Alexis Trobaugh passes out on John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge after consuming drugs

19-year-old Alexis Trobaugh was found publicly intoxicated, having passed out on the sidewalk of the John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge on July 21st. Officers discovered Trobaugh unconscious on the sidewalk and attempted to wake her up numerous times to check her welfare, but she became visibly agitated upon awakening. Trobaugh sat up and spoke, despite this, her eyes were still closed. Trobaugh displayed exaggerated movements and reflexes. During interaction with officers, she appeared restless, excited, and irritable before she eventually admitted to her drug use. As the situation escalated, Trobaugh became irate, exhibiting erratic behavior such as flailing her body around and yelling. Concerned for her safety, given her level of intoxication and the environment, officers deemed she was too intoxicated and took her into custody for public intoxication.