Jexon Guardado Lara jailed for having sexual relationship with 13-year-old girl

22-year-old Jexon Guardado Lara was caught after being in a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl while at an Orchard Park Apartment on Sealey Drive on August 13th. Officers were dispatched to the residence regarding a relationship between an adult man and a juvenile. When they arrived, they spoke with the juvenile. During an interview, the juvenile claimed that she had numerous sexual encounters with Lara inside her residence as well as his apartment. She claimed that Lara knew her age throughout their entire relationship, and they engaged in “consensual” sexual activities on August 9th, August 12th, and the morning of August 13th at her residence. She also informed officers that afterward, Lara would take her to school. Officers then spoke with Lara, who admitted to officers that they had consensual sex at the residence on that same day in the morning, August 12th, and once during the week prior but did not know the specific day. Lara was then taken into custody for three counts of statutory rape.

Jaiwon Beasley attacks multiple people with knife during altercation over his pants

20-year-old Jaiwon Beasley was caught after assaulting Dominyk Celeone and Julianna Hobbs on August 13th. Officers were dispatched for an assault, and when they arrived, they spoke with Dominyk Celeone, Julianna Hobbs, and another unnamed witness to the crime. They informed officers that the witness was friends with Beasley and had agreed to let him stay at the apartment for a short time. Beasley, however, was only there for a day and began getting aggressive with the others. When the unnamed witness arrived home at the apartment, he accidentally grabbed Beasley’s pants, which angered him. Beasley allegedly began yelling and escalated the situation, saying that he was going to kill them all. This was when Julianna Hobbs told Beasley that he needed to leave. In response to hearing this, Beasley began punching her in the face. Hobbs then attempted to defend herself while Beasley punched her in the face and shoulder, which led to Beasley’s shirt being ripped. After this, Celeone tried to get Beasley off of Hobbs, which led to them fighting.

Celeone was also aware of a knife being on the bed, so he tried to keep it hidden while he blocked punches from Beasley. Celeone informed officers that his arms began to hurt from blocking punches, so he lowered them. After doing this, Celeone claimed that Beasley landed a punch on his face and his ribs. This caused Celeone to feel out of breath for a second, prompting Beasley to begin going for the knife. Celeone then attempted to block the knife with his leg. Despite this, Beasley grabbed the knife and opened it before swinging it at Celeone. Celeone tried to grab the knife; however, the knife grazed his stomach, which left an injury.

Celeone then grabbed the knife away from Beasley and claimed that he kicked Beasley off of him. After this, Celeone hid the knife on the couch. However, when officers spoke with Hobbs, she claimed that she saw Beasley grab the knife before leaving the apartment. Hobbs also said that she saw Beasley swing the knife towards Celeone. Hobbs informed officers that she also noticed that her three medications were missing and believed that Beasley had taken them. When officers searched Beasley’s property, they found the medications in his belongings. Due to the injuries sustained and statements made, Beasley was deemed the primary aggressor, and a warrant was issued. Beasley was later found on the following day and was taken into custody for assault, theft of property, possession without prescription, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on August 14th.

Robnique Goodner jailed for involvement in assault of minor

20-year-old Robnique Goodner was apprehended for assaulting a juvenile on March 20th. The police were called after a juvenile was attacked by multiple individuals. The juvenile told the officers that they knew one of the assailants personally but were uncertain about the identities of the others. After further investigation, the juvenile’s mother informed the police about the identities of the other two suspects. The officers obtained camera footage and photographs of the incident, identifying Goodner as one of the individuals involved in the assault. Both the victim and their mother confirmed Goodner’s involvement in the assault. A warrant was issued, and Goodner was later arrested for assault on August 13th.

Christen Strub steals $114 worth of merchandise from Walmart

41-year-old Christen Strub was caught after shoplifting from Walmart on Lebanon Pike on July 5th. On that day, officers responded to a shoplifting call at Walmart. When officers arrived, they spoke with Walmart security, who claimed they witnessed Strub concealing merchandise. Security informed officers that Strub passed all points of sale without paying for anything. Security then detained her until officers arrived. The stolen merchandise was valued at $114. Officers then cited Strub for theft that day. Strub was later booked on the citation for theft on August 7th.

Pure Simpson caught with marijuana after crashing her car on Dickerson Pike

20-year-old Pure Simpson was caught with marijuana after getting into a motor accident on Dickerson Pike on July 14th. When the officers arrived, they noticed Simpson sitting outside her vehicle on the ground. When asked, Simpson admitted to being the vehicle’s driver and acknowledged that it was registered to her. While at the scene, officers also observed a red pipe and a bag of a leafy green substance, consistent with marijuana, on the floorboard in her car. Simpson informed the officer that both items belonged to her. Simpson was cited for the incident that day. Simpson was later booked on August 7th for unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and drug possession based on the citation.

