Tina Silinsky gets off stretcher & walks away after passing out in front of apartment complex

41-year-old Tina Silinsky passed out in front of the 2nd Avenue North apartment complex in the evening hours of August 31st. Officers were dispatched to assist medics with Silinsky. When the police arrived, Silinsky was sitting on the stretcher, refusing to go to the hospital. She was visibly intoxicated and had no phone or anyone to call to pick her up. Before officers arrived, the medics attempted to find Silinsky a ride home but could not. When officers asked her where she was staying, she gave them a Knoxville address. Initially, she agreed to leave with the medics. However, when they started loading her into the ambulance, she got off the stretcher and started walking away. Silinsky was deemed unable to care for herself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Ivan Martinez attempts to open patrol car, tells police he had “too much” to drink

23-year-old Ivan Martinez tried opening a marked patrol vehicle on Representative John Lewis Way South late August 29th. While officers were investigating a separate incident at a nearby establishment, they observed Martinez approach the car. Then, after Martinez attempted to open the rear passenger door, the police spoke with him. Officers noted that Martinez reeked of alcohol and asked him how much he had to drink. Martinez told officers he had drunk “Too much” before stating he was himself trying to walk home. However, he could not tell them where he would stay for the night and only provided them with his Illinois home address. Martinez was deemed unable to care for himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication on August 30th.