Austin Farrar beats fiancé with broomstick after he doesn’t call her

21-year-old Austin Farrar was caught after having a domestic incident with her fiancé, Christian Tyler, at their Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard residence on May 8th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Tyler, who stated that he and his fiancé had argued. Tyler noted the argument occurred because their power was turned off at their residence because he didn’t pay the bill. Tyler also informed officers that he received several messages from Farrar stating that she would severely hurt Tyler when he came home that night. Officers then noticed Tyler’s bruises and lacerations along his arm and head. Tyler stated that on May 6th, two days prior, he had returned home, and he and Farrar started arguing because he did not call Farrar when he said he would earlier. Tyler told officers that during the argument, Farrar struck him in the head with a broomstick, causing his injuries. Tyler stated after she hit him with the broomstick, Farrar struck him again with a chair in the arms and began choking him with both hands around his neck. Farrar was taken into custody on May 8th and was charged with harassment, domestic assault, and aggravated assault.