Jacob Riley flips kitchen table, comes at boyfriend with dining room chair

Michael Mills says he came home to find his 27-year-old boyfriend, Jacob Riley, heavily intoxicated and the home in disarray. The dining room table had been flipped over, and the living room furniture had been thrown around the room. Riley reportedly then spit in his lover’s face and attempted to attack him with a dining room chair. Officers arrived to find the above, plus dining room chairs thrown about, and Riley among the furniture in the living room.

Nashville Lifestyle Blogger (& DCS Worker) Brianna Soares charged in TWO assaults of her boyfriend after nights out drinking

27-year-old Brianna Soares, better known as ‘Breezzzzyy’ to her thousands of travel & lifestyle followers, and as Family Service Worker Soares to her co-workers at the Department of Children’s Services, was jailed Saturday on a new assault warrant, and an outstanding felony assault warrant, both documenting attacks on her boyfriend, Justin Bennett, leaving him bleeding and injured. In the first assault, she fled before police arrived, leaving her boyfriend bleeding with multiple cuts, bruises, and injuries from strangling him, striking him, and scratching him. Police issued a felony warrant at that time, which she was served with late Saturday when she is once again accused of attempting to grab his neck and assaulting him, both incidents occurred after nights out at local bars.

Soares moved from California to Tennessee during the pandemic, where she now works for the Department of Children’s Services. She recently wrote about her experience on MagnificentWorld. Shortly after we reached out to her for comment on this story pre-publication, she disabled most of her social media platforms and explained stated she would simply have her lawyer make us remove this reporting. We have received no such request at the time of publication.