DUI: Brenda Thomas scores .148% BAC after speeding down Murfreesboro Pike

24-year-old Brenda Thomas was seen speeding on Murfreesboro Pike on July 12th. Thomas was observed driving 71mph in a 45mph zone. After officers activated their emergency lights, Thomas was seen cutting off two other vehicles and then swerving out of her lane. When officers made contact with her, she was having trouble focusing on simple instructions and exhibiting other signs of intoxication. Thomas consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Thomas was taken into custody and read implied consent. Thomas performed a breath test, which yielded a .148% BAC. Officers read Thomas her Miranda Rights, and she stated that she didn’t want to speak to the police. Shortly after, Thomas admitted that she had drunk wine before she was pulled over. Thomas was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence.