Sade Griffin throws water bottle at boyfriend, during altercation about him moving out

35-year-old Sade Griffin had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Brandon Humphrey, at their Dellway Villa Road home on the night of May 17th. Humphrey told responding officers that when Griffin returned to the residence after being “out all day,” Griffin randomly “snapped” at him, telling him he needed to move out. He said she threw multiple items at him, including an aluminum water bottle, leaving a small cut on the left side of his face near his ear. Then, Humphrey said Griffin called an unknown friend over, who arrived, telling him to leave before pointing a gun in his face and fleeing. When officers spoke with Griffin, she corroborated that she was trying to get Humphrey to move out and threw a water bottle, but not in his direction. Then, she admitted having a friend come over to tell him to leave. However, Griffin said her friend never aimed a gun at Humphrey. Griffin was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.