Aaron Stevens punches brother-in-law in face during argument over air fryer

44-year-old Aaron James Stevens was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother-in-law, Daniel Decuf, while at a Hyve Condominium Airbnb on 7th Avenue Street on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Decuf, who claimed that he was struck in the face by Stevens, who is his wife’s sister’s husband. Decuf informed officers that Stevens had struck him after an argument they had over an air fryer at their Airbnb. While officers were on the scene, they noticed a small cut on Decuf’s lip. When asked about the injury, he admitted that the injury came from being struck by Stevens. Officers then spoke with Matthew Damsen, a witness, who stated that he observed Stevens punching Decuf in the face, which caused him to fall to the ground. Officers then spoke with Stevens, who informed officers that Decuf was the one who started the altercation as he approached him aggressively. Both parties were intoxicated during the incident. Stevens was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 22nd.