DUI: Brandon Swann crashes car after drinking at Morgan Wallen concert

27-year-old Brandon Swann was involved in a car accident at Exit 5 on I-440 West on May 5th. Officers arrived and contacted Swann, who seemed confused about how the crash happened. Swann also needed help understanding questions from officers and had to have them repeated to him. While speaking to Swann, officers noticed the smell of an alcoholic beverage as well as other indicators of intoxication. Officers asked Swann if he had been drinking, and he replied that he had had a beer at the Morgan Wallen Concert. This prompted officers to request that Swann perform field sobriety tests. Swann consented to the sobriety tests but performed them poorly. Swann was taken into custody and read his Miranda Rights. Swann recanted his statement and said he had two beers at the Morgan Wallen Concert. Officers read Swann implied consent, to which he agreed to provide a breath sample. The breath sample came back as a .155% BAC. Brandon Swann was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.