Brandy Paull blacks out behind Knights Inn after snorting heroin

42-year-old Brandy Paull was seen publicly intoxicated behind Knights Inn on Bell Road on July 14th. Officers received a report of an unconscious woman behind a nearby motel who was not breathing. When officers arrived on the scene, they located Paull, who was lying unconscious in the parking lot. Paull was then given two doses of Narcan before she woke up. Upon waking up, paramedics told Paull that she almost died and suggested she be taken to a hospital in case the Narcan wore off. However, Paull refused any medical assistance and told officers that she had snorted heroin before blacking out. When officers found Paull, she had no shoes, phone, wallet, or identification. Officers deemed Paull to be a danger to herself, so she was then taken into custody for public intoxication on July 15th.