Maya Gray punches & bites boyfriend during movie at AMC Theater after he tells her to be quiet

28-year-old Maya Gray was involved in a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Antonio Price, at the AMC Theater on Bell Road on September 7th. Officers were later dispatched to Price’s apartment on Old Franklin Road concerning a domestic disturbance. Price told officers that while he and Gray were at a movie, she kept talking, so he told her to be quiet. According to Price, after he told Gray this, she started to punch and bite him on his shoulder. While speaking with Price, officers observed redness and a bite mark on his right shoulder. When officers spoke with Gray, she admitted that she was talking during the movie and that Price had told her to be quiet. Gray told officers that she was playfully slapping Price on his arm. Officers reported that, based on circumstance, Gray was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on September 8th.