Dreyden Cruz weaves between cars on motorcycle while speeding down Briley Parkway at 137 mph

19-year-old Dreyden Cruz was caught after driving recklessly and drag racing while at Metro Park near Two Rivers Parkway on August 10th. That day, officers were alerted to a motorcycle rally at Metro Park. They received multiple calls reporting that several motorcycles were speeding in the area. While traveling south on Briley Parkway, officers observed Cruz speeding. The information was relayed to a police helicopter as Cruz headed towards I-40 West. The vehicle’s speed was measured at 137 mph, and Cruz was seen weaving in and out of heavy traffic. Cruz traveled through Briley Parkway, I-40, up to I-24, and then around I-65, back to Briley Parkway. The police helicopter observed Cruz pull into a parking lot at Two Rivers Parkway and remove his helmet. Officers in the helicopter then gave his description to officers on the ground, who promptly detained him.

Cruz was taken into custody and admitted to officers that he was trying to catch up to a friend who had left earlier. Officers noted that Cruz’s motorcycle had an improperly mounted and altered license plate. Officers then discovered the vehicle’s VIN showed it to be registered to a different tag number. Cruz confessed to placing a fake tag on the motorcycle to deter theft. Officers also ran Cruz’s driver’s license, showing he had no Motorcycle endorsement. As a result, Cruz was charged with altering his registration, misuse of registration, drag racing, wrong driver’s license type for a vehicle, and reckless endangerment.

Detorious Davis breaks ex-girlfriend’s Super 8 hotel room window during altercation

29-year-old Detorious Davis was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend at a Super 8 hotel on Bell Road on April 4th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the victim. She claimed that she had been staying in a room at the Super 8 hotel, and when she was asleep in her hotel, she heard Davis banging on the door to her room. The victim claimed that when she opened the door to ask what he wanted, he pushed her out of the doorway and told her to move. The victim alleged that once he was inside the room, he asked who else was with her while looking around the room on his own. This is when the victim told him it was time to leave, to which he told her to make him leave. Davis then allegedly picked up a lamp that was in the room and started to come towards the victim with it. In reaction, the victim ran towards the bathroom and locked the door. While in the bathroom, Davis allegedly kept knocking and banging on the door until the victim said she was calling the police, which she did. Davis then fled the scene but still had the lamp in his possession. The victim then walked out of the room to see if Davis had left, but he was still outside the room with the lamp. The victim then went back into the room and shut the door. In response, Davis took the lamp and swung it against the window, shattering it. Officers also observed footage of the incident showing Davis breaking the window of a hotel room valued at $1,450. Officers also observed broken glass in the room and all over the ground. A warrant was issued, and Davis was later taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault and a count of vandalism on August 11th.

Isaiah Grayson threatens mother with knives during argument, tells her “I’m about to do something stupid”

18-year-old Isaiah Grayson was involved in a domestic altercation with his mother, Katrina Grayson, at their Hillshire Drive residence on August 9th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Katrina, who stated that she and her son had argued over money that Isaiah believed she owed him. During the argument, Katrina claims that Isaiah had grabbed two kitchen knives, which put her in fear for her life. Officers then spoke with Isaiah, who admitted that while he had the knives, he told Katrina, “I’m about to do something stupid.” Due to the statements made by both parties, Isaiah was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for aggravated assault.

DUI: Aidan Hamilton spins out into ditch after 4 shots of vodka, tells police she was avoiding groundhog

21-year-old Aidan Hamilton was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a single-vehicle car accident while on River Valley Drive and Newsom Station Road on August 11th. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed a vehicle crashed in the right ditch of Newsom Station Road. The car appeared to have left the roadway, spun out, hit a utility pole, and ended up in the ditch. Hamilton, the driver of the vehicle, had a cut to the back of her head and was checked by an on-scene medic. However, she refused to be transported to the hospital. Officers then spoke with Hamilton, who stated that she was driving from a friend’s house when she encountered a groundhog in the middle of the road. She claimed to have swerved to avoid the groundhog and crashed into the ditch.

Officers also spoke with one of the medics, who informed them that Hamilton had a smell of alcohol coming from her breath. Hamilton was then asked to perform sobriety tests, which she accepted. Hamilton was then transported to a nearby gas station on McCrory Lane to perform the tests. Hamilton performed poorly on all tests given, and when performing the tests, officers could smell the odor of alcohol coming from her breath. Officers deemed Hamilton to be intoxicated due to the accident, the smell of alcohol, and the performance of sobriety tests, so she was then detained. Under Miranda, Hamilton admitted to officers that she had four shots of vodka around 10 p.m. on the previous day, which was 7-8 hours before her accident. Hamilton was then taken into custody for DUI.

Thomas Walks knocks woman out, causing her to fall into Cumberland River during argument

37-year-old Thomas Walks was involved in a domestic altercation with Jorell Wilson while on Anthes Drive on August 8th. Officers were dispatched to a Homeless shelter on Drexel Street regarding a domestic disturbance. When they arrived, they made contact with Wilson, who stated that she had gone to Anthes Drive to bring Walks food. However, Wilson claimed they had argued about Walks being paranoid about her making police reports or telling officers about past incidents. Wilson claimed that during the argument, Walks began punching her repeatedly before she had blacked out. Wilson also told officers that when she blacked out, she was unsure if Walks was using a rock or just his hands. Wilson told officers she then fell down the nearby embankment into the Cumberland River. Wilson swam ashore and found a safe place to call officers. Officers noticed a large laceration on her forehead, and a warrant was later issued due to Walks not being on the scene when officers arrived. Walks was found the following day, August 9th, and taken into custody for aggravated assault.