuel drinks Modelo beer before swerving between lanes & crashing #ModeloTime

36-year-old Kamanzi Emmanuel was caught driving under the influence after a vehicle wreck on August 18th. When officers arrived on the scene of the wreck, they discovered that Emmanuel did not have a driver’s license. The other parties also informed officers that Emmanuel was swerving into oncoming lanes, which caused the crash. While looking around the scene, officers noticed an open Modelo beer bottle in the center console of the vehicle Emmanuel was driving. Officers then spoke with Emmanuel, who stated that the other vehicles were the ones crossing into his lane. When asked, he said the Modelo alcohol was from the night before. While officers spoke with Emmanuel, they noticed he was unable to maintain his balance, had watery eyes, and had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. When asked to perform sobriety tests, he agreed. However, he was unable to follow directions and performed poorly on the other tests. Due to the smell of alcohol and the performance of sobriety tests, officers determined Emmanuel to be intoxicated. Emmanuel was then taken into custody for driving under the influence, having no driver’s license, and refusing implied consent.

DUI: Shane Graham crashes into traffic barrier after having 3 mixed drinks at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa

26-year-old Shane Graham was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a single-vehicle accident against a traffic barrier near Mile Marker 43 on I-24 West on August 17th. When officers arrived on the scene, they found Graham in the back passenger seat of the vehicle and another occupant in the vehicle’s passenger seat. When officers asked who was driving, Graham admitted that he was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. While Officers spoke with Graham, they noticed he had dilated pupils, watery red eyes, and was swaying while sitting inside the vehicle. Graham was then asked to step out of the vehicle, and when asked what happened, he claimed that he fell asleep while driving back to Clarksville. Graham also admitted to officers that he was coming from Broadway and only consumed two drinks four hours before driving. Officers then asked Graham to perform sobriety tests, to which he agreed. However, Graham performed poorly and showed numerous signs of impairment during the tests. Graham also consented to a breathalyzer and his results yielded 0.178% BAC. While under Miranda, he admitted to drinking three mixed drinks from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. Graham also admitted to officers that he was coming from Broadway and only consumed two drinks four hours before driving. Officers then asked Graham to perform sobriety tests, to which he agreed. However, Graham performed poorly and showed numerous signs of impairment during the tests. Graham also consented to a breathalyzer and his results yielded 0.178% BAC. While under Miranda, he admitted to drinking three mixed drinks from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. Graham was deemed intoxicated and taken into custody for DUI.

Marshall Bennett jumps on tow truck, spits on nurse after driving without license

43-year-old Marshall Bennett was caught driving with his license revoked while traveling the wrong way down a one-way on 20th Avenue South on August 14th. Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and identified Bennett as the driver. They discovered that Bennett was driving with a revoked license. Bennett requested that his car be relocated, so officers called a towing company. When West Nashville Towing company arrived, Bennett became disorderly. Bennett then jumped onto the tow truck to prevent his vehicle from being towed. Officers instructed Bennett to get off the tow truck. Despite this, he repeated the action when the towing company attempted to tow his vehicle again. He also requested to speak with a supervisor. Bennett refused to get off the tow truck when the officer’s supervisor arrived. Officers then removed him from the truck and detained him. As officers tried to detain Bennett, he resisted during the placement of handcuffs and the search. Bennett was later charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and driving with a revoked license.

A few hours later, on August 15th, at Nashville General Hospital on Albion Street, Bennett was seen assaulting a nurse by spitting in her face while in custody. When more officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Bobby Thames. She informed police that Bennett had turned his head and spit on her while she was trying to insert his IV. Officers then spoke with witnesses who confirmed Thames’s statement. Bennett was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, driving on revoked license, and two counts of assault on a nurse on August 18th.

Abigail West bites nurse while being restrained at TriStar Skyline Medical Center

39-year-old Abigail West was caught after biting Hailey Holst, a nurse, while at TriStar Skyline Medical Center on Dickerson Pike on June 14th. On June 17th, Nurse Holst reported that on June 14th, a patient named Abigail West bit her several times on her hand while she was performing her duties at the hospital. The incident took place in room 229 while Holst was trying to put West in restraints. West was subsequently detained and issued a citation for the assault on the nurse. West was later booked and charged with assaulting a nurse on August 14th.

Demontea Mayberry caught with MDMA & marijuana during traffic stop

20-year-old Demontea Mayberry was caught with marijuana and vapes while under age on July 21st. Officers observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on I-65 North and exiting on Old Hickory Boulevard. Officers then initiated a traffic stop on the car. When officers contacted Mayberry, he stated he was 20 years old as he smoked a vape. Officers observed other nicotine products in the vehicle and proceeded to conduct a search of the car. During the search, officers found a purple bag that contained marijuana as well as blue pills that were consistent with MDMA. Officers confiscated the narcotics and spoke with Mayberry. He admitted to police that he knew the marijuana was inside the vehicle. Mayberry also stated that he would take responsibility for the other bag inside the car. Mayberry was then issued a citation for the incident that day. Mayberry was later booked on the citation for nicotine possession under 21 and charged with two counts of drug possession on August 14th.

Cory Jones punches ex-girlfriend in face for breaking up with him

35-year-old Cory Jones was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Leteia Claybrooks, while at her Heiman Street residence on August 13th. Claybrooks reported that on that day, she stepped outside due to noise in the home and wanted to make a phone call. Jones came outside, got upset, and confronted Claybrooks, thinking she was up to something. Claybrooks showed him that she was talking to her grandmother, leading Jones to back off and go to his car. After the phone call, Claybrooks told Jones that she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him, which upset him. Allegedly, Jones then approached Claybrooks and punched her in the side of her face. Claybrooks claims she lost her balance and fell but maintains that while she was on the ground, Jones stepped on her to get into the car and then drove away from the scene. Claybrooks informed officers that she never lost consciousness but had pain and was seeking a warrant. A warrant was issued, and Jones was later taken into custody for domestic assault on August 17th.

Mahmoud Hammad assaults brother during altercation at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

37-year-old Mahmoud Hammad was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother, Tareq Hammad, at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 18th. There was a fight inside the bar, and when officers arrived, they spoke with Mahmoud. While speaking with Mahmoud, he put his hands on his brother Tareq and pushed him, almost knocking him down. Based on the physical assault, Mahmoud was then taken into custody for domestic assault